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May 2016 · 474
You and I
Frosted Flowers May 2016
I've always been a dreamer
Take a walk with me
I'll show you what it's like
To see colours so vivid, it attacks your senses
To picture stories that can entertain for hours
To make the world a canvas of your mind

You're down to earth.
Take me on a walk
I want to see the world through your eyes
You see the world as it is
Yet you find the beauty in it

Teach me your secrets and I'll teach you mine
Feb 2016 · 457
Dear Stranger
Frosted Flowers Feb 2016
In a sea of unfamiliarity
Your face was one
that caught my eye

NOT in a sense you'd think

I felt as if I already knew you
Like reaching out to
my mirrored self
An invisible force pulling me
towards you
Overwhelmingly irresistible

I want to know you
Every. Little. Detail
Every. Insignificant. Happening
Everything that encompasses
The individual
that is you

Whenever you're near
I sense your presence
The calling of a soul
to another

There's something about you
that's just so
Jan 2016 · 837
A Love Song
Frosted Flowers Jan 2016
Opening slowly in soft whispers
Blooming with crescendos and riffs
Reaching a passionate frenzy
**Till death stills all
Oct 2015 · 749
Christmas Morning
Frosted Flowers Oct 2015
There are those days
When you just wander around aimlessly
Shrouded in hazy daydreams
letting your feet take you places
It is on such journeys
that you end up there

The path so familiar
calling to your inner desires
Against my better judgement
there I was

My dark paradise
Where I was the happiest
Where I endured pain
and suffered loss
like I have never done

Admitted into the heart of it all
Now looking in
as an outsider

She was beautiful
He clearly thought so too
as his fingers traced the contours of her face
Looking at her with so much
love and adoration

even more than he ever did
with me

I stood there
A ****** of another's love
I should have left
But the pain
was better than **numbness
Aug 2015 · 2.1k
A freshwater pearl
Frosted Flowers Aug 2015
She was a beautiful girl
radiant and bright
A freshwater pearl
glowing with inner light

The world tried to beat her down
Submit to the gloom and despair
in jealousy and hatred she drowned

Her glow masked by the water
murky and dark
She fought hard against the saltwater

I saw her dying
slow and tortuous
And sent a knife flying
in mercy

I buried her in a coffin
filled with roses, tulips, lilies and
other flowers whose names
I have long forgotten

I placed her coffin in my heart
the only warmth left in my body
With every beat
my heart aches

I think of the girl
who was too good for the world
Aug 2014 · 14.6k
Accidents and Mistakes
Frosted Flowers Aug 2014
Another mistake
Another mishap
Adds up to the wrongdoings of humans
The number keeps increasing

Humanity tried hard to be perfect
Unable to accept that we are but flawed creatures

Truth be told
Accidents and mistakes help us progress
For the greatest inventions were creations of accidents
And mistakes the secret of knowledge
This is a rather weird one
May 2014 · 1.6k
True courage
Frosted Flowers May 2014
I am a coward
I dare not confess my heart
For fear of rejection
I don't wish to spoil the friendship we have

Declaring love
is more courageous than facing a hungry lion
I long to tell you so bad
Yet fear is holding me back
I hope someday, I can find my courage
Before, it is too late
May 2014 · 667
My drug
Frosted Flowers May 2014
I always grew up telling  myself
Never take drugs
For addiction is inevitable

Now I discovered a new drug
So addictive that I can't help but rely on it
I need my daily fix
Just like a regular ******

However, we are occupied with our life
To take time aside to spend together
I feel the withdrawal symptoms
The intensity nearly killing me
But I never regretted taking love in the first place
Withdrawal is so hard
May 2014 · 508
Needs and Wants
Frosted Flowers May 2014
I didn't know the difference between need and want
To me they were so similar
Like pink and red
What I wanted, I needed
It was only recently that I realised what need truly is
I can function and live without what I want
Like that new cute dress I so wanted

However without what I need
I feel life is pointless
I need you right now baby
Right here next to me
I miss you
You were the missing piece to my broken soul
I need you so bad baby
For I love you
I never felt need and want was that different, but now I know that love is a need and I need you so bad because I truly love you. However, like my previous poem titled love, you are so far away dear...
May 2014 · 489
Frosted Flowers May 2014
I am falling in love
Even for someone as socially clueless as me
I can see the evident signs
Yet fate be so tragic
For we are separated by the oceans
So far, miles apart
I barely know what you look like
I don't think I care anymore

I finally met someone just like me
Its like we are telepathic
We feel the same about this world
Oh how I wish I lived near you

I love the way you think
I love the way you message me
I know it sounds rather peculiar
I too never thought it was possible to fall in the virtual cyberspace
Till I met you
Dark smile just don't comment here sms me instead kay?
May 2014 · 394
Mixed up
Frosted Flowers May 2014
I have never felt this way before
Two polar opposites
Depression and happiness
Its usually dark gloomy depression
Or sunny bright happiness
I was always used to such extremes
But for the first time have I ever felt both at the same time
The intensity dragging me down
I am so confused
Feb 2014 · 10.9k
Frosted Flowers Feb 2014
Without you is like life without joy
Without you I know not true sweetness
Without you I am but a bitter misery
You who I made from scratch
And baked lovingly in a batch
Your delectable aroma etched in my memory
Your soft sponge so very airy
You are my sinful indulgence
Truly you are a decadence
My brother had to write a poem about cupcakes for his school's cupcake festival. He asked me for help so I wrote a random one as an example.
Dec 2013 · 988
Frosted Flowers Dec 2013
I can't sleep at night
I am such a sorry plight
You stole away my heart
And you soon had to depart
My will to live crumbled apart
My soul you understood by heart

The fates three must have been jealous
For your acquisition they were rather zealous
Fairytale endings are but lies
In reality they never do come by
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Frosted Flowers Dec 2013
The leather caresses my back
You are my luscious snack
That which I lust after
Yet quite hate it thereafter
You remind me of my weakness
And teach me to forgo my meekness
The scars on my back never fade
Just like my other friend the blade
Dec 2013 · 530
Frosted Flowers Dec 2013
I see my best friend lying by the side
The liquid of life a little crusted and dried
The shiny gleam of it underneath the pain it buries
The shiny silver now a deep shade of berry
I'm never alone when I am with you
And I can never leave you
You always come through unlike others
You always work wonders
I will always love you
My precious taboo
Dec 2013 · 805
Frosted Flowers Dec 2013
I don't derserve any form of indulgence
Rather I have much to penance
I can't yearn and long for that which I'm not worthy
My life's goals all set in stone yet so very blurry
Even death is not a luxury I can want
For my life is already lost
Sep 2013 · 565
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Falling in love
is never gentle
Like being thrown in the middle of a hurricane
Feet lifted of the ground
Barely breathing through extreme emotions
Drowning in a vast ocean
I never regretted falling
When your arms are there to catch me
Sep 2013 · 469
My Love
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I miss your jokes
The way your face would light up
The way you kissed me
Leaving me so very breathless
You were the blazing fire in my life
And just like fire you have consumed me
Drowning in passion and agony
I await your return my love
I dont know why I wrote this... :-\
Sep 2013 · 475
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
So easily broken
What you had spoken
Seemed useless to you
But when I said adieu
You told me to wait
Promising to stay straight
Yet another promise
Waiting to be broken
I hope you have really changed
If not I might just go deranged
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Why are you so possessive
Turning so very aggressive
Can't I be friends with both
Then I shall take an oath
Never to befriend anyone
I hate everyone
If you don't trust me
From your life I shall flee
Never looking back
Don't bother following in my tracks
Sep 2013 · 899
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Teachers are the guiding light
Who help us take flight
Though at times stern
You shower us with care and concern
The knowledge you share with us
Helps us progress
You will always have our respect
Regardless of the subject
This is to all my teachers. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY
Sep 2013 · 586
Edible lies
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
She fed everyone lies
And now she has no real ties
Living in her deluded world
Unaware of what she did
How can you be evil
If you think youare truly good
I would sincerely help you
If only you would turn true
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Is this feeling positive or negative?
Sometimes it spurs me on
Sometimes it drives me to madness
So what do I do?
Can I live without stress
But isn't that the same as aimless
I therefore conclude
Stress is confusing
Sep 2013 · 2.8k
Human Impressions
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
If I am nice, people take advantage
If I hold back, I am called cruel
If I smile, I'm taken for a fool
If I frown, they think I am rude
If I act, you want me to be honest
But if I am honest, I become the mean girl
I am sick of living in a judgemental world
But how do we change
Because to us, first impressions count
Sep 2013 · 4.1k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
My hubris prevented me from seeing it
I thought I was always a step ahead
I now realise I was two steps behind
She used my innoncence, the most precious of my gifts
I now realise
The closer I look
The less I see
Inspired by the movie 'Now you see me'
Sep 2013 · 691
My fairytale nightmare
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I remember my first year
so eager, so happy
Grinning from ear to ear
Forging new friendships
And soon we were joined at the hips
Gaining new knowledge and skills
Absorbed like water through gills

But soon my fairytale turned bad
My mind started going mad
My friends stabbed me in the back
And my heart is now cracked
This second yaer is a nightmare
My plan backfired right there
If only my life would rewind
From life I want to **resign
This is my two years of secondary school life
Sep 2013 · 420
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Why is it that just the very thought of him
Gets me overwhelmed
Every night I dream of him
But no matter how hard I chase
I can never hold his hand
For he is fictional
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I thought I could trust her
She played me for a fool
And used me as a tool
My trust is now broken
Just like my fragile heart
I will never be whole again
I now trust no one
Sep 2013 · 518
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I wished to remain neutral
Like Switzerland
For how could I choose one
When the other would be hurt
Must I be cold and critical
or follow my heart
For either way
I'm doomed
Sep 2013 · 3.8k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Each failure is like a slap
Leaving a stinging red mark
I cry inside
My heart bleeding
No matter how hard I try
I seem to fail
I might as well stop now
End my life here
Its all my fault
For all its worth
I know I tried
Sep 2013 · 413
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Truth is never whole
Always diluted with lies
Does it make it untrue?
or is it just *human
Sep 2013 · 685
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I thought I could trust her
She played me for a fool
and used me like a tool
My trust is now broken
Just like my fragile heart
I will never be whole again
I trust no one
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
I wish to remain neutral
Like Switzerland
For how could I choose one
When the other would be hurt
Must I be cold and critical
or follow my heart
For either way
Im doomed
Sep 2013 · 921
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Each failure is like a slap
Leaving a stinging red mark
I cry inside
My heart bleeds
No matter how hard I try
I seem to fail
I might as well stop now
End my life here
Its all my fault
For all its worth
I know I tried
Sep 2013 · 412
Frosted Flowers Sep 2013
Truth is never whole
Always diluted with lies
Does it make it untrue
Or is it just human
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Frosted Flowers Aug 2013
The clock ticks by
I sit and frown, wishing I could die
Nothing is interesting
Everything is uninteresting
Maybe it is just me
I need some glee
Aug 2013 · 454
Love and light
Frosted Flowers Aug 2013
Love and hate
May seem so apart
But without one
Can another exist
Light and dark
Without darkness where is the light
**Without hate there is no love
Aug 2013 · 437
Frosted Flowers Aug 2013
Tick tock
Tick tock
My life runs by a clock
When 12 strikes
The heart breaks
And the mind aches
Aug 2013 · 493
To love is to destroy
Frosted Flowers Aug 2013
Love is destruction
Hope is resurrection
Cities were built
And people were killed
All in the name of *love
Aug 2013 · 438
Hope's eternal flame
Frosted Flowers Aug 2013
The fire in me
No, the fire in you
It consumes us both
What started with a spark
Grew to be a blaze
As we take our final breath
And embrace death
Know that our love will always live on
This is my first poem that I am posting to the world

— The End —