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Apr 2016 · 378
Virginia Moon
Freewill426 Apr 2016
Starshine, moonlit
i lay there within the restless arena of your inner self
your body depicts the emotions
with a wide grin
sparkly eyes measure the glee
the days of yore
resent me,
the present amuses me
only if life was such a sweet delight
to be held in a palm
Grand paws.
Apr 2016 · 367
Freewill426 Apr 2016
A new world it seems,
away from where your daily life was
somewhere where nobody is yours, and only you
deadlines seem futile lest it bothers you
you learn to lead life. survival is learnt about
being yourself is meant the prime factor
you get no time to stop
all the time you get, lies in the resting period.
Buckle up . You got no one.
All you got to do is work willingly for your satisfaction for perfection
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
I can't get no Satisfaction
Freewill426 Apr 2016
You grab me as a shrug to your body
The heat gets intense as the bread in the toaster
You lip smack me as an icing to the cake and i drool as a child who gulps it as her own
And rejoice cause it is just a start and imagining where it can lead to
You and I in this beautiful world
Unite as the sheets to the bed, Chime to the wind
And stay as the shadows to the tree and become two different individuals who compel that love isn't about being one, but understanding who that one is

— The End —