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 Oct 2016 Fay Slimm
Terry Jordan
My cat likes poetry
She listens attentively to my recitations
I think she might write poetry
I heard her staring outside longingly
Purring mightily, grooving
Transfigured in the morning sun
Her stripes a kaleidoscope of yellows and grays
Keen green eyes on high alert
With flashing intensity through the sliding glass door
Jousting with the mockingbird swooping to peck her head on the patio
Rolling in the catnip bed in triumph
That’s the poem she composes
In the throes of poetic excitement
Inspired by wish and instinct
I've been away for a few months, struggling with life's difficulties, when my cat, Danielle, wrote this for me.  I love my cat, though she ran away after Hurricane Matthew came through....I found her later waiting to get in at the sliding glass door, where she sits every morning.
Let me embrace my love and let me kiss
For me and for eyes you are eternal bliss
Take me in your arms and don't dismiss
My innocent sweetheart my lovely princess

Let me take you on let me seek an advice
What is price of beauty what can I sacrifice
Being spice of life you are so good and nice
In your sweet company I celebrate paradise

I want to get my love your graces and style
I have lost my heart in front of your smile
Let love and beauty be one and just reconcile
Let follow you from pace to pace mile to mile

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
 Oct 2016 Fay Slimm
cheryl love
I looked at my hair
and I had grey roots again.
Snow had returned to my roof
and was driving me insane.
My face was beginning to look
just like a freshly ploughed field
and looking like an orange
that had just been peeled.
The general trend of old
was beginning to get me down
and I was wearing my smile
absolutely upside down.
My frock was covering my knees
instead of the daring sort of look
I think I need a makeover
I fumbled at the fashion book.
It is no good I dont know where to start
which page to turn to for the best
I looked down at my clothes and sighed
I certainly was not the best dressed.
And look at the state of my nails
they look like an old pair of claws
I hunted for files and polish
but could find nothing in my drawers.
I an having a mid life crisis, I want to be young
To feel freedom and youth one more time in my head
But that is not going to happen is it!
I have to make do with what I am and have instead.
 Oct 2016 Fay Slimm
James Jarrett
You should sulk away in shame. You are a bottom feeder pretending to
be predacious. Life has shown you that in the order of life, you will
rapaciously lick the lips of the alpha every time . You mistake your
pretension for power, and you and only you make that mistake. Don’t
think that any other believes that you are anything more than the
absolute bottom of the order. You can cry to all who will listen about
your greatness and only the most ignorant will believe; For a while.
Your attempts to empower yourself by belittling others is a pathetic
attempt to cover your own inadequacies. Maybe you haven’t realized yet that they can’t be covered, that everyone really can see you for whom you are. I am amazed that something would actually mate with you. I can’t believe that one of your slightly more pretentious peers has not taken her from you yet. You are a disgusting example of a human being. You are petty, jealous and cowardly. You are the very definition of anthropomorphism.; You have been attributed with human traits without actually having them. You are lower than an animal and are pathetic.
A few years ago I dropped this in a poetry forum full of squabbling
poets as a random rant. They were actually a mean spirited bunch who were preying on less accomplished writers. It was like throwing a frag in there. Each one all thought that it was written about them. I of
course thought the reaction was hilarious. Be careful fencing words
with writers…
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