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9.7k · Sep 2014
Always Here For You
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
I know your life is spinning
so very much out of control
I know your grip is slipping
and you just want to give up and let go.

So I will step on up
and grasp your hand tight
you can let go for a while
Don't worry I'll keep my hold.

Let go and break down
Fall into a million pieces
When you're done
I'll pick them back up
and help you build back up.

I'll hold you
until you can stand up again
because in my arms you're always safe.

You are my sister
and I love you so dear
and I know its hard for you
To show all your fear

but know this please

I am Always here For you.
I love you Summer Skye! I'm right here for you.
7.8k · May 2014
Submissive turned Dommie
Fenix Flight May 2014
My heels click
on the floor
Click click click  

I walk up to you
all *******
and At my mercy

All Mine

I grab you gently

"This is mine
all mine
not yours"

"This is mine to play with
mine to do with
what I please"

"And maybe...Just maybe
if you're good
I'll let you have some fun"

I kiss you lightly
on the lips
and walk away

I may be 100% submissive in the lifestyle
BUt even I have my fantasies, I wouldnt mind
domming a male ;-)
5.5k · May 2014
Cheer up Mariah
Fenix Flight May 2014
Cheer up Girly
your too happy to be sad

You could brighten
even the darkest day

Don't you cry
Keep your chin up

I know this place *****
and its draining at times

Hell I've been there
I know that look

You want to give up
But hey dont you dare

Just think
Its pay day!!!

its friday
weekends almost here

jsut relax at home
and forget this place

And when monday comes around
I'll be here to make you laugh

:-D :-D :-D
my co workers not having a great day. Made this to try and cheer her up.
5.0k · Jul 2014
Big Brother To the Rescue
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
Down to my last bit of strength
Walk out of work in sobbing tears
Start the hike home
half a mile
81 degrees

"Yo Panda you look beat"
I stop dead in my tract
That voice
It shouldnt be here.
Is it really here?

Afraid to hope
afriad to believe
Take a gulp of air
look up.
Am I seing things?

Chillign against a car
a smirk across his face
arms crossed
sunglasses oddly on

Big brother Hawk
in all his dark glory
drove 8 hours give or take
just to make sure
I was ok.

Runnig into his arms
I cling to my big brother.
Wrapping them around me
lifting me up in a
big bear hug.

Safe, secure, peace.
In Hawks arms
I always feel
those three things
No matter what.

"You're safe now Panda,
I'm here for you,
You're not alone."

He whispers to me
And I know he means every word.
Tuesday (7/15/14) My best friend who is like a big brother to me drove all the way from Massachusettes to where I live just to make sure I was ok after my almost suicide attempt.
I love you so much hawk you are so important to me. thank you brother
4.8k · Aug 2016
Moon Of My Life
Fenix Flight Aug 2016
I have found my Khal
The Moon of my life
My Sun and Stars

I will love him until the end of time
until the sun rises in the west
and sets in the east

He chases away the darkness
that is my feral mind
He brings in the light

He is the warrior who won my heart
he dared to love a frightened girl
and Helped bring out the strength in me

He reminds me of my strength
and holds me when I fall apart
Hand in Hand together we can make it through anything

He means the world to me
Without him near I feel incomplete
like part of me is missing

I cant wait to see what our future has in store
but for now lets take it one step at a time
And cherish our time together

*I love you
My Khal
The Moon of my life
Khal, Moon of my life, Sun and Stars, and "until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east" are from the show GAME OF THRONES. They are quotes from the two Characters Daenerys and Drogo. Man and Wife who began their marriage with no love and soon fell in love and their love was strong.
4.5k · Mar 2015
MY Partner In Crime
Fenix Flight Mar 2015
my partner in crime
my bumble bee twin
my best friend

Best friends since second grade
that's.... what 15 years now? 16?
Sleepovers at eachothers homes
Pixie stick highs and slushy brain freezes
Trips to my grandmother's,
for a Harry Potter Marathon

Rocking out to Halestorm
Daughters of Darkness through and through
Foil art doodling and reading through the night
Did I mention the trip to Walmart?
ten at night just for a loaf of bread?

Screaming at eachother, throwing punches
Calling names so bad tears start to form
Saying we're through we're done mo more friendship
two minutes later laughing stupidly together

Our favorite place, Weedamo woods,
High Rock, queens of the world
I visit those memories in my dreams

I miss my soul sister my best friend for life
I miss being able to call you up and yell
"YO ***** come get me I need to talk."
You're still my bestie and you always will b
This separation don't forget is only temporary.

I'll move down there soon
and together we can rec havoc once more
until then please don't forget me
I know I haven't forgotten you.
(To my best friend who I have known since I was 7 years old. She is my soul sister)
4.5k · Mar 2015
The Freedom Of Religion
Fenix Flight Mar 2015
What ever happened
to the Idea of Freedom of Religion?
What ever happened to religious equality?
I want it back? I'm begging for it to come back.

I sometimes get strange looks
when I admit that I accept all religions EQUALLY
that I would let a Jehovah witness into my home
just so I could learn about their faith.
That I find Catholic sermons tearfully beautiful
That One of my pen pals is Mormon.

People find me strange, they find me fake.
"How can you love them all equally?"
"how can you accept them all?"
It's quite simple really. This is my answer.

What right do I have to Bash what others think?
What right do I have to say
"No your god doesn't exist"?
I wouldn't want people to do that to me and my faith
so Why should I go out and do it to theirs?
There's this thing call FREEDOM of RELIGION
and I stand firm and believe it whole heartily

We all have the right to believe in what we believe in
And no one i mean
has the right to take that away!
(I wrote this After watching the movie God is Dead. Now I am Wiccan, and when my co worker found out... she started treating me differently and got angry and shunned me.... and I simply asked her how she would feel if someone did that to her because of her religion?)
4.3k · Jul 2014
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
So I just heard that the KKK
Waz handing out candy down in South Carolina.
They left bags of candy on peoples doorstep
with a letter inside
asking for them to join.


Who in their right mind
would want to join them?

All they are is a bunch
a pathetic looking bullies
With sheets over their heads.

If they tried to come after me
I wouldnt run away from them
I'd be on the floor
laughing my *** off
at how stupid and pathetic they are.
I'm sorry but the KKK is pathetic. they arent scary! I mean come on!
whats so scary about a bunch off close minded ******* running around with sheets over their heads?
4.0k · Jun 2014
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
Kneel before me
your mistress, your goddess.
I am your mistress
you are my ***** little slave
You exist only to please me.
And please me you will
Please me you shall.
3.7k · Feb 2015
Saving Peter (SHORT STORY)
Fenix Flight Feb 2015
.               "Peter Look at me." Lexi whispers moving closer to him, The hot spray from the shower head scalding her back. Peter had his back flushed against the back of the shower, his eyes, the red of an Alpha wolf, wild with pure animistic rage. He's lost his humanity, she thinks, I have to bring it back, Peter Snarls and lunges for her. Lexi just holds out her palm and water tentacles from the streaming water behind her snake out and wrap themselves around his wrists and ankles, locking him in places, vicious snarls escaping him, his eyes burning red. Anger wells up in her chest making her own eyes Flash violet, her powers rising inside her. She closes her palms and the water restraints tighten cruelly against him, a small whimper coming from him. She looks him in the eyes and steps even closer, leaving the comfort of the water. "Peter please, come back to me my love." She whispers moving closer still until she was standing right in front of him, his breathing echoing off the shower tiles. She stretches her hand out and touches the hard muscles of his stomach, making him flinch violently, struggling against his restraints as he tries to move away. Lexi thinks back to the time when he would have done anything just to feel her touch, now with his humanity lost,  and the wherewolf taking hold he couldn't bare it. She splays her hand across his abs, tracing the hard muscles, trying not to wince as sounds of pure distress came from him. Looking back up into his eyes she searches for the Peter she had fallen in love with, imprinted with, and found nothing but a cruel cold hearted Animal staring back at her. She takes her hands away and sees the distress turn quickly back into a murderous glare as he pulls against the restraints trying grab her, his claws glistening with spray from the water. With a flick of her wrist the tentacles pull at his arms until they are spread out, far from touching her, another viscous growl, more tugging against them. "Peter I know you can hear me,try to fight this I know you can." She says pleading to any shred of humanity that might still be lurking within his soul. For a split second his eyes lose some of the bloodlust as her words penetrate the wolf that was rising, his face twists in concentration

               "Lexi- I can't Save yourself" He gasps through clenched teeth, His eyes begging her to run before he closes them. She steps near, her heart soaring with hope that she might be able to save him. When he opens his eyes again though all hope she just had shatters as the cruel animal returns. With renewed strength He lets out a harsh howl and yanks his arms, the water tentacles turning to puddles, slipping down the drain with the rest of the water, in the small space of the shower he lunges toward her. Fear ripples through her but she quickly shakes it off and once again lifts her palm stronger tentacles obeying her command wrap themselves around him just in time, as his sharpened fangs came three inches from her face. His body is slammed back against the shower wall, his head bouncing painfully off the tiles. As he trashes and pulls at the restraints Lexi moves back close to him, shutting her eyes in concentration. "His ego cuffs concatenata bestiam, relaxare scintillis humanitas seen, With these cuffs I chain the beast, only loosen with sparks of Humanity seen." The Latin words falling easily from her lips as she casts her spell on the water, knowing they would hold and only lessen their grip when the Peter she knew and loved came back. Her strength leaves her as the spell takes hold and she sags against the other wall, seeking its help to keep her upright. She leans her forehead onto the water slicked tiles and breaths in the steamy air, her eyes drift close. Knowing she was safe from anymore escape tempts she turns her back toward the beast that wore Peters face and steps back into the scalding water of the shower, letting the heat seep into her cold riddled body, and washing away any remaining fear as she lifts her face to the spray. Anger toward herself bubbles up inside her, how can she be afraid of the man she loves? whimpers fro behind her make her sigh and step out of the comforting spray. Turning around, she opens her eyes which were flashing Violet with her rejuvenated powers, she once again faces the love of her life. Hope once against swells inside her as she faces her task of Being Back Peter's humanity.

               "Peter I know you are still in there, I'm going to touch you now." She says with confidence as she steps closer once more. Hot spittle flies from his mouth as a deadly snarl comes from deep within, his fangs fully elongated, his claws at full length, clawing wilding at the air trying to tear her apart. She ignores the snarls and the beast and focuses souly on her task, She reaches out and touches his chest, right above his pounding heart. Moving her hand upward she runs her hands up his muscled well toned arms and with her left hand she places it carefully on his cheek, keeping away from his deadly venom coated fangs, knowing that one bite would have her transforming into a werewolf like him. The terrified whimpers he made makes her heart squeeze, knowing that the touch of a human in his wolf fill brain was torture for him. She looks in his eyes and silently pleads for this to work, knowing that with each touch the Peter she loved would have a fighting chance to break through and once again take hold of his body. She steps closer and kicking his feet apart she presses flush against him, the roughness of his soaked jeans rubbing against her naked body, his shirtless upper half smooth against her own chest. A strangled growl leaves him as he tries to shrink away from the closeness. She takes her hands and places them on either side of his face yanking it back to look at her. "Peter come on love FIGHT THIS!" She hisses pressing herself closer to him. The blood lust fades slightly, his arms sagging slightly as the restrains register a spark of his humanity. Her eyes shine with joy when she realizes it was working. She takes her hands away from his face and wraps them around his neck, stretching up on her toes to reach his mouth with hers. She kisses his mouth, not afraid of the snapping teeth, and feels the growls dissipating in his throat, as his arms continue to sag with the loosing cuffs. She watches as his eyes close and feels his lips returning the pressure to hers. A small gasps escapes her as she feels his arms finally wrapping around her body crushing her to him.

               "Lexi Stop, I can't fight this for long," he pleads against her lips, and on Que his arms are softly yanked from around her as the restraints sense the animal rising again. Going against her intuition she lifts her hand and the spell is broken letting his arms sag fully to his sides, giving him full use of them. He growls "That was a mistake, Lexi AH" He chokes out shutting his eyes and shrinking away from her half turning his body, trying to keep himself from slipping away. She moves, easily deflecting his feeble attempts to push her away, she takes hold of his arm and turns him to face her again and softly pushes him up against the wall which they had started to stray from, pressing herself firmly against him.

               "You can fight this Peter," She whispers in his ear before claiming his mouth again. It was her mistake. He kisses her with desperation trying to fight back the Wolf that was clawing it way through him. IN a split second He looses control and the beast takes hold. Giving off a murderous howl he sinks his claws deep within her back, Her scream tears through her, echoing off the tiles. She sags against his claws, making them sink in deeper as whimpers of agony spill from her kiss swollen lips.  With a grunt he rips his claws out and watches as she crumples to the ground, her strength deserting her. She splashes in the water built up in the tub , barely noticing the sting as her knees and hands hit the porcelain. Her arms wobble as she tries to keep herself up, her eyes cast down as she stares at his bare feet, the hem of his jeans dark with the water sloshing around him. "Pe-Peter Fight, pl-please" she mumbles as a fog starts to creep into her mind. Her arms fail her and she splashes face first into the ***** water. The water was tinged red and tasted like cooper with her life's blood as it oozed out of the ten claw marks on her back. Her breath quickens as it become shallow, the fog creeper faster, her vision starting to unfocused. Tears spill down her face and mix with the ****** water as she realizes she was going to die, and without saving Peter.

               "I failed you Peter, I'm sorry, Forgive me," She whispers unable to lift her head to look at the beast that claimed him. " I- I love You" She manages to sputter out before the fog took hold of her, rendering her unconscious.

               Those three words reached the beast, traveling down to Peter who was growing weaker by the minute LEXI! he screams mentally and pushes past the beast. He throws his head back, letting out a tortuous howl, as his eyes go from blood red to the Ice blue some Beta wherewolves posses, his original state. The beast retreats, never fully gone, just hibernating until the next best moment to strike. Peter looks down at the naked girl at his feet, and he drops to his knees in the red waters.

               "Lexi My love" He whispers his voice full of agony. He lifts her limp body out of the water and cradles her in his arms, He wipes away the hair that was plastered to her face and rests his hand against her cheek. "Open your eyes my love, you didn't fail me, you saved me, I'm right here, just open your eyes." He says, his voice choked with unshed tears. When she doesn't respond he cries out , placing his head on her chest, taking his hand away to wrap around her body in a tight grief stricken embrace, his blond hair making a curtain around his face as his grief pours out of him unchecked. A strangled Gasp makes her chest rise and he wipes his head up to find her eyes fluttering open, focusing weakly on him.

               "Peter, you're-" her words fade away as her strength seeps out of her. she lifts her hand and he quickly grasps it in his lifting it to his mouth kissing the fragile pale skin before putting his face in her hand, trapping it between his face and his hand.

               "Yes Lexi I'm me, I'm here, Don't give up" He says smiling through his tears. A faint smile spreads across her bloodless lips as she closes her eyes, her breathing was struggled but she clinged to the last bites of life in her as she pulls her power in, drawing strength from the water around them, the air that fought it's way to her lungs, the Fire from the small candle she had lit in the bathroom earlier for strength, the minuet grands of dirt that always managed to find their way in the house. But most of all she Draws on the Spiritual world the one that swirled around every living creature. She draws all this power inside her and wills her body to heal itself, Fighting for her life. Her power pulls and a soft warm glow fills her body as the wounds slowly pull themselves closed healing themselves. Her breathing becomes easier and she gulps huge mouth fulls, coughing as she takes too much in. Peter tighten's his hold on her and stares at her in wonder as she pulls her broken battered body together. "Oh Lexi," he gushes as color returns to her body, making it flush a pale pink, her eyes going from their crystal green to the purple as she works her magic. Finally the wounds were sealed shut, and her eyes return to their crystal green, her body sagging in exhaustion in his arms.

               "You're you, you're really you." She whispers, happiness ringing in her soft sleepy voice. Peter smiles at her and strokes her cheek, his fangs had vanishes and his claws had retracted.

               "Yes Lexi I'm really me."

               "I thought you're humanity was lost,"

               Peter just shakes his head at her, tightening his hold on her he stands up, carrying her bride style he steps out of the shower, not bothering to shut off the water. Holding her close to his body she rests her head against his bare chest and sighs as she hears his heart thumping at a normal pace. Leaving the bathroom he pads down the hall to their room. Once inside, with one hand he pulls back the covers on their king sized bed and gently deposit her onto it. going to his side of the bed he quickly strips out of his wet clothing and slides under the covers with her, drawing her close to his body, skin to skin. Lifting her eyes to his he smiles at her.

               "NO Lexi, I don't think I can ever lose my humanity again, want to know why?" He says, his eyes hypnotizing her. She snuggles closer to him, her legs tangling with his,


               "Because YOU are my humanity." He says as his lips crush her in a passion filled kiss.
This was A Dream I had. I have no other back story or anything This was jsut my dream and I was Lexi. Peter was Peter Hale From TV show Teen Wolf. ( IDK why but my dreams awalys end up staring someone from that **** show)
3.3k · Jun 2014
Avengers Rant
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
To all those people out there
who try to tell me how to run my life
I turn my back to you
I will stand my ground

I pay my bills on time,
I buy the things I need
Female products, shampoo,
razers, tooth brush, ect

Yes I know I'm slightly obbsessed with Avengers
and I buy everything in sight that has to do with them.

I needed a new bedset, my old one getting disgustingly ratty
There just so happened to be an avengers one
I needed a new bath towel,
Hey Look a cheap *** Avengers one!!!!
I needed shampoo
I found a three in one
shampoo, conditioner, body wash
3 buck! AVENGERS!!!
Sorely needed a new tooth brush
Dollar tree, Spiderman!!!!

So you see
even as I splurge
I'm doing it smartly

So to all those haters out there!

GET THE ******* MY BACK!!!
HOW EVER I ******* WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
THis was brought on by my younger brother saying how it was pitiful how I spent my money.. -.- -.-
3.0k · Jun 2017
I Miss You Baby Girl
Fenix Flight Jun 2017
Its times like this
when its quiet and still
that I realize just how much I miss you

Oh My Daughter
I miss you so much
It kills me inside
the pain I feel

It hits me like a tidal wave
and tears stream down my face
I just want to scream to the sky

My chest tightens
and my body starts to shake
I cant catch my breath
and the depression sinks in

I just want to crawl into a hole
and cry until my heart gives in
I just want to go back in time
And save you from this fate.

You were my strength
what kept me going day to day
With out you here I feel so lost
I feel like just giving up.

Baby girl I need you here
I need you back in my life
This isn't fair to me or you
You never got a chance

I wont ever hear you say Mommy
Or hear you say I love you
I will never feel a hug from you
or a kiss on my cheek.

There isn't a second that goes by
That I don't think of you.
You are forever in my heart
and forever a part of my soul.

Stay safe up there Carole
Watch over daddy and I
I'll see you again someday baby girl
I love you.
I miss my daughter so much. The pain is so much.
2.7k · Jun 2013
Yes Master
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
Push me down on my knees
Tie me up
I am at your mercy

Master I am yours
yours to do with
as you so please

Whip me
spank me
bite me

I will do
whatever you
want me to

I am your submissive
my only response
to you

Fenix Flight May 2014
In a busy town
In massachusetts
there is this college

At this cozy college
there are 8 buildings
But one has capture my heart completly

Walk through the sliding glass doors
Around the corner
through the lunch room
To the Dinning hall

Noise assult my ears
Beeping video games
shouts of triumph
Kpop and metal music

Tables littered with playing cards

People as different as can be
From all corners of the social spectrum
and geeks

Join together in a crazy dance
A swirling brightly colored tango
Joined together
by mutal intrest

Riker, dear Riker
puple fadora ever present
My "Co-****"
a founding father of the trolling company

Damien, Oh damien
Your strangness growing stranger
Your hair of deception
Another founding father

Jose, Dear Lord Jose
You're pervertenss proceeds you
Cat calling
Video gaming

Holly, sweet Holly
Looking innocent and sweet
Masking your wildness

Nathan, My Naten
My best friend through the ages
Opinions flying
Jungle juice by your side

Casey, My sweet sweet Casey
Ghost story devourer
Trusting you with my secrets
Everyone's little sister

John, John of the lake
Annoying as hell
but loveble all the same
only kind things to say

Josh, Or should I say Shoji
Big Brother
Laptop out
Video game in

Matt, My lovely Matt
This is where we met
Fate intervined
brought us together

This is where I belong
This island of misfits
This G building gang
This is my home.
To BCC's Freaks. I miss you with every fiber of my being. I'll be home soon I promise
2.4k · May 2014
Little Marvel Girl
Fenix Flight May 2014
I'm just a little Marvel Girl
hiding behind her super heros

Black widow
yes Please
Even better
drools Yes yes yes PLEEEEEEEASE

I'm just A little Marvel Girl
Devouring everything in sight

You could say I'm obbsessed
But I would say

I have it just Right
I love me some Marvel <3
2.2k · May 2014
Stupid People on the Phones
Fenix Flight May 2014
Stupid people on the phones
Call me slander
call me your words

You think I care?
You think you hurt?

You're rudness
and your hate
Just become the butts of jokes
Making my day

Stupid people on the phones
Talk down to me
Make fun of me

You think me stupid?
You think me Niave?
yeah RIGHT

I know more then you think
I can hear you talking
I hear your murmers

Stupid People on the Phones
just remember
you cant see me

While you hate
and slander
and talk down to me

You dont see me
through this screen
you dont see what I do

Stick my tungue out
Stiffling my laughter
******* in the air

So to all you stupid people on the phones
Think twice about being rude
to a sales person
We can be twice as cruel.
To all the people who are rude to me at work.
2.1k · Jul 2014
Witty Comment
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
You dear lady
are easier then
The first level
Of Mario.
Fenix Flight Jun 2017
Little Carole Jean
You were born to early
Only 20 weeks and 4 days into my pregnancy
Born without a heartbeat

I held you in my arms
So tiny so fragile
8.6oz and only 21 inches long
But so beautiful and pure

You had your daddy's long legs
And my annoying chin
Nine Perfect Baby fingers
And Your tiny feet so cute

I'm so sorry babygirl
That mommy couldn't protect you
I failed you little one
Please can you forgive me.

I see how Daddy cries for you
His eyes show how much he misses you
You were his world, his little princess

I miss you so much
I miss you growing inside me
Watching your daddy wrap his arms around my tummy
And say he is on protection duty

I wish I could have watched you grow up
I can picture you in my mind
Dark unruly red hair
And bright blue eyes like daddy

Your dad would have had to chase all the boys away

I wish I could wake up from this nightmare
And erase this whole last week
Look down and see my bellies small bump
Can I go back to when things were good?

Rest Easy Carole Jean
Be safe up there ok?
You have a whole lot of people to meet you there
And a whole lot of people still yet to come

I will see you again one day
Until then please be good.
I cant wait to hold you again
And I know Daddy can't either.

We will be a family again one day
Until then you are always in my heart.
I will NEVER forget you
I dont think I ever could

I love you daughter
And forever always will
You are with me for eternity

My little baby Carole Jean
My daughter Carole Jean was born 5/26/17. Weighting 8.6oz and only 21cm long. Born still but never the less Still born. I love you babygirl and Mommy always will
2.0k · Jun 2014
Nerd To My Candy Box
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
you are the nerd to my candy box
The Captain Crunch
to my honey bunches of oats

You are the Hawkeye
To my black widow

The chocolate
to my Vanilla
we make the perfect swirly

Arent we just
Cornier Then Kanas in August?
all the stupid mushy names me and my fiancee call each other,
(yes he has called me his honey bunches of oats and I've called him my Captina crunch)
(Last line is something he always says :-P)
Fenix Flight May 2014
She's a fighter through and through
Seen so many things
in her 18 years

Some to horrid to name
Some so heartbreaking it will make you cry
some so joyous you will shout with glee

She is a fighter through and through
She'll flatten her ears and hiss
claws out ready to fight
for what she believes

Blonde hair
blue eyes
A bekon of light

My hero
my partner in crime
my sister
Inspired by the tattoos my sister wants on her wrists. Fighter and survivor
1.9k · Jun 2016
The Joker To My Harley
Fenix Flight Jun 2016
You're crazy matches mine
You're clingy blends percfectly

You are the Joker to my harley
Our love chaotic and fast pace

You're stuck with me
like Perma glue

Wild crazy passionate
We're silly and nerdy

You make me feel safe
and scared all at the same time.

I've told you once
But I will tell you again

I'm yours for
as long as you want me.

My Amazing Joker man
To Kaleb. I love you babe!!!
1.8k · Aug 2017
To My Niece Lilith Skye
Fenix Flight Aug 2017
You are only a month old
so you wont understand right now
But I hope you do as you get older.

Auntie Coconut Loves you
With everything she has,
you are my first niece after all ;-P

I vow to always buy you baby socks
at least while you're still a baby
because lets be honest, they are the cutest thing EVER

I Promise to always be the "bad influence"
that everyone talks about
and help you be care free and wild.

I vow to be the goofy nut ball aunt,
that you can trust with all your secrets.
I'll protect them with my life.

I'll be there if you fight with your mom and dad,
and need someone to vent to,
I promise I wont break that trust.

I know I cant be there physically
But I am always here emotionally
I'm also just a call away.

I love you little
Lilith Skye

*Love your Auntie Coconut
My First niece was born July 15th, the day after her mother ( my sister) birthday.  She will be a month old next week!!!!
1.8k · Jul 2014
Another Witty Comment
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
Ive met some
****** in my life

But YOU sir
Are a
Found it on a picture off of Facebook
Thought it was worth sharing.
1.8k · Sep 2014
Shattered Glass Slipper
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
Fairy Godmother:
Oh, now, now, now, now, now, just a minute.
You must understand, my dear:
On the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken,
and everything will be as it was before.*

Royal *****
With all the fluff
Pretty dressed girl twirling and laughing
Strapping young men Promising them the world
The masks are on.

Girls with their heads in the clouds
dancing in their glass slippers
Slippers that hold all their hopes and dreams

believing the words falling off men's lips.
whispering in their ears
all the things they want to hear
not seeing through their carefully crafted masks

Midnight descends and all bets are off.
Carriages turning back to pumpkins
rich men turning back to paupers
taking away their hard earned money
sleeping in their beds.

Leaving them in the dust
leaving nothing behind
but those awful glass slippers
3rd poem in my poetry book "Shattered Fairy Tales"
1.7k · May 2014
Tap Dancing
Fenix Flight May 2014
I am a tap dancer
Its in my blood
and its hooked on my soul

The sharp snap of my tap
Vibrates through my body
The movment taking my body away

Its just me and the dance
Close my eyes I let my feet move
Tapping tapping tapping away

I am a tap dancer
its in my blood
and its forever hooked on my soul
Position One School Of Dance. Thank you for giving me my passion in life.
1.7k · May 2014
LIfe is Too Short
Fenix Flight May 2014
Life is to short
to go through it in a blur.

Life is to short,
to fight with friends.

Life is to short,
to push the ones you love away.

Life is to short,
to worry about silly things.

You need to slow down
and enjoy the world around you.

Because you never know,
it may change in a blink of an eye

You need to stop
taking things for granted.

Because you don't know what you have,
till it is taking away from you,

Life is to short
to go through it in a blur.

Life is to short,
to fight with friends.

Life is to short,
to push the ones you love away.

Life is to short,
to worry about silly things.

So do take it slower
Or you might regreat it later
written 8/5/2008
1.7k · May 2013
these people are me
Fenix Flight May 2013
The outcast who gets everything wrong.
The ***** up who messes everything up.
The reject who hurts everyone loved.

The ugly person who accepts the fate.
The talker who never says anything right.
The happy one who is secretly depressed.

The hyper one who is plagued by nightmares nightly.
The brave one who is secretly screaming for help.
The scared one who has finally found love.

These people all have one thing in common.
You'd never believe even if you saw with your own eyes
But these people are me.
1.6k · Feb 2019
Reverse Time
Fenix Flight Feb 2019
Can we go back to simpler days?
When I didnt think this was all a mistake.
When there was nothing but love,
and I knew the taste of your embrace.
1.5k · Sep 2014
Shattered Wishing Star
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight*

Star light, Star bright,
Why have you failed me tonight
I wished with all my might
Begging for this wish tonight.

My innocence has washed away
The childish wonder
has lost its luster
fading into the dark night sky

Reality has kicked in
Time to grow up
Can't be the next peter pan
Can't live among the stars any longer.

Children are believing no more
Faries, mermaids, and all the glamour.
Pirates, Treaure, Damsels in destress,
children are forgetting, turning their backs

Those wishing stars have shattered
Falling to Earth like meteors.
Their twinkle has fizzeled out
Their magic blowing away in space.
First Poem in my Poetry Book "Shattered Fairy Tales"
Fenix Flight May 2014
A lonely assasin
unforgiving and without mercy
He stalks the night
Wanting revenge

Cold blooded killer
A monster
a beast

A banished Princess
She struggles to survive
Broken hearted she turns it to stone
Coping with her horrid past

A coldhearted killer
a monster
a beast

Wonder around
wind up together
Sparks fly
as weapons clash

Stone wall crumble
Love starts to bloom
beasts and monsters
being tame

Epic love story
A lonely assasin
and a Banished Princess
finding love
finding themselves
based off a book me and my fiancee were writing.
1.5k · May 2014
The Smells of Summer
Fenix Flight May 2014
Hotdogs grilling
Filling the air
assualting my nose


Cherry blossom trees
Releasing their thickly sweet perfume
carried on the breeze

wet aphault
after a summer shower
tickling the back of my throat

Freshly mowed grass
Their light scented aroma
Clinging to my clothes

Chlorine filled pools
Making my cough
splashing all about


**** haha Sis I bet you thought for a split sec it was about you :-P
1.5k · Jun 2013
Priecious Pumpkin Pie
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
Precious pumpkin pie sits on the table high.
Untouched, waiting to be devoured on Thanksgiving.
       I try to take a taste but
Mother forbids it. I storm off to my room, slam the door
      and start to
Pout. On thanksgiving day everyone is so busy I can
Keep up. Tiptoeing into the kitchen to find the pie where
I** had left it last night. I stick my finger in the whip cream
     and then taste it. I
Never knew it would taste so good. Oh know mom
      caught me she
Puts the pie in the fridge and sends me to my room and
I never even got to
Eat that precious pumpkin pie.
Note that this poem is childish that is because I wrote it in 4th grade :-D
1.5k · Sep 2014
Hawk (story not poem)
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
All those I-hop visits in the middle of the night, all those nights sneaking out of my room and hanging with you until 4 in the morning, or saying I was sleeping over my friends house when I was really sleeping at your house, OR OR OR you sneaking into my room at night and crashing on my floor till morning.

I never regretted any of it. I still don't. I didn't think it was wrong. I still don't. You were like my big brother you still are. Yeah I knew my father and stepmother wouldn't approve of you as a friend (nor would the approve the misfit gang our friends) so I kept you hidden, hence all the sneaking around.

You called me panda growing up and would "******" anyone else who even dared to try to call me that. And Hell I was one of the few people who was allowed to know what your real name was (don't worry I wont put it up here).

We've been through hell and back. As Mistress and sub, Enemies, romantic interest, then siblings. We've been on one hell of a roller costar. But through all the yelling and the fighting that we seemed to always do, We always would find a way back to each other and bee there for each other through thick and thin. We always had each others back and would look out for one another.

You would sometimes take me on your dangerous jobs. I was always in that beat up old ford focus you had with an oversized hoodie on and your iPod blasting in my ears. You taught me how to fight with a Tanto (the dagger version of a katana sword) well two tantos, so now I am quicker throwing a knife then most people are pulling the trigger on a gun Something I am VERY Proud of, (See you don't need Hideous disgusting GUNS to defend yourself) AAAAANNND I am very deadly with just my hands and body (AGAIN you don't need stupid pointless nasty guns to defend yourself). And I taught you how to keep your temper in check (which rarely ever happened so maybe I didn't)

We let the other see sides of ourselves that we never showed anyone. You were for the longest time the ONLY person who knew what my ex boyfriend Jim did to me, and so there for were the only person who understood why the song DONT STOP BELIEVIN' By Journey would make me curl up in the fetal position and have such horrible flashbacks I would hyperventilate and cry my eyes out and shake uncontrollably  (Still get flash backs but no more hyperventilating or crying, now I just freeze in the middle of whatever I'm doing and shake really badly). I was the only person you would open up about what happened to your family, about the car crash, that is until a few months ago when you finally wrote a poem about it and started coming to terms about it.

I was the one who stood up to you and got you to see that your drug addiction was destroying you. that youw ere better then the "low life" **** you were portraying yourself as. I was the one who made you see the light (your words not mine)

You were the one to show me that I wasn't worthless, or a **** up, or a waste of space that my family was better off without (though I still struggle with that everyday).

I met you when I was only 12 turning 13, you were 15 turning 16. Now I am 21, you 24.


you left my life from the time I was 15 to 19. FOUR YEARS! you left my life because of your drug addiction, Those four years felt like A part of me was missing. My big brother was gone. The person who had been there for me through everything. The one who would always make sure I was ok and had a smile on my face. the person who when I was mad would sneak me I hop pancakes into my room when my stepmother or father wasn't looking. The person who was always there in the shadows making sure I was safe, Always protecting me.

But then you came back and I welcomed you eagerly. You promised me you would never leave my life again. that you realized that it was stupid. that you missed your sister to much. I was fine with that. I missed you too.

You finally got clean and free of your addiction. though you still did dangerous jobs... Which led you to getting shot and almost dying. But when you got better you quit those jobs and focused on other things. Like your Boyfriend and the love of your life who later became your wife.Then you started a family, You wife and your beautiful daughters. Gosh I love my nieces. You started to see the light. And I was happy to be a part of it.

But then Magnum (your kinda father figure) got hurt really badly and BAM you changed. You started to revert back  into your old self, dangerous jobs, cold hearted, distant. And nothing anyone would say would get through to you. You wouldn't listen to any of us. Not Mags, Not your wife, not your boyfriend. not even me.


It was  September 15th 2014.

You posted a poem on here and I commented. and we did our usual Banter back and forth of you saying something and me being stuborn and not letting it go. you FLIPPED out and told me "I DONT WANT TO BE YOUR BIG BROTHER ANYMORE SO ******* AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Goddess that hurt so badly

It felt like you had shot me, stabbed me, ran me over with an 18 wheeler. You ripped my heart in two. You told me to get out of your life. But you Promised you would never leave mine! You've been there since I was 12 years old and now you just want to leave? AFTER EVERTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH! you want to just wash your hands of me and be done? You want me gone? You want me to leave? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURTS ME??? The ONE person THE ONE ******* PERSON who has always been there for me is now GONE!!! **** VANSIHSED DISAPEARED!!!

My big brother. the person I could always count on. :'( Gone... just Gone.. it left a gapping whole in my heart.

I tried to be angry. And I still am. THIS ISNT FAIR TO ME!!!!!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS **** IT!!!!


I've slammed the door on you. I cant handle this pain anymore. I cant do it without falling apart. I've slammed the door and locked it. And I don't know if I can ever unlock it. You've hurt me. Worse then you've ever done before. I don't know if I can ever let you back in. Yes I love you. That will never change. Yes even though you don't want to be you will ALWAYS still be my big brother through and through. That will never change.

But sometimes even though we love someone. we just have to let them go. Some times we have to protect ourselves from the pain they cause. even when we don't want to. Even when we want to cling to them and beg them to stop hurting us.

Maybe someday in the future I will be able to unlock that door and we can start again.. but I don't know. I honestly don't know.

I want to open that door so badly though. I want you back into my life. its only been a week and I already miss you like crazy . I miss my brother.

But how can I know you wont hurt me again? Is it worth letting you back in? You broke your promise to me about never leaving my life again. You broke your promise. How can I trust you again?
This is about me and my "big brother" hawk. I know you can see it Hawk....
1.5k · Jun 2014
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
Drug market, sub-market,
Sometimes I wonder why I ever got in.
Blood market, love market,
Sometimes I wonder why they need me at all.
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.

A little glass vial?

[Support group:]
A little glass vial.

And the little glass vial goes into the gun like a battery.

[Support group:]

And the zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy.

[Support group:]

And when the gun goes off, it sparks
And you're ready for surgery!

[Support group:]

Graverobber, graverobber,
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
Graverobber, graverobber,
Sometimes I wonder why I need you at all!

And amber sweet is addicted to the knife.

Addicted to the knife?

[Support group:]
Addicted to the knife.

And addicted to the knife,
She needs a little help with the agony.
And a little help comes in a little glass vial
In a gun pressed against her anatomy.
And when the gun goes off,
Ms. sweet is ready for surgery.

[Graverobber and support group:]
This song is from the movie
( I have no rights to this song.)
(there is much more to the song but this is the jist)
1.5k · Jun 2013
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
Hyper Fun
Laughing Smiling Talking
Joy Gladness Heartache Madness
Frowning Crying Pouting
Grumpy Depressed
This style of poem is called a Diamond Poem. also a 4th grade poem
1.4k · Aug 2014
Switzerland No More
Fenix Flight Aug 2014
I throw down my neutrality
I am finally picking a side
I'm on My sister's side
1.3k · Jun 2013
I'm A Tap Dancer
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
When I'm tap dancing
Nothing else exists
It's just me and the
Movement of my feet

It doesn't just connect
On a physical level with me
It connects much deeper
In my heart and in my soul

Tap dancing is my life
I'm a tap dancer
Its in my blood
And its hooked to my soul.
1.3k · May 2014
Ihop. The weirdest tradition
Fenix Flight May 2014
woah that guy is so huge
he could flatten me like a pancake.
Hmm now i want pancakes*

Thus the tradition of Ihop began.

Me and hawk
In the dead of night
Get in his beat up old ford
And drive
To the nearest

Sure it seems stupid
Hell it is stupid
But to me
It was everything

Because in that car
With a man
Everyone is scared of
With a man
That is so much more to me then a friend
It meant
1.3k · May 2014
The Three Musketeers
Fenix Flight May 2014
The Leopard
The Fox
and the Kitty
a very unlikely bunch
different in every aspect

The leopard
Speaking his mind
Opinions spewing
the oldest
but maybe not the wisest

The fox
The fighter
The poet
she is the youngest
but definatlly the wisest

The kitty
Court jester
most subborn
tap dancing her way through life

But somehow
these three make it work
Protecting eachother
always have the others backs
The perfect disfuncional
Three musketeers
Me, Namir, and summer skye <3
1.3k · Sep 2014
Story of Scars
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
Scars on her anckle
scars on her legs
and on the back of her calf

These scars tell a story  

a story of a girl
so fragile
one wrong move
could shatter her
to pieces

long forgotten scars on her arms
a faded cross on her left beciep
her initials clear as day on her leg

These scars tell a story  

A story of a girl
Whose strong and brave
who keeps pushing on
no matter her pain

Scars so fresh
the blood still flows
down her leg

these scars tell a story

The story of me
1.3k · Jun 2014
Telemarketer speak
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
have a nice day sir/ma'am

Translates tooo.......

******* you douchbag!
How dare you treat me like
I'm a total idiot
How dare you call me
all those names
I'm Not as stupid as you think
Yeah buddy well
I dont want to be talking to you
Anymore then you want to be talking to me

I hope you have a great day!

Translates too.........

I sincerely really truly mean it when I say have a nice day!
Thank you so much
FOr not being a ******* *****!!
(idk if this goes for all telemarketers I just know it goes for me)
Fenix Flight May 2014
I am the self proclaimed
Lifes court jester
Making people laugh
is what I do best

When I see someone sad
I instantly put on my funny hat
because laughter
is a good medince
even if it only lasts for a few moments
those moments could be life saving

But sometimes
The court jester
isnt always there
Sometimes its just me
Me in all my imperfection

I hide behind the court jester
To cover up my pain
my ******* upness
and my saddness

But Being the jester
Well it helps me
When I know I can make someone smile
even on their worst days on earth
It feels good knowing
I am helping someone
even if for a few presious moments

Maybe I'm not as worthless
as I thought I was
I am the Self Proclaimed , Lifes Court Jester,
Its who I am through and through
1.2k · Jul 2014
Itchy, Itchy
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
Itchy Itchy
Crawly bugs
running through your hair

pick em out
is it over yet?

Drown your head
nasty smelly shampoo
Attack on the
creepy crawlies

Itchy, itchy,
crawly bugs
Dead at your feet.

Creepy crawly
one person in my neighboorhood had lice and even though I am negitive for them I cant stop itching  lol.
stupid lice.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Tear Me Down
Fenix Flight Jan 2015
Why must you tear me down
Who cares if I am not perfect
Perfect is boring

why must you tear me down
throwin insults at me
when I'm trying to be strong

Why must you tear me down
Nit picking my appearance
when I finally feel beautiful

Why must you tear me down
I thought we were friends
or at least on good terms

Why must you tear me down
What did I do to deserve this?
(written about a women at work who decided to point blank say that I look bo legged while wearing these beautiful HIgh heels my sister let me barrow and then had the adacity to Laugh in my face)
1.2k · Jun 2014
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
I stare into the blazing flames
Dancing their ****** dance
*It puts me in a trance
1.1k · May 2014
My Backyard
Fenix Flight May 2014
As I sit on the picnic table
that is supported by the deck
I absorb the scenery
That is all around me.

I see the little nest that had been deserted
and left to protect itself against
the harsh winter that lay ahead.

I look down to see the snow covering
the ground's true beauty and wonder
if the snow will ever go away.

Then I look at the old tree with
its bare limbs coated with a layer
of the two week old snow.

All of a  sudden a little gray squirrel
climbs over the rusted old fence thinking
he will find some acorns in my backyard,
only to find he had been wrong.

I guess  I never really noticed how beautiful
my backyard could be.
I always thought it
was like everyone Else's,

but as I sit on this picnic table
I see the true beauty
that the snow has hidden all winter long.
Wrote this
first attempt at a descriptive poem
1.1k · Aug 2014
Fenix Flight Aug 2014
To me family is:
All the people that mean something to you.
They dont have to be blood.
They dont have to  be the same race, gender, age, religion.
As long as they mean something to you
As long as you love them with everything you have.
is what I call

So you mean Like you are to me Fenix?

Yes Hawk. That is what I mean.

Fenix you know you are my sister.
I love you through and through
You've pulled me out of the gutter more times then I would like to admit.
You've been there for me
And I have tried my hardest to be there for you.
To my children you will Always be Aunty.
To my wife you are consider sister in law.
I will always be your big brother
There to protect you.


Yes Hawk you are my big brother.

Infinity and beyond

What are we?
Toy story?

I am Buzzlightyear
Hear me Roar


Dear Gundi
if your are buzz lightyear
we are all doomed

hums you got a friend in me

*And this is why we are family
me and my "big Brother" HAWK FLIGHT wrote this together.. Kinda of took a detour. But Hey it was perfect ^-^
Fenix Flight Apr 2014
Double face palming

"Summer Take a Picture!
Its A freaking UNICORN!"

Dramatic Twitching
more laughter

'Will you just Die Already woman?"
Fake running away
Laughing so hard you fall off the bed

"I love you
Take a Picture!"
Final Twitch

Oh the things we come up with
when we are left with nothing to
all alone in the darkness of your room

Sister I love you
You are my partner in crime
I fear to think
What we will come up with in time

We've already got
Jet streams
and finger doctors

But rest your head and go to sleep
Tomorrow I'll be here
I'm not leaving
your stuck with me

"Good afternoon"
"Good Evening"
**** you Summer I love you so freaking much. You are my one and only sister. My best friend in the entire world. We are still young and I cant wait to see what the years have in store for us <3 <3 <3 <3
1.1k · Jun 2013
Love is Like
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
Love is like a rose bush,
Beautiful on the outside,
But prickly and painful on the inside.

Love is like a hurricane.
Stormy and grey.
But suddenly peaceful for awhile.
Then back to stormy.

Love is like a conman
Gains your trust completely,
Then steals away everything you have.

Love is hurtful.
Love is hell.
But love can be beautiful
Love can be true.

Love can be like a little kid on Christmas,
Exciting and magical.
Breathtaking and blissful.

Love can be like a sunny day
Warm and fuzzy
Comfortable and safe.

Love can be hurtful or beautiful.
Love can be Hell or true
It all depends
On how you choose to act.
1.1k · May 2014
Fenix Flight May 2014
Kneeling in front of him
with my eyes cast down
I await his orders

"Dont make a sound
Dont move a muscle
Or I will punish you
speak only if you understand"

"Yes sir"
is my only response

He takes my body
to the brink of it's limit
Bite my lip, lock my muscles
not wanting to break

"Good girl
Masters very proud."

Never disobey
Master's perfect slave
please be respectful, please dont judge what you don't know.
Thank you
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