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 Jan 2015 Francis Taban
She's the ink and he's
the poet. Their road carries
no breaks no ends and no lies.
It's a true mind blowing fact I know.
They walk through their road
hand in hand , through fire and
stone through darkness and light
as well as angry thunderstorms in
the dead of night carrying nothing but their love , paper and pen.
Leaving poetry behind every
road they cross. Obsessed
by metaphors and lust obsessed
by the twenty five letters of
the alphabet obsessed by the
words that make their hearts
sink to the core of their souls.
He's the poet and she's the ink.
With the help of faith and
destiny he managed to put the
Us in TrUst. He takes
her out on dates and feeds
her art , poetry and literature.
He feeds her Tyler Knott and Edgar
Allen poe's words and thoughts.
They are the chasers of the
wonder words they are the
chasers of the light. They are two
young adults who are madly in
love and can both feel it coursing through their bones and in the
stardust forming their very
souls* ~
The Songs of old birds in cold worlds warm hearts of women where men have left.

Past wars still brewing in the brain making stews of despair he shares only with himself suffocating without breath his heart
infested with death as
The blood of foes
Is still staining
his hands

She holds him
as though an infant
trembling in fear of his
own ghost she assures him
with a kiss of hope that life is
still worth living and all else is
forgiven and all else is forgiven
Grand dad used to talk about the war when I was very young this one is for him and others like him
I am Mother Earth
Giver of unconditional love
Receiver of unfathomable destruction
Sorry for 12 words, didnt know how to cut it down.
Throw me in the mist of an ocean
Douse me in the water of Alaska during winter
Place me on the hot sand of the Saharah desert in the summer
Watch my skin sizzle
Boiling under the sun
Tie a dumbbell around my ankles
Watch me sink to the bottom of the Great Lakes
Latch me to the walls
Throw daggers at me
You want to see me fight the waves
Want to see me overcome hypothermia
Want to watch me fine water in the desert
I can show you how to cure sun burn
Want to see me escape these chains
Dodge the daggers
You want to see me overcome all your wicked tricks and pain
Fine but you going have to torture me
 Jan 2015 Francis Taban
I have those moments
When all I want to do is
Read your words
Hear your voice
Hold you close
And feel your warmth..

And I have those moments
When all I want to do is
Finally drown
In this ocean
Of endless sadness
And just slip into gray..

Right now
I feel both
And I need you here
To lie to me and say
Everything is ok
And you're going to stay..
This is to you.
The guy I dream about.
The guy I've fallen for.
The guy I've damaged.
The guy I don't deserve.
The trek of my deceased ancestors never seem so long
Here's a man picked by his peers
Letting go of his fears
Trusting God to lead his way
Who knew he would carry them far
Leaving his footsteps in the ground as he marched on
Paving the way
Leading them all
Black or white
Together they fight
Hand in hand
He knew the truth
At the end of the day
This is our land
Not made for one man
He speeches legendary
His methods no violence
His compassionate actions speak the loudest
No matter the danger
Take the violence
Not barking back with holding the attacks
Freedom was giving
Equality wanted
By his voice and many
To some he was a plague
To many a hero
That speech will forever live on
You know the one
That's still echoing
His dream
Came true

— The End —