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  Apr 2014 Kai
Eliot York
Under the orange
street lights
it's 3am

Longing to find him,
she skulks alone
in the dark

And as London sleeps
her cries go unheard
by all but one
The other night, I woke up to the calls
of a red fox outside of my window. They sounded
something like
  Apr 2014 Kai
Eliot York
Throughout her adult life
all of the land shaded.
Feverless islands where the
aged couple sleep.
Never once have I hosted a party. Not once have I
told you, I have
been hurt.
Coco (The Hello Poetry Computer) wrote the original:

Aw of the land shaded,
feverless islands where the
aged couple sleep.
Never once have I hosted a party. Not once have I
told you, I have never
been hurt
repeatively throughout her adult life. She passed out from --
  Apr 2014 Kai
Once upon a time a girl wore a dark dress printed with red roses and it fit her quite well
But a boy tore it off her when she was under his spell
She felt her heart break when he kissed her up against the wall
When she realized it wasn't her dress but his arms that made her feel so small
  Apr 2014 Kai
Joshua Haines
I wanna fire you in my veins;
have you ruin my life
I want you to be the cancer, baby
I have to cut out with a knife
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