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2.4k · May 2018
DJL May 2018
it's 2:31 am and I'm still wide awake
it's 2:31 am and you're the only thing on my mind and god I wish you would just stop running because I'm exhausted
its the thought of leaving you
it's the thought that you've already left and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye
it's 2:31 am and I've never been so sleepless
1.0k · Sep 2018
Sadistic Lover
DJL Sep 2018
You cannot create a monster
and then condemn it
hate its ugly features
it’s terrible gait
You cannot be afraid
to look into it’s cold eyes
touch it’s rough skin
or feel it’s hot breath
You must face the consequences

when I look into the mirror
I do not see myself
but all of what you’ve made me
I see pale skin
and bruised lips
and bloodied knuckles
and a demonish grin
I see a monster
ready to do monstrous things.”
466 · Oct 2017
Where Griffins Fly
DJL Oct 2017
I am lost in a world where griffins fly and the faries flutter through the trees,
I am lost in a world where mermaids inhabit the lake,
where dragons are curled around mountains and magic is complete real

I am lost in a world where I am free, a prince/ss that does not need saving because I have saved myself

I am lost in my own mind,
so please, do not disturb
450 · Oct 2017
Lost Romance
DJL Oct 2017
Dark eyes and even darker hair in windy curls of confusion and sleep deprivation.
Pale hands that shake and a busy mind at work, scribbling words of romance into blank pages.

He wrote of how the curve of her cheeks fit just right in his touch, how her voice sent shivers down his spine, and of how her lips curled ever so slightly when she knew something he didn’t.
He wrote about how she left, hips swaying head down with her arms crossed over her chest, tears streaming over the cheeks he’d give anything to kiss again.
What had he done?

He wrote about the color of her eyes, of her lips, and of her tongue. He wrote of the memories that were beginning to fade, the little bruised that still stained her skin. He had put them there, on her hips, her shoulders, and stomach, marks of love and of hate.

Dark eyes, brimmed with tears, and even darker hair tangled in pale hands that shook so much they knocked over caramel colored coffee, staining his scratched words of lost romance.
442 · Oct 2017
DJL Oct 2017
her touch was soft,
mapping out the constellations of freckles on his shoulders and back,
pale skin,
blue eyes and golden hair against the dark sheets of the bed,
words of honey left her lips,
spreading warmth throughout his body,
she was the sun he had been chasing for years,
too bad eclipses only last for a few brief moments.

— The End —