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 Apr 2015 Heliza Rose
I am hoping this love will come to an end soon
Cease to exist in only one mind
Because love gets lonely too
It is a lot easier to share an arrow than you might think
The equally experienced pain, sharing in comfort for one another
Loving someone is giving them the map of your weaknesses
And hoping they do not abuse their right to explore
Our love was a perfect amount of splattered paint
Branded on life's bland canvas
We allowed color to flow from our veins
But I am standing in a pool of only red
I fell through the cracks in your skin and that is where I remain
I am hoping this love will come to an end soon
Because though love is such an exquisite thing
It is not as beautiful, when you are only looking at one half
Of the whole picture
 Apr 2015 Heliza Rose
in every field
let language be the bees
to our flowering ideas.
 Apr 2015 Heliza Rose
there's no satisfying you people.
 Apr 2015 Heliza Rose
AK Bright
Broken, shattered
Dreams unraveled
Yet new life springs
From empty matter

Bury me
That I might live
A damaged vessel
Is all I give

Bruised and battered
Full of sin
O wretched man
Abiding within

Bitterness watered
By the tears I've cried
Forgive me Lord
For I have tried

Arms outstretched
Mercy tender
For victory now
I must surrender
 Apr 2015 Heliza Rose
I'm a freak.
I don't fit in.
I don't have friends.
I have nightmares.
I write bad poetry that
no one reads.
The scars on my legs spell
"I'm still here."
I don't know who the scars
are talking about.
I get beat up
at school
at home.
I get bad grades because
I don't care.
I can't use public bathrooms
because people can't tell
if I'm a boy
or a girl.
Same with lockerrooms.
I don't talk to people.
I read to escape.
You can find me behind
the stairs at school.
The teachers don't see me.
Niether do my parents.
I wish the kids didn't see me.
I forgot how to be happy.
I'm trying.
Nice to meet you,
I'm Max.
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