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 Mar 2014 A Lorraine
4 am poem
 Mar 2014 A Lorraine
late night poetry is never something good
it is either about a boy
something you never got over

being in love hurts yes

but hurt late at night shouldn't be so misunderstood

Hurt shouldn't be the constant nagging question why I care so much for people who destroy me

including my father's alcohol problem
and the constant nag to meet up to my mothers expectations

I shouldn't have to question myself as to why i feel so much
and try so hard
to make sure everyone is happy around me

Even if in the end they're the reason tears won't stop rushing down my dry winter cheeks
and why by body shakes in tremors from the emotions i keep pent within me

I wish I could shut them all off for good
not just for my friends, family, lovers, etc.

Being alone is the worst
at that time I would rather have no emotions at all
 Mar 2014 A Lorraine
 Mar 2014 A Lorraine
She jumps to me,
reaching out to me and us.
the river is wide
we are a reality
so she takes the leap of faith.

her wit, lips and hips
and my crazy

KT Mar 28,2014
the other day
i drunk too much
and i thought of you.
i thought about you and
i thought about
how we used to talk all night
every night
and how i used to pretend
you were there when i was scared,
like a big brother
holding his sister's hand
on the first day of school
and how
you could calm me down whenever i needed it
and i smiled.

and then
i remembered
how you left
and how you forgot about us
and never came back,
how you knew everything
and never even ******* checked
if we were okay
and i felt as crushed
as i did the first day
that you left
 Mar 2014 A Lorraine
Stacey L
you are forever the memories in my heart
you are forever the great(x) grandchildren
you are forever the elements of the earth
you are forever the stardust in the universe
you are forever
This was written after my love had a breakdown- thanataphobia. I'd also like to say as a side note- never hide your fears. never suppress or repress emotion. Being emotional is part of being human, no matter who you are.
 Feb 2014 A Lorraine
 Feb 2014 A Lorraine
I hate movies.
I hate stories.
Happy endings.
They lie
They say,
"Don't worry
You'll defy the odds
You'll make it
That stupid
High school relation ship will last.
Jump headfirst into love
You won't get hurt
He'll love you forever
At seventeen you've decided your future
It doesn't matter
This is it
This will work
Just like a fairytale
You're Cinderella
And he's your prince."
Stop lying to little girls
Stop telling them,
"It's not that hard
All you have to do it be yourself
You'll find someone.
He'll be everything.
He'll fix you .
He'll help you.
He'll drop everything for you.
You two being together is the only thing that matters.
Love will always win."

Just once I want to see a movie without a happy ending.
The girl falls
So does the boy.
But then things get in the way.
And suddenly
Love is no longer available
It's over for the boy.
But not the girl.
She gets her heart ripped out
Her world is turned upside down.
People would cry.
Feel her pain.
The audience would shed tears
Not because they wished they could have a love like hers
But because they hope they never have to feel that
That they never have to experience that.
Because it reminds them of real, difficult life
There would be no floating words saying,
"And they lived happily ever after"
There would be no happy music
Just rain
And pain
And tears.
But at least it would be real
Everyone would finally stop lying.
 Feb 2014 A Lorraine
BM Shattuck
Follow the sun my child
For it only has good intentions
Let its rays caress you
                         And whisper in your ear
I am alive.
Let it kiss your cheek and wish you a better tomorrow.
For you only have good intentions
And I just want to caress you
And whisper in your ear
I am alive.
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