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451 · Jan 2013
The plight
Slowly I walk past you
Just sitting there so hopeless
With the same outstretched hand
Your face ridden with despair

I walk by trying to pay no heed
To your fragile frame
Turning a deaf ear to your plight

Deep within I try to hide
My emotions not showing on my face
My eyes turned cold
As the day speeds along
I find the face of you so haunting
It sends shivers deep within my soul

You ask for nothing
Yet your eyes so desperate
Your body barely heated
As you shiver in winters grip

For a second
Two souls collide
And I turn around looking back on your presence
So blind to your surroundings
You withdraw your arm

Forgive me
For being ignorant to your plight

Your eyes say
God bless you sir
How it feels to me when I come accross a soul who lost all and relies on handouts -begging for money or food at a street corner!how blessed are we!
446 · Jul 2013
mans longing-
Man seeks Himself
Until he Is Truely
In God
Our journey on earth is to only become what God made us to within Him!
433 · Mar 2013
! to my ?..
I've gotten lost in my search
For where the answers exsist
To the questions I have in my heart
Through valleys and meadows
I've travelled each road
Yet found an illusion for the answers I'm told
My souls been broken
I've bet my last token
And lost all the chance of feeling hope
Despair now looms
Where hope were once truth
And my heart knew the answers unspoken
And somewhere someday
I will find the pathway
And the home of the answers
To my souls despair
And I know I will find myself
Crying silently there
For its then when I"ll  understand
Why the answers were hidden
In my daily life-im now busy  living...
"Why" is the question we will never
know the answer to-or at least won't ACCEPT its answer if given- just know "someday" you"ll find an answer to your questions!that's all the hope I need!
426 · Oct 2014
Halo"d-Eve??(A Fable)
(Narrator):Once a Year
When the Moon turns black
On a Night not so Holy
Rise from beneath
Summond to Life
The Devil"s own company

(Dark Voice):"Tis the Night",shouts a voice
"Tis OLD HALO"s EVE"...

And Every Spirit malicious
Every Demon rise cheer:
"Tis the Birthday of Satan
On the 31 st day of this month
Of the year"

(Satan):"Be Calm,my dear children,
Dont cowar in Fear-
It is Halloween
And MY birthdate is here"

(Narrator):Unbeknown,the Mortal folks gear
Up for the festive seasonal cheer-
"Trick or Treat",sounDS the echo"s
Of every child young and old
Whilst the grown ups prepare
For a "masqerade" hold

The witches and druids
The highest  of  priests
(Unbeknownst to Humans)
Cast a Spell in the breeze
And as Night falls down
And the Moon turns black,
The Devil himself says:

"Its Good to be Back"

"Calm my children
Tis not the Time Yet,
Soon I shall havoc wreck -
Uponst each Soul
That so foolishly cheer
On this the Unholiest
Night of the Year"

"Turn their Hearts
And capture their minds
Fill the sky with Death-
I shall soon myself rear,
Upon the Throne
In Hell proclaimed-
These Pityfull Souls
I shall all ordain

As MINE,Eternally!"

"Christ has his day
And this one be MINE-
So carry on cheering
As I rule Divine-
The Prince of all Darkness

Dear Reader
Think upon this-
Is Halloween all it proclaim that it is?
Think carefull where this tradition
Does it truely live
In the Heart of a Christian?
Or is it:

The Devil"s Exist....
A short fable of rhyme...
Have you ever thought about what your Life could have been?
The Dream that didnt become real?
The Happiness you might have seen
When alive you could  feel?
To feel blessed upon your quest
To Live the Life you always guessed
Would be your Life-yes it be best
Have you ever yet?

Have you ever stopped to think
How your Life should have been?
How joyfully you"d be tickled pink
When your dream could be seen?
To have what you,you thought u need
To live Life Happily indeed
Would all your heartaches dissapear?
Have you recently?

Well dear reader
I cannot give
You hope that it could be
But what i give
Is simply put:the words that follow be:
"If what you thought about ur Life
Was ment to be seen
Remember then someone or thing
Would never have had been-
And say you were plain Happily
Living out YOUR dream
Then all the Plans God made for you
Would they still have been?
Its not about setteling
For something now you see
But rather embracing Gods Favor
Over who you were ment to be-
And it is only with grattitude
You can accept His grace
For if you knew what could have been
You"d be in a total different place-
It isnt with a happy heart
I say these words to you
For yes within my broken heart
I feel the way you do-
For Life will never be the way
You nor I could dream
But even if we could have been
This Poem would almost not be seen
By you who reads it
And by me
----      ----
Little things die peacefully
Great things rage and fight
Little things will bring you joy
Great things tears and spite
Little things means graTtitude
Great things just delight
Its little things that keeps your Life
And leads you to HIS Light...
Never argue anymore
Just know somewhere"s an open door
Never loose your Heart and Soul
For thats what keeps you whole
---       ---
For Life will never be the way
You nor I could dream
But even if we could have been
This Poem would almost not be seen
By you who reads it
And by me...
Had i been an actor which is my dream-i never would have written these words seen.Everything has a reason.Now i believe
I still remember
The Nights I prayed,
A prayer born from despair.
I still recall
The Tear that trickled,
Deemed to go nowhere.
The many fears I held inside
That seemed to keep me from
The Light-
broken inside-and no one seemed
To know.

I look back
Upon my Life,
How did I end up here?
This Soul of mine
To privately,
Hidden my despair-
Those days gone by
To no prevail,
I  believed but Loves betrayal,
All was but LOst
All to only me.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Where  this journey go.
Give me the strength to know,
For what I reap I"ll sow-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now i truely know.

Time races by
Each day I try,
To find my inner child-
To hold his hand
And silently,
Whisper:Its alright.
I walked this Life
Too many chains,
Bound within my side-
The Past its grip
Forever in my eye.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Where this journey go.
Give me the strength to know,
For what I reap I"ll sow-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now i truely know.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Does anybody know?
What may be fall me yet?
For what You ask you"ll get-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now I truely know

And so

Oh oh

I never knew-but now I truely know.....
"Its all going to be fine-Your Life works out...Trust me.
Goodbye,See you again someday"
The Book of Days holds the future to come-its guarded in Heaven by the Angels.No mortal soul could every read it-for God prohibited its contents to be known.It holds every Souls journey ,written within...It also can change Eternity if ever opened up-and Gods Omnipotent plan for every heart-....The mysterY as to why it may never be read by anyone is that if the pages were turned ,EternityS outcome could be altered forever!It contains the End of Days"s war between God and the Devil himself-and could alter the outcome leading to terrible fatal overthrow of Gods natural Plan...Since the dawn of Time,the Devils only goal was to open the Book,for even He doesn't know how Eternity could sway within his favour-leading to his truimphant rule of Heaven for ever more....God  placed the Book within the Tree of Life,which once Stood in the Garden of Eden-where Adam and Eve once lived,and later in Heaven, He placed its safety within the Angels watch...No mortal soul today even knows of the Books excistance-for Life is written from the Book,by God Himself,and so humanity lives here on Earth with no sense of Lifes mystery and its True meaning.The Devil  tempted Eve,believing she would come to know of the Book,by gaining the knowledge from eating from the Tree which God forbid them in the Garden of Eden...yet God knew of his plan and banned them from the Garden once their eyes opened and they gained the knowledge..and so removed the Tree of Life,placing the safety of The Book now under the Angels guard in Heaven.The Devil -having lost the chance to let the Book be read,still yearns to get to it...yet the tale does not end here.For in a dream-i have come to know of its being-....a dream from the Devil?or God Himself?...and in my dream,I am in Heaven-overhearing the Angels speaking of The Book.Without them knowing of my presence,I hear where the Book is placed-and my curiosity drives me to seek it out...Silenty I walk to the area and unbelievingly I see it-just inches from my grasp.
The Book of Days
403 · Jan 2013
Heart to Heart
Heart to heart
Yet oceans apart
Every breath you breathe
Every dream you dream
Promise me forever
My love can't surrender
That you believe in me

Soul to soul
Each to own
Every tear you cry
Find the sun in your eye
Promise me always
Words that you say
I am beloved by you

Yours and mine
Lost in time
To an end comes a season
Believe there's a reason
I'm lost in dreamin
You live in me

When we are

Heart to heart
Souls never part
Its the reason
For being
I found the meaning
Just keep believing

Forever and always
We are destined to be
Find it within me

Heart to Heart
392 · Aug 2021
And if no one realy cared
You find yourself alone out there
Turn your thoughts to prayer
Seek Him out if you dare
Like there's no tomorrow
Like you know no sorrow
"Fear nothing not fear itself"

Like you've lost ur way
Like only Angels can see
"Fear nothing for then are you free"

And so

I know

God bless you!!
386 · Aug 2015
Since very Long ago
Where Ever the path may lead
Where ever the journey goes
If ever you feel Lonely
With no Hope to know
Just remember:
Even if you think youre not worthy, God deemed you HIS Own               a long time ago-                                 and you are more worthy to be    His child                                        because He Loved you from the very beginning,
And since very Long ago
Be Blessed
383 · Oct 2021
A star
I caught a falling star
Kept in near my heart
Reminded me although
We are so far apart
We end the day under
The same big sky above
So i wrapped it up with love
And released it up above
To shine down upon you
To remind you that its true
Your always in my heart
And in the sky is the star
372 · Nov 2013
Words for HOpe!
God never created you for heartache-alThough He is the One who will heal your pain...He never created you to be lonely-yet He is the One who reaches out to you when ur alone...He never Created you to fall-but He is the One who will lift you up ,to soar on Wings of Love...But He created you for one reason:Because He loved you so much that He died for You,so You will someday Be with Him....Forever!
366 · Feb 2014
Just wont...anymore
For too long, i have searched,too long, been lost-by the way,i guess i"ll survive.I know that i have tried,a 100 tears ive cried-by the way,i guess i"ll be fine.Too many times  cast aside,my sorrow ebbs just like the tide-and by the way,i figure,hey, thats Life:When I look unto Hope,like it owes me anything-but in fact, receive whats a"given -And Someday when i find, what it is I seek,i know I just wont need it anymore..And someday when my Dreams, eventually come true......well....... I gueSs i just wont need them too.
I had these words just echo"d in my heart.I guess they sound sad but to me its more bittersweet!it reminds me to just let go...Dont give up but just let go.if your destiny (your good fortune and dreams of your heart)waS ment to be,it will happen-but for now,just let go.Dont think you can win all of Life"s battles.Sometimes all you can do is just surrender-and live one more day.
God Bless You!
352 · Jan 2023
Not Alone...
As im leaving now
Ahead the journey waits
Theres a place i need to go
When i get there i will know
But i wont walk on my own
Not Alone...
351 · Sep 2018
A last prayer
Who will hear me cry?
When those around me
Sees no wrong
Who will let me
Bare my soul
When each one has his pain?
Who will lift my spirit high
When life has knocked me down
When no one sees my fall
Is teethering just so?
Yes who can begin to understand
When alone these tears i cry
When to the world it seems
Another day has just passed by
Who can heal a broken heart
Who knows where to start
When it feels like understanding
Seems so far apart?
Is this only in my mind
This longing i will find
That each one has his own trial
That to anothers plight
Be blind?
Is this what waits upon one
When love has come and gone?
Is this how it feels
To truely be alone-
Who will listen
To my words
That falls down as tears
From my own eyes?
Who will tell me
Its alright
To let my sorrow free
When looking in a broken mirror
I am all i see?
Yes who has answers
To my questions
Who can plainly see
That trials and tribulations is
A part of humanity?
And if i choose to never speak
And keep my feelings hid
Will i have gained anything
For heartache i have lived?

The answer to this riddled plight
The prayer im left to said
'God its time you intersept
Ive given all i can
Without your guidance
I'll "silent" wept
In Jesus name"

349 · Jun 2015
If your surrounded by people
Yet you feel disconnected
When they share things in common
Yet you seem discontented
Keep your head held high
For you might be the Light
That guides another "I"

When you retreat within yourself
Never let nobody in
Does it seem unforgiven
When you cant seem to win?
Keep your Heart open
For you may be the Echo
To someone elses cry

Life happens
When it seems to pass you by
Today begins
Even if Yesterday didnt die
And being Alone
Is not the worst thing to be
Being Lonely seems worse
When you refuse to even try

If your Life had no meaning
Would God have wasted time
To put you within this Life-
If He had no reason why?
Dont pride yourself
On being unique
Somebody somewhere lives
The same Life it seems

But be the version
No one else can be
Theres a reason
Why you have to cry...
No one else will ever understand you-is it no wonder we all still try??
347 · Jun 2015
How can Kindness be given
If i show none on my own
How can Help be lend to me
If i withold Help from someone
How can I be blessed
When i am not blessing someone?

Because God loved me First

And i am not Alone

How can i have Faith
When i dont give Faith away
How can i live
If i deny Life from others
And how can I ask
When i wont give?

Because been Loved means
To love another in return

How can I pray
When i wont kneel down
How can I receive
When my heart fills with doubt
And how can I say
I love You God with my heart

Because Im only me
And God has seen in my Heart
Yes im only me

And God knew it from the start
Dedicated to God Alone
345 · Oct 2015
Deep within an Endless Day
Time keeps each prayer said
Memories never fade

High above the Heavens end
Angels voices blessings send
Prayers never die

Within the realM of mystery
Where answers never come
Oh how i wish to touch the moon
Or walk upon the Sun

Legends told are born
They live and never die
Oh how i wish to be one
For all the tears ive cried

But I am just
Just plain
No special talent-
No gift to obtain
For where the Heart
Will lead the mind
The soul must surely go
And there your Life
Ends upon
Wisdom-seldom known

Oh how i wish to touch your heart
And leave a little prayer
That No one is all alone

Deep beneath the Earths core
Hides each sorrow-every sore
Yet we were ment to fly
Our gift-to Live and Die
333 · Sep 2022
The Soul knows
Time keeps memories
words the heart cannot
Days belong to no one
Minutes slowly pass us by
The Soul knows and never
330 · Mar 2018
For no greater Love
Has someone but be
The everlasting sacrifice
For you and for me
No deeper care
Than the one who hang there
To bore all your sin
For justice thats fair
And never again
Shall your past bore the pain
All is forgiven
Forever He reigns
Know but only this
Beloved you are now
No greater hope
Than the hope you have found
Happy Easter
326 · Dec 2021
Give yourself time
Let your past just remind
Take your strength
in the night
Only He brings to his own
Courage will flow over you
And fear will but flee
There is comfort awaiting
On the near horizon

No thing,nor one
but he alone
Live just one moment
to the next moment

Believe theres a reason
You will not fight alone

The night turns to day
And wonderous it be
You are not alone
315 · Aug 2015
The "New"Normal The "New" Normal is as old as Time itself.There may be Dark Times ahead or a Light-Its being:The "New"Normal
303 · Oct 2021
Turnin older
Ive come to face my insecurities
No one will use them again against me
Ive walked the path of selfhate
Ive looked at my once pitifull reflect
And ive grown from them
I have come to accept
No longer will my power
Be taken again from me
By those whom show no sympathy
I was once drenched in regret
I had been confronted by it
Yet now i proclaim
That i need no pity
Nor fake empathy
I have become the very essence
I thought i would never be
Now i hold my cards
I decide what i play and
What i withold
And ive learned to not
Give myself away anymore
The one whom will bare the shame
Wont be me after all
I have been reborn
I have made my peace
These chains once strong
Cannot bind me again
I have heard the call:
Be steadfast and at ease
Do not settle for being defeat
Now you have received
The gift of being set free-
No one nor nothing will get to me
I have embraced with self acceptance
I have welcomed and deflect my
Faults and shortcomings
I have become the victor
Discarded the victim mentality
Revenge is when you do
What youve planned
Despite setbacks
Only i have the power
Over how much i let be
And this is my warrior outcry
I will triumph
300 · May 2022
The End is not an End
But the transition to something new
Death is not finality
But the birth of Life thats true
And reason is not sanity
An illusion not the truth
When you find that you have given
All that you can do
Better days are waiting-
Just find the Faith
   in you...
298 · Oct 2015
Tomorrow t"is my birthday
Tomorrow t"is my birthday
Another year spent
But if i look back
I dont know where Time went
Taking stock of all ive done
Seems bothersome some
For what i truely wanted to do
I never got around to
And whom i aimed to be
Did clearly not happen you see
For i have birthday blues
Not greens,not reds no hues
In order to get older
I guess means to be bolder
The Things i aim to be

Tomorrow t"is my birthday
A chance to start anew
Reflecting on where im going
Not where ive come from to
And maybe see the Sunrise
On Joy and on the Truth
Forget the days gone by
Forgive the tears ive cried
Lift my Heart from sorrow
Guided from despair
To maybe reach my Dream
That on Horizon view gleam
Time has brought me through

Tomorrow t"is my birthday
All but spend alone
The journey i am tired off
The road to lead me home
Inside im slowly dying
Each brand new day to be
For inside i am longing
The End i wish to see
Life has  been surviving
Never living triumphantly
If i could close my eyes and sleep
Never wake again
My Life void of meaning
My Soul cries desperately

Tomorrow t"is my birthday
And a happy one will be
For having lost all reason
To smile-and hopefully
Tomorrow t"is my birthday
And Lord i just cant believe
That its a day worth living
Only whom I be
282 · Oct 2014
a Final,Last Request
Dark the Roads Ive travelled on,
shunning from the Light-
All of them led to the Same point,
hear this now, my plight.
True you might believe at first-
God you neednt need-
but Just remember to walk the talk that you so easy speak.
For time has come to make my peace(my chance to be redeemed)-with God whom i still yet seek repentance"s what i need.
For every thought an action born,
someday you will atone-
remember in the End,theres God-and God only alone...
There is NO BETTER TIME to make ur Peace with God,than at this very minute-For tomorrow might be too late...God keep you safe dear reader-                                              ***.                                              FredErick
279 · Aug 2014
I will find it tOo...
Some People"s Destiny
,lets them find their dreams-
Some People"s destiny,
never let it be.
Some people find their way
some people looses it,
Some People find a Love-
Some never do.
As soon as my Soul stops breaking hopefull waiting,
as Soon as Forever is through,
I will find it too.
268 · Oct 2014
Feelin Hopeless?
Days that come and days that go,
the Present not knowing
what the Future holds-
to every smile a Tear must flow,
thats what I truely know.

Feeling lonely feeling sad,
looking for the Hope I had
What I want yet not what I have,
thats where my Heart still beat:

Ive looked at Life
from all sides now,
from win and Loose
and from Faith too-
yet when im feeling Hopeless most,
I find I believe in Hope the most--
266 · Oct 2014
my Last word
Pray again
Hope in the End
Today is realy all you ever have
Dream anew
Faith will follow through
After Death-Life begins brand new
And hold on,thats all  you can do

Hear the Angel voices Sing
Listen to your Soul within
Open up your Heart again
You are worthy-till the End

Never forget

You are blessed
Beloved and Protected
Abundantly free

#29.9K Times (all my poems total Read)--God Bless you all for blessing me...
259 · Aug 2014
in Dreams
Hand in hand
With You,

In Dreams.

Side by side
Me and You,

In Dreams.

Heart to Heart
To You,

In Dreams.

Feeling Loved
By You-

I will surely Die

I "ll find You again-

In Dreams.

I will live forever with You...
If you are lucky enough to find LOVE here on Earth-remember in Dreams you will Live Forever
256 · Jun 2022
Winter Eve
Cold the night
Oh Winter Eve
The moon beam
In my room
Tucked tight beneath
Sleep to beckon soon
And silent is the night
The day but gone again
Wrapped in warmth
Another Winter eve
And i am lost in dreams
249 · Aug 2018
If it turns back to you
The next move yours to make,
Will you always be true
If once you choose to partake?
If the next move falls to me
I promise this clearly
I wont run and back away
Theres so much that i want to say
Especially to you

If the ball lands in your court
And its up to you you see
Will you choose to notiçe me
Or will you run and flee?
If its up to only me
And luck smiles down easily
I tell you this  truthfully
I will play oh so paitintly
If only i can  make you see

Time becomes the master
Days and nights to keep
If all i am is easy
For you i will fall deep
Every season has its turn
Every day a purpose
But will i find relief
From your obscureness?

Yes if it comes back to you
And what it is that you do
Will you still be truthfull
If you decided too
Tell me goodbuye?
And this i long from you
To never let this be
For if it is up to you
I guess i have to leave
If you love someone set them free
If they come back to you
This love is yours to keep
247 · Apr 2015
Its Like...
Its Like fighting a battle
You were never ment to win
Seeking Truth inside you
But  finding only Lies within

Its like falling in Love
With the Soulmate you prayed for
Finding you lost out
On what couldve been before

Its like finding the answers
In your dreams dreamt at night
But forgetting the questions
At the Morning Dawns Light

Its like finding your journey
Being fulfilled within your own Life
But Loosing your Heart
As you face new Trials

And its like
Feeling like dancing
When your crying unseen tears
Praying for guidance
But consumed by your fears

Ending the  day
With great achievement felt
Dreading the New one
That Tomorrow will delt....
The Irony of Life
239 · Jul 2019
As seasons come
Ànd as they go
Within my heart
Within my Soul
There is secrets to be known
And truths told to be own
As seasons come
And as they go

When answers fall
Like withered leaves
When all you keep
Is memories
Like days forgotten
Distant dreams
You'll hear me call
When answers fall
Like withered leaves

If what you seek
And what you need
Like blossoms bloom
On willow trees
Brings you to
Upon your knees
I'll raise you up
If what you seek
And what you need

Remember me
Surrender thee
I will thy keep
And set thine free
Remember me

As seasons come
And as they go
When answers fall
Like withered leaves
If what you seek
And what you need
Remember me
I will thy keep
And set thine free
236 · Aug 2018
From both sides
Cotton clouds  in the Sky
And whispered words blowing by
Blown by the wind
Who knows why
Some Dreams never die-
Golden rays of sun that shine
Belong to neither you nor I
They touch the ground
Who knows why
Shadows of passers by

Ive thought on life
From both sides now
From right and wrong
And win and loose
Yet Lifes truths pass me by
I realy am not strong inside

People come and people go
Each remains a story told
And in every heart
A longing cry
To be accepted by-
Love remains the only true bind
That weaves all in present time
To each their own
And one alone
To love and die

Ive thought on love
From both sides now
From lie and truth
And win and loose
Yet Loves touch pass me by
I realy dont let Love choose
236 · Aug 2018
If God ever do...
If God were to grant wishes
What would yours be?
If God granted your dreams
Would you then be free?
What would you ask of Him
What would your heart desire?
Would your life be better
If you got your souls require?
And think of this:
Would you still need God
After your desire is fulfilled
And youve received all you wanted
Would you be just thrilled?
I honestly tell you
This is not how He works
For instead of being overlooked
He gives you what you need
Not what you thought He should
For then He looks after you
And you get what is good
For what you want
Seldom is what you realy need
But what He gives you instead
Is the best you will get
And this is the truth
If God ever do
228 · Sep 2014
would it really maTter?
And if i never wrote again
Would it really matter?
Words i long to write
Darkened by the Light
Would anyone Care?

And if I never speak again
Would my presence go unknown?
Words I long to say
Like Night turns into day
Would anyone care?

And if I  closed my Heart off
Would I still be alone?
Love I need to share
When no one else is there
Would it really matter?

Dreams that never die
In words that I write
In words that I speak
In Love that I seek

Would it really matter?

Would it really matter
Standing watching the sun set
Another day has come and left
And still my heart waits
Broken into pieces ,contemplates
If i again will see your face
Standing now alone in place

Never had i dreamed it be
The last journey befalls me
Never knew i'd have to go
On in life all on my own

Holding back unendless tears

Listening just to hear again
Your voice-now lost from within
But only being filled inside
With silence,loneliness cant hide

Holding back unendless tears

Never had i dreamed it be
The last journey befalls me
Never knew i'd have to go
On in life all on my own

And if i could wait here forever
Just to feel your soul again
I'd surely be standing forever
Knowing you are off better
Yet i am living now till ever
Alone again till time end

Holding back unendless tears
Holding back tears forever
222 · Sep 2014
To You.
To YoU I mean so much
For Thou"st Formed me from Dust,
To You I am Your Wonder

How precisely You have pondered.

I am Your Sixth Day labour
Your masterpiece adorned

To You no living other
Created in Your Form.

I am but locked in Chains
Of daily sin obtain

Darkened I am Stain
Kept from redemption

You sent Your Death to Save

A lost and poor soul gained
Eternal Life Remain
Mine, in Mercy gave.

By YoU I am Ordained.

But why do I abstain
From being close to YoU?
Is it reFlected to
In all I say and do?

To me,I am but dust
My actions,thoughts unjust,

To You I am Beloved
Thou keeps thine Hand above.

I am but merely breath
Thou"st from Your Own Life born.

To YoU I am forever

The reason for Your Love.
219 · Nov 2014
The Voice of My Soul
You are invited to follow my New Blog.Since im not so active here in Hello Poetry,you can find short uplifting writings of my very own here:
Hope it resonates with You too!! Regards. FredErick
216 · Aug 2018
The best you can be
To be the best you can be
Listen not to others critique
Look within your own soul
The best it is you already own

To be the best you can be
Takes strength and courage to succeed
Will mean to lose all negativity
Yet also knowing whats reality

You cannot be what others see
Your truth is yours to keep
The best you that you will stay
Is not to compare to someones way

To be the best you can be
Will only work for you you see
And never turn your back only
To be the best you that you can be..
216 · Aug 2014
The Night falls
Whilst cries of Fear and Terror calls
Echo "s in the Night Sky,
Only the Rememberance of better
Days Gone by.

The Moon weeps silently down
His Tears,
The Stars burdened with Fears
Struggle to shine,
In a sky once they only owned.

Angels prepare for war
Their Time has come,
Whilst the forces of this World
SUrrenders to no one.
War amongst men has begun

The Silence of Night is filled-
sounds of sCreams from those killed,
Peace belong to Yesterday
Destruction forcefully arise.

And in Heaven
Gods hand withdraws,
His eyes closed
His heart saddened,
The End of Times in motion.
In HIM lies humanities only Hope
Earths desire for rebirth evoked

Innocent blood flows
Like rivers upon the dust.
War spares no living Soul
Of Man against man-
Both young and old
Fighting to only Live-
Only returning as ashes to ashes
To a embattled Earth
From hence Life was gived.

"May YOU
Our God
Watch over us"

215 · Apr 2015
a Soul"s echo......
Can you tell where my Dreams have gone
Can you tell why they"ve died
Yesterday,seems so long ago
Tell me,Can You?

Will you seek for the moonlit sky
Stars that are formed from the tears I cry
Will you seek for the Lullaby
I heard in my youth
Tell me,will You?

Promise me when my Heart sighs
Promise me things will be alright
I cannot find what Ive lost inside
Promise me?

My Soul has lost its way back home
Living Life all alone
My Hope and faith
Have all now gone......

A Soul"s Echo
213 · Sep 2014
World in my Mind
In the World in my mind
I  spend many a while,
In the sanctity i constructed-
In the World where I find
Every cloud hides a smile,
And true hope is conducted:
Into my Heart
Engraved in my Soul,
Never again  be Dark-

And finally find I am whole.

In the World in my Mind
Theres no sorrow nor Tears,
Hope keeps me free as a child-
A place  where i find
Light chase "way my fears,
And Eternal Peace abide:
Where Dreams become true
Each wish  that I hold,
Happiness born renew-

And finally find I am whole.

But The Most of it all
That keeps me enthralled,
Is the Reason why I Live.
In My Magical World,
Thats more precious than gold
Than anything you can give,

I never recall
That im alone after all
Broken with no worth-

But here Im enough
And im better there off,
Never again will i cry.

For in the End i will find
This World wont deNy,
Nor leave me without Hope-
Yes here Im just fine
Guess I knew that sometime,
In the World in my Mind,

Finally Im Whole
Finally home:

In the World I made in my Mind
God BleSs You!!
213 · May 2022
These are the days
Just a day like today
Like today just a day
As the sun still shine
Still shine the sun
And my soul feels aware
And aware my soul feels
What will be shall come
And what shall come will be

Life brings days and memories
Memories and days life brings
When your heart silent weeps
Silent weeps your heart
And take the chance
To wonder and dance
Dance and wonder
When the chance you take
Leads you nor here nor there
Nor there leads you nor here
But forward you take

Sings the songbird its song
Brings the wind whats been gone
Whats been gone the wind brings
As its song the songbird sings
No tears to weep
So to weep no tears
But to have and to keep
Keep but to have

Live a life for what it is
And what it is but to live

Nothing remains always
And always remains nothing
You walk through your life
When you live through your walk
And someone once said
To try is to know
When you know
You will try
And that you will know

So take heed and be wise
Through age you will find
You will find with age
You will take heed and be wise

Live a life for what it is
And what it is but to live

These are the days
And the days are to live
Words that seem to depict the ebb and flow of Life and of days
And in the End.........

When the sun has set
On another days end
When the moon arise
From within Heaven's bend
Calls the stars out
Within whispers spent
Tis the secret they know
Of the Midnight sky

Dreams are born
When day becomes night
Dreams come alive
In the sleepy mind
And dreams perhaps again to die
Tis the secrets kept in the
Midnight sky

A soul is woven within the sky
From whispers come the tears eyes cry
And hope
And strength
Faith and light
All is
The secret of the Midnight sky...
210 · Aug 2019
Simply alone
Is it too late?
Regret comes
Is it too late?
Cry tears
Is it too late?
Hearts brake
Is it too late?
Lost faith...

Do you wait
Turn back from your mistake
Do you wait
Nothing left to fate
Do you wait
Love for hate...

Are you alone?
Far from home
Are you alone?
Tears will iluminate
Are you alone?
Simply just having no one...

Is it too late
Do you wait
Are you alone?
Lost faith
Love for hate
Simply just having no one...
Simply alone.
Sometimes a choice made in haste can have dire consequences....
208 · Aug 2018
When you fall asleep
And lost in dreams
Does your heart keep
What no one sees?
Does your soul speak words
Of times gone by
And the stars at night
Keep the truth inside?
When your breathing slows
And your eyes are closed
Does your mind subside
To the still of night?
When the wind brakes free
And the leaves all fall
Do your thoughts belong
To you at all?
And when the moon will wane
Does your soul remain
Chained in fear and pain
Only free to strain?
When the truth you know
Seems to seldom go
Will your heart still beat
As at night you sleep?
And when a star shoots down
From the midnight sky
Will you still be here
Always at my side?
When your soul weeps
For the tears you keep
Will you ever find
That you will be free?
And when the morning dawns
Upon a brand new day
Will your soul still find
A journey laid?
And if you listen close
To the morning sun
Will your dreams come true
Only One by one?
And if all is said
When all is done
Does your heart belong
To at least someone?
And if  goodbye becomes
What today will be
Will you think of life
And remember me....
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