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hlof Apr 2018
Interwoven fingertips.
My eyes move from them to you.
The memory of being wrapped in your arms
Will sustain me through empty weeks

I am not then nor now fooled by my own heart
You are as you are.
Which is good, godly, and kind.
In the waking moments of each new day
My heart aches without you near me.
I must see you again!

I cannot fly without you close to me
Nor keep a steady mind.
one second with you is enough to intoxicate my heart.
And yet, I am not satisfied
With just a moment with you.

Linger longer, my sweet, sweet dream
and kiss so gently my fragile hand.
  Apr 2018 hlof
Lost for words
Call a                          doctor/ plumber/ priest
My heart is               broken/ leaking/ deceased

My life is                   worthless/ so much better/ over
I'm going to              **** myself/ tell your wife/ Dover

How could you         leave me/ not know/ lie?
I hope you                return my stuff/ come back/ die

I'll never                   forget you/ forgive you/ go away
I need                        closure/ a DNA test/ to tell you I'm gay

Your                           face/ crotch/ top of your back
Is                                so beautiful/ lumpy/ unusually slack

Your                           ex/ mother/ best friend from school
Always made me      great coffee/ feel inadequate/ drool

I will                           miss you/ **** you/ stalk you forever
That way we can      be friends/ get away with it/ be together

I'm sorry                   you did this/ I did this /we failed
I promise to               pay you/ dye it back/ get you bailed
Please don't               leave me/ show the Polaroids/ write or call

(*delete as appropriate, just delete it all.....)
hlof Dec 2016
Hello my dear friend,
how do you do? I hear somebody made a fool out of you. I feel it is silly that you cannot see, that if we were together the fool would be me.  I feel it is odd that you should imply, that you long to be with me, ut you're just feeling too shy? But how oes that follow? how can that be? You never seem shy when talking to me.

loyally yours
hlof Dec 2013
I woke up in a panic
With the nightmare still alive in my head
In my nightmare you didn't want me

In my dream you had changed your mind

She had walked into your life
and  turned your thoughts to her
She had made you into her pet

You decided that you hate me
And all you want is her
But all I want is you

But the scariest thing about this dream
I thought I was over you.
hlof Nov 2013
My actions are the echo's of my thoughts
My mind has created me
Who am I without thinking?

I am nothing
Thoughts are powerful
They can destroy
Just as easily as they can make
What is my flesh without my mind?

It is nothing
It is useless
It is as strong as dust

It is my mind that has made me
Only through the mind does flesh find reason
I apologize. I am afraid this poem might be as jumbled as my brain.
hlof Nov 2013
We left this world with a kiss goodbye
We jumped into another state of being
We discovered a world of fairy dust
And we gave our hearts the right to fly

In the morning we found life
At noon we found friendship
During evening we found safety
But at night we found it all
We found trust
We found Adventure
We found castles and kingdoms
We found our royal crowns perched upon our heads
And above all
We found the voice that tied our hearts together

We are the dreamers
And our dreams are the only reality we know
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