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Jul 2019 · 731
Market Mornings
Rachel Eileen Jul 2019
Faded brick streets,
Iron-colored pathway
Leading us downtown
Lilac shirt,
**** black raspberries,
Bursts of sweet, floral blueberries on my tongue
Old ladies in long dresses
with baskets full of vegetables
Saturday morning
Honey in espresso
Bluegrass in the blue grass
16, 17, 18 windows
Waving at little ones
while fathers' backs are turned
Sweet little braids and pink bows
Brown, but golden in the sun
Busy streets on market mornings
Moss-covered picnic tables
Giggling under shaded hide-aways
Breathe in the present
Sunshine shimmering through Maple trees
Beads of sweat;
rolling down water bottles and my forehead
Glass, pottery, and macrame
Herbs, microgreenery, and fruit
My mouth waters
with thoughts of sautees and soups
Robins chirp over the bustling morning crowd
The scent of fresh baked sourdough
carried by the breeze
Young, hip parents intermingling with kind, old farmers
All of us captivated with the now
sitting in a park across from saturday morning farmers market <3
cluster **** ;,)
Dec 2016 · 3.4k
Climate Change
Rachel Eileen Dec 2016
Ar­ctic circle above 32 degrees Fahrenheit in December
Leaking lakes of Methane gas in Siberia
Scientific data to price
Changing 2 degrees
has caused *mass extinction

Melting glaciers
Oceans 7 centimeters higher
Drought in the Amazon
Changes in migration
Disruption in pollination
high death tolls
Decreased plant growth
Zika in Florida
Ignorance from the government
Refusal of proof
**Nonbelievers in the White House
an angry poem about climate change; including many facts I learned from my Environmental Biology class.  This isn't a political poem, it's a poem of facts and truths.
Oct 2016 · 360
What to do, what to do...
Rachel Eileen Oct 2016
Numb legs
Empty dreams
My left-hand trembles
Hand-written nonsense
I love you-- I'm IN love with you
Guitar string melody
Balancing on tightrope
Silver glistening moonbeams
Reflecting on your pale skin
Spinning hoops of brilliant red fire
Do you love me too?
Crisp Mountain stream picnic
Crunchy granola bites
Drunk on fine red wine
Painting your bare body
Racing through green campgrounds
7 am chasing monarchs
**** me under the willow tree
What to do, what to do...
Indica high
Music festival roots
Keep me grounded
Sleep with me each night
I dream of you
Your hazel eyes
Pink, blue, and orange clouds
Driving home at 2 am
Hold my hand
Whisper to me
May I keep you?
my first poem i've written : )

— The End —