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 Mar 2017 Kvothe
Michael Archer
The brilliant,
Blinding sun
Upon a desert bloom speaks silently,
In all languages and none,
Telling the man squinting his eyes,
Glimpsing the unfiltered beauty,
"Be grateful."
 Mar 2017 Kvothe
The Gallery
 Mar 2017 Kvothe
I've met the painter
who used his brush
to create your beautiful canvas.
I know of your palette,
of your vibrant colors,
of the story I receive
when I take you in.

But no matter how I try
I'm unable to see
past the shades you're composed.
For no matter how I long,
I realize that yours is a painting,
an image I so desire to view.
And I am just another,
incapable of seeing
the initial stroke.
for those I cannot have
The skipper ordered this
vessel to ground along the darkest quagmire , visible to four-sided certain gunfire
Running my flag up for all to see , this rusted , shot skewed hulking monstrosity
Firing useless torpedos  
Screwy window's that open on submarines ,
This beached whale of wreckage having
escaped the high seas ,
a ship of dreams exposed to its enemy ,
facing zero indemnity ,
scoffed at by her fellow sailors ,
doomed to failure* ...
Copyright March 23 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2017 Kvothe
have you heard the wind
the trees rustle
the wings fly by
the sea roar
watched the mountain
and wonder
sink down
on your knees
knowing this is life
the end the beginning
we are no more
than a bird a mountain a tree a leaf
a wave crash on the shore
a shell
maybe a sunrise
or a moon on the horizon
but nothing more
 Mar 2017 Kvothe
Nandish Malhotra
In the quietness of the night
These stars, they speak to me.
Glitter with sorrow and delight
They remind me
Of past, the dead present.
When all was not pleasant.
The moon with its waning crescent
Some loss and some descent.
Life and its lows
But time still it flows
With its dims and blurs.
You want to sit down, relax
But it spurs
In the right direction.
The direction of time.
Where all is but sublime.
These dots they show
Switch off, then glow!
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