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portland oregon    The primordial spark that birthed the cosmos and lit the very Sun on fire, is the same spark that burns eternal in the hearts and …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
David W Clare
Petaluma, USA    Writer Lyricist Poet Film Noir Works Someone asked me, "Are you still working on poetry?" I then replied, all I know is poetry is still …
Dre Brax
Nonsense From My Noggin
Exandria    I don't claim to be good at this. I just thought I'd share. All of the nonsense posted below is my own.
Michael W Noland
Seattle    It is all true
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
moonlight as an astronaut
Emily Larrabee
A place    Hola, me amo Emily as you can tell. Want to know about me read my poetry. It’s not that hard. Give me a follow I’ll …
M/Dallas    Amongst the hobos and the stars. Living in the land of cars. I write my words when I've been drinking, spent my night out at …
Caloundra    "Looking at the stars always makes me dream," he said, "Why, I ask myself, shouldn't the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as …
Shari Forman
New York   
Chicago    "Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music." -Jimi Hendrix
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Sometimes I write poems on napkins or the Notes app on my phone
Chaz Kirshcmann
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
Boise Idaho    I actually suck at writing.
flaming arrow    “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” ― Roosevelt / If you could time-travel to a moment in …
Gregory K Nelson
39/M/Connecticut    Writer, Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Proud American, Political Pragmatist #LoveWins2020 #whowillsaverockandroll poetry, plays, video: prose:
Help Me Help Myself
Just a small town girl, living in this lonely world. Chocoholic, shopaholic, keep me away from anything expensive!!!! I love journey, P!ATD, brendon urie, and …
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