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Oct 2020 · 322
I am a son,
Like the sun
Wired to bring illumination
To this nation.

To many lives I give light,
Challenging folks to live right
Inspiring them in this life to make hay
In other to have a say.

I am gifted
Not born to be limited.
I trump limits
And climb to success summits.

You are wired for greatness
Break out from shallowness
For you have what it takes
To kick out the fakes
And be among the greats.

Life is colorful
When we do things powerful;
Let us arise and grow
To make our dreams reality and glow.

© Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha is a transformational leader and writer who uses his time, talent and treasure to uproot vices and root values in the society.
You are greater than you think.
Oct 2020 · 683
The Situation of our Nation
The country is in  limbo
While the rulers stand with hands akimbo
And many citizens are confused like bingo.

There's need for we citizens to make hay
Now it's day
So we can have a say
And live not in dismay.

Today, in our nation
It seems corruption
Is now the option.

We must take an action
To stop this stagnation
From messing up our civilization.

Can someone lead us in a direction
that can get our nation
Out of this cloudy confusion?

From my observation
Many are in frustration
And have taken the situation
As their final conclusion.

I make a confession
That I see a counter motion
That will shatter the ugly configuration
And lead us into positive progression
In this nation

Can you do same visualization
And make positive confession
So that with inspiration, aspiration and perspiration
We redeem the image and glory of this nation?

© Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Nigeria can only be better if Nigerians are serious about it.

— The End —