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 May 2016 Hadrian Veska



        but                            g                         **together
Blossoms are the
Hopes and dreams
Attached to the thorny
Stems of life
We all have to climb
To smell the roses
I know you are distant,
And I am below the radar,
But I need a partner,
To throw my care at,

Someone to feel with me,
Someone who can be there,
Always in my mind,
If not near my body,

I have too much to give,
To continue botttling up,
I have made oceans with tears,
And mountains with favors,

Always working toward you,
Yearning for a companion,
Why is this so hard?
Why do people hide?

I need someone who will think,
To understand my heart,
Then from the prison I built,
I can be finally free,

All the rest is fluff,
The only line that matters,
Is written at the end,
*Will you come with me??
The sun shines around me, but
I am in the dark, and
What goes on around me, only
Serves to break my heart,

A black hole is within me, it
***** my insides dry, robbing
Me of feelings, keeping
Me in the dark,

A ray of light came out, one
Day when I met you, then
As quickly as I saw it, it
Is swallowed by the blackness,

Yet even in the shadows, I
Have been given hope, that
One day I might meet you, and
Chase my curse away !!
Living in ignorance,
So near to each other,
I could never tell,
What I was feeling,

Amidst a swarm of people,
In a hurricane of drama,
Flying past each other,
I never had the time,

When I came to,
I realized what I knew,
My brain listened to my heart,
And I ran to you,

But you were gone,
You had been swept away,
By a man with flaxen hair,
And eyes like the moon,

I hated him though,
With everything I am,
I burned like a furnace,
I had never met him,

He is my agony,
He haunts my sleep,
My opposition embodied,
The sum of all my rage,

When he began to fade,
I saw one single ray of light,
I put my whole self on the line,
I asked to speak to you,

I was too shy to stay,
I wanted you so badly,
I do not want to rush you,
I care too much,

How could I know,
How hard to push,
How much can I tell you,
Without pushing you away,

I want to tell you but,
This wall is too high,
This chasm is too deep,
Though the unknown,

I will throw myself,
Without another thought,
The longer I consider you,
The crazier I get,

One day I will,
Time will show,
That I am truely,
The man for you.
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