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I should have beat your *** last Tuesday,
spit in your face, and right-hooked
your loose jaw.

Instead, I pressed my fists deeper
into my things
while you ******* at me
like a sorority ******* Adderall.

After all, it would be hard
to give me that snide smile,
if you didn’t have any teeth.
This isn't a poem about how I don't like to get drunk
because I show that, maybe,
I'm not as strong as I say I am.
There will be no metaphors comparing your eyes
to the most beautiful of nights, or
how I search them constantly like a map
afraid to see that you've finally gotten lost.
I won't add any clever line breaks to represent
the juxtaposition of our personalities.
I can only write poems about the terrible things in my life, and you
are nothing of the sort.
pink scars
peppered her lithe limbs
flower petals incised
on peach skin

moss coursed
withered yellow-brick channels
sloping loosely down
the crooked river mouth

clouds bulged
glazed heavily over the sun
like a flashlight
engulfed in sheets

lightning sliced
the pane of sky splintered
air ignited instantly
and danced around us
 Mar 2015 Hannah Rae
A Kallakuri
So he said to me one night
Submissive is not what's right
He said to me one day
You've to command and make your way
You cannot be quiet
You cant be a riot
You have to be you
And not let destroy'it

He calls me his friend
Say, when will this end?
He says he don't care
It goes beyond repair

He says I mean nothing
Without the slightest grieve
"You are my closest"
Oh, I wouldn't like to believe

But I've known better
And not made up a pile
Fed it to the skies
Never failed to smile

I've grown as a human
I've grown as a friend
He's been a pillar
The crave will never end

He's helped me in ways
Helped find my forte
He's helped me mature
Never enough to sway

But now that he's changed
I'm hit by numbing rain
Now that all's deranged
Major bouts will reign.
Made me good, and became bad.
She perches on the chair,
clink of ice croons in her ear;
a slippery gloss of memory froths her lips.

Here on dark waters
float glimmers of chance
while hope,
that slow gasping fish of dreams
slides near.

She raises her glass,
a spirited salute--
when the lights come on he swims clear.

Washed up, she spits,
and tugs her drink,
swallows scorn in one long gulp:

that bitter brine,
end of the line,
a barb,
stuck in her throat.
a revision of an earlier piece, titled 'Cheers'
 Mar 2015 Hannah Rae
Fish The Pig
My life is like sand,
kinda nice,
kinda irritating,
and very quickly slipping through my fingers.
I'm being buried alive.
Little one, Don't get so used to the leaving.
Don't let it become a part of you.
Learn from their mistakes,
but you must know that you are not one.

You are young with so much to learn,
but I know that look.
I have had that look in my very eyes.

With an abundance of life ahead of you,
remember that you decide your future.
Not those who chose not to be a part of it.
 Jan 2012 Hannah Rae
Rickie Louis
It seems as we get older, a piece of us gets lost.
Desires fill our hearts, it seems those pieces are the cost.
What must we do to find them, or fill that broken void.
Do we ever get them back, or are they just destroyed.
As age creeps up, and time ticks by, and awkwardness begins,
It's hope I find a heart like mine, who's pieces just fit in.
An old unfinished thought..

— The End —