My cat likes poetry
She listens attentively to my recitations
I think she might write poetry
I heard her staring outside longingly
Purring mightily, grooving
Transfigured in the morning sun
Her stripes a kaleidoscope of yellows and grays
Keen green eyes on high alert
With flashing intensity through the sliding glass door
Jousting with the mockingbird swooping to peck her head on the patio
Rolling in the catnip bed in triumph
That’s the poem she composes
In the throes of poetic excitement
Inspired by wish and instinct
I've been away for a few months, struggling with life's difficulties, when my cat, Danielle, wrote this for me. I love my cat, though she ran away after Hurricane Matthew came through....I found her later waiting to get in at the sliding glass door, where she sits every morning.