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 Nov 2015 FhnWd
jeffrey conyers
Some insecure women afraid to be seen without.
They must self secured with it on.
Without make up.
You're still beautiful to me.

Without eye shadow on.
You just as gorgeous to me.
Similar to that image within my dreams.

I admire you for you.
Believe this is no lie.
Just simply the truth.

Some so shocked when they see models looking simple.
Then wonder about their image.
When many are just doing their jobs.

Without makeup.
You're just one lovely woman.
Who I constantly want to love?

Without all the tools created for a woman to enhance themselves.
You just as wonderful without them just by being yourself.
 Nov 2015 FhnWd
Agustin Fuentes
Streets painted with love
Now stained with blood
Allah, the all loving
Has taught nothing but kindness
His love hates the blood under your nails
His love is benevolent
Any news is good news for satin
The Devil's name flashing across or television screens
"Islamic State claims attacks on Paris"
You tarnish the name of peaceful worshippers
You ruined refugees chances at a better life
More lives will be lost at the hands of racists
This attack on the west has done nothing for Allah
But hurt his followers
And hurt their families  
Satin's satire stained the streets of love forever
I really hope this doesn't ruin the chances of refugees coming over from Syria and I hope racism isn't going to be a factor in the future. This really is tearing at me.

— The End —