My Home Is Wherever I Go
This world is not complete without those daring people willing to do the impossible. If you want to change something, go do it. I dare …
you know
"Having yielded up his lusts, his errors, his opinions and prejudices, he has entered into possession of the knowledge of God, having slain the selfish …
Married, with wife and a daughter. Tribal study, nature and environment, livelihood security of tribal are the preferred area of activity.
One-third of what I say is nonsense, but when you talk, I listen. What's a vice worth if you don't nourish it?
F/Kentucky USA
World traveler, lived abroad as a military brat. Crime survivor . Kitsch & whimsy lover,unrepentant foodie ,cook and baker.Finally settled down in small town USA …
On Oblivions Doorstep
I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the …