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262 · Dec 2014
you can
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
use rugs and ****
yeah or animals
or the scalps of white men
feels good beneath your toes
262 · Aug 2013
Gigi Tiji Aug 2013
We are all God
We are All
We Are
259 · May 2015
Gigi Tiji May 2015
running your fingers through my hair
it is falling out in clumps
I'm actually surprised it's stayed this long
but I will be a naked mole rat soon
255 · Sep 2014
You can see their intention
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
in The way trees reach
The way they are growing
To bring life to the skies
The way our veins pump
The way they are flowing
To bring life to these eyes
The way rivers flow
The way they are going
To bring life —
You can see their intention
in their way
255 · Nov 2014
You are not to be had.
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
I'm not afraid of losing you,
because I never had you in the first place.

I'm afraid of losing what I feel with you.
You are not to be had, but to be felt with.
253 · Nov 2014
shattered mirror
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
I shattered your mirror
and now all that I see
are the broken shards
of my shocked reflection
strewn across the ground.

They're dripping with
sickeningly straight lines
of red tears from closed eyes
that were carved into the steps
of a porcelain temple.

I wrinkle up my nose at the smell
of self pity and hatred and sing
a solemn dance for what's dead.

I crouch to my fours, sharp shards
of refractive souls ripping into my
apologetic palms, pressing.

Sliding off the surfaces,
crimson pools of times past
spread to the soles of my bare feet,
filling in the gaps between my fingers,
ready to devour me like you did so well.

I can taste your blood in my mouth
and it is reminiscent of my own.
I will help you, but I will never pity you.
252 · Aug 2014
Running in Love
Gigi Tiji Aug 2014
we held hands
and in our palms
we held time

and we ran away
from the rising sun
so we could see it
rise forever

but we grew tired
and we slowed down
and the sun sped up
and time was slipping
between our fingers
from our knuckles

and together we ran
we ran away toward
the setting sun
as fast as we could
but we were too tired
251 · Nov 2015
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
I saw you in the forest
and I thought you were just another tree
but there's no such thing
243 · Jan 2014
Out of Time
Gigi Tiji Jan 2014
In Time,
there is Death, but
In Death,
there's no Time
In Time,
there is Death, but
Out of Time,
there is Life
240 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
death is a dissolution of the self into the surround
life is a condensation of the surround into the self

we are dying and living simultaneously
240 · Feb 2015
lost in translation
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
I was trying to translate what I was feeling as I saw the words forming in front of me and I felt like I was trying to crawl out of the space between every letter, like I was trying to blossom or explode out of every word but every pixel of every letter was holding me back...

It seems I'm stuck
In between the lines
240 · Mar 2015
Gigi Tiji Mar 2015
same as every place I've never been it's
much like nothing else I've ever written
different than nowhere I've always been it's
a little bit like everything I've never done
never done never done
231 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
radiating love body
light being
form flowing
as if needed,
expected in order
to sustain life
it is quenching
a thirst, it fills
your lungs with
life, breathing, it
pulsates, it rocks
back and forth, it
goes in and out, it
spirals all about and
it takes its time because it
loves its time because time
is all it has and all it has is all
it is and all it is, is all it feels
and all it feels is all it knows.
229 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
saccharine lullabies
sit in sweet putrescent seats
around my rotting bed

I lie weightless
in the heavy truth
of the piece off a broken tooth
twirling through the cosmos
after a missile fist made
my spit mist

229 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
were my anchor to reality
but you broke the chain
and left me drifting
into the storm
228 · May 2015
Gigi Tiji May 2015
I left the door ajar tonight, and
despite the spirits of the darkness
swirls of sunshine pour into my open sores
227 · Jun 2015
A dream within a dream
226 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
a harp strung in low tension
easily played you can hardly hear me
twist your wrist and crank my pegs
tighten my strings
string me out
hang me up
on the limbs of
your favorite tree

I want the wind to brush my hair
226 · Sep 2014
Selective Memory
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
For the longest time
I wanted to thank you, thief
for stealing my heart.
I thought it'd be better off
in someone else's hands anyway,
because I sure as hell
didn't take good care of it.

Can you tell me about the time
you carefully held it close?
because I'm sure
that you can remember that
because that's all you want
to remember.

It was your
little pet.
and I can't tell you
how much it meant to me
that you found it so
but I can't tell you
how much it hurt when
it stopped being something special
and started being
just another animal

Don't you remember
how much fun you
had with it?

But you don't remember
watching it struggle
to breathe in
and out?

Because it seems like
despite that
all I can remember now
is your tightening grip
suffocating it
and your acidic lip
spouting seemingly

Tell me about the time
you played with it
until it was broken
and it bored you

Because I can sure
remember that.
But can you?
224 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
did they know -
their lives were all being recorded
every little microexpression, every
reaction to every perception -
branded onto reels of film

when they're dead and gone
their lives will be played back for them
and their reactions will be recorded
little did they know -
222 · Aug 2014
That was then
Gigi Tiji Aug 2014
I'll drift
into the past
Away from all the light

The dark-
ness swells
around me fast
I can't tell left from right

I float
in what was real
Convinced that now it is

But all
these things
that I can feel
Are only that which was

Delusions of the insecure
Delusions, nothing more
221 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Sometimes I wonder whether or not I'll be able to stand as I sit down sit down why don't I just use my hands and try it?

Sometimes I beat the same idea to death to death to death to death to death...

Sometimes I use the same words until they're ***** rags ***** rags.

but those are the ones you use to wash all that nasty **** off —
never a nice one!
220 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
You are a creation
of a creation
creating creations
that create creations
215 · Jun 2014
Gigi Tiji Jun 2014
It's further than the tip of my tongue,
closer than my fingertips,
deeper than my breath.
It's there,
I can feel it.
214 · Sep 2014
Create me
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
I don't want
to have you
I want to be
with you

I don't want
to *******
but I don't want
to make love to you either
I want to make love with you
and with that love
I want you to create me
213 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
I'm I'm I'm not your child, I'm the universe's child. I'm a child of the universe, my own child, and you're not my mother. I'm my own child I love me I do me do re mi and you're the universe's mother. You're the mother mother of the universe, your own mother, and I'm your child. I'm your child child. And you're my mother, mother, I love you. And you're your mother. And you're your child, you love you you do you re me fa sosososoooooo
212 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
LOOK at me,
Take me IN!
No, not my body.
We had no choice on that.
They just grew around us,
as we grew inside them.
We had no choice.
Our forms, our bodies
Our faces, our... are
We have no choice.
They will wither around us,
as we wither within them.
forms, bodies
flesh, faces
212 · Oct 2014
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
What is your reason
what is your rhyme
let me in on your
212 · Sep 2014
The cold
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
brisk winds over
dries cold

and they

rolling on down
my chin
to rest at its peak
a drop

crimson and
to fall
to the hard snow

now with
a spot of red
now with
a spot of pink
as it spreads,
  as  it  fades —

a film of tears
frozen to the
saccading swiftly

crystalline structures
perched on tips of eyelashes

staring at brumal
picking at cracked and

and bones


numbing cold
there is warmth

in the darkness

it is close
it never comes
it  will  never  come
212 · Sep 2014
Love is the Language
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
intangible evidence
of the divine
the tears of the earth
flowing and fearing
and destroying
and dying
becoming a new land
and a new world
a new language is born
as a sun collapses
211 · Dec 2014
Falling Out
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
I have to maintain perfect rhythm,
impeccable coordination,
to stay in the pocket

It can be hard to do that when
the only person accompanying you
is yourself.

and other times
it's just as hard
with an orchestra.
infinitely moreso,
at times...

Two things're for sure
If you can't play in rhythm with others
It's probably easier for you to play in rhythm with yourself.
and If you can't play in rhythm with yourself
It's probably easier for you to play in rhythm with others.

But if you're not in time
the only way you will be is
if someone falls out of it with you
210 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
I know you're not exactly the way that I see you.
But you should know that you're not exactly the way you see yourself, either.
207 · Oct 2014
Floating in Space
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
The moon has a face,
She really does.
Well, many, really.
But the one that I see
looks like it's singing the universe.
You can see it in her eyes,
that it's a solemn song but
there's hope in her voice
that lights up the sky.
You know how when
you get so close to someone
you can see yourself
in their eyes?
Sometimes I wonder
if she's too far to see herself
in ours...
207 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
the picture isn't
always pretty past
that silly second dimension,

but it's always alive.
So wondrously alive!
206 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
You give me time,
you give me space.
You give me hugs, kisses,
and licks on ma face!

We know it's not a competition.
We know it's not a race.
So we give each other
all the time
and all the comfy space!

You let me change, you let me grow.
If something's off, you let me know.
When it gets dark, we still glow.
We don't get stuck, we let it flow.

No grudges, shame.
No guilt, no blame.
We both know
it's not a game.

but if we may, I say
we should lay around
and play all day!

You understand me like no one else
and you treat e like no one has before.
204 · Dec 2014
Time's a cat in a box
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
radiating love body light being
form flowing flavorlessly as if needed,
expected in order to sustain life.

e's quenching a thirst,
e fills your lungs with life,
breathing, e pulsates,
e rocks back and forth,
e goes in and out,
e spirals all about and
e takes its time because
e loves e's time because
time is all e has and
all e has is all e is and
all e is, is all e feels and
all e feels is all e knows.

e knows e feels everything
and knows nothing.
e feels he knows nothing
and feels everything.

Time's a cat in a box
paradox paradox
200 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
Plaguing my thoughts
is that which had become
my own meaning
but love has now made me
into what I am
and what I will remain
195 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
We are all students,
and we are all teachers.
Any good teacher
should want students
who can teach them.
If you feel you know
more than everyone
around you,
then you are in
the wrong place.
Or you're just arrogant ;-)
192 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
I was trying.
I was just trying to think...
I was trying to think of something.
I was trying to think of something to write about...
, but whenever I try to think of something to write about,
I can never think of what to write.
and whenever I try to think of something,
I can never think of it.
and whenever I try to think,
I can never.
I can only try.
185 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
green dress green dress
dressed to impress
I guess you didn't bet
you'd get all that **** sweat
179 · Feb 2015
Spring is coming!
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Hope springs eternal for
that eternally springing Spring!
174 · Mar 2015
Gigi Tiji Mar 2015
Fill the abyss with a kiss
168 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
Everyone's a different person
with every different person.
164 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
in darkness
i feel light
in eclipse
i see light
in midnight
i am light
O, darkness
you are everywhere
but O, light
you are in my heart
162 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
Wax poetic with me and
we'll nurture a new language.

We can speak in love together
while we wait for light of the dead star
to stop shining hatred on our faces.
161 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
My language seems to work great
for discussions with myself
but once it's someone else's self
it doesn't seem to make much sense
any more
160 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
born of a broken
home, the boy never
learned he was born

in constant fear
he could only survive
the last thing he thought
was to live

he ran and hid
and never came out
unless it was for his life

he lied and cried
as he smiled and tried
to not let anyone notice
159 · Apr 2014
Gigi Tiji Apr 2014
150 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
you sacred little ****, you
I love you so much
144 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
I don't know whether he liked me
or that he just liked the idea of me
either way what's done is done
it was an okay run
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