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970 · Apr 2016
Winter Jam 2016
Eva Amelia Apr 2016
Together we ride. It’s time. Rainstorms, floppy windshield wipers, traffic in chaos, wrong turns, and friendly chatter. Can you feel it? Quickly, into the Smoothie King Center—duck and cover from the gusty wind and cold rain. Feel the excitement. Long lines, money shuffling, ruckus crowds, and pleasant laughter. Hurry, find good seats. Feel the fellowship. Bodies collide and separate, sorting the confusion into order. Each lays tacit claim to their place in the mass. Press in. The concert kicks off with flashing lights, loud rhythmic voices, ecstatic music, and cheers. Togetherness. Young and old artists sing their hearts out, one after another. Rap, country, rock, pop, bluegrass, techno, alternative—in unison we scream, clap, sing, head bang, sway, cry, laugh, and raise our hands. Worship.  Pounding music engages every ethnicity, every musical genre, and every heart under Christ. We are one spirit of complete surrender. *Church.
585 · Apr 2016
Eva Amelia Apr 2016
Ready your work area and clean your surface.
Prime the texture of your canvas:
             Smooth out all those exterior bumps and grooves.
             Always allow time for the last to relax.
Laying your foundation is the subsequent step:
             Be sure to pat a bare layer of skin all about.
             Brighten under those eyes
             before moving forward.
             Once more, allow your layers to relax.
Contour those ****** features to reveal an under-truth,
illuminate curvatures of shadow and light:
             Sweep in, sharpening under those cheekbones.
             Sweep out, lightening the cheeks.
             Sweep up, darkening those temple.
             Sweep underneath, sculpting that jawline.
             Sweep down, deepening the nose.
             Blend, blend, blend.
Redden those cheeks:
             Moderate your quantity,
             balance your quality.
Add a splash of color behind those bright eyes:
             Beige, Corduroy, and Chocolate.
             Again, always blend.
Darken those eyebrows:
             Bend the brow around—
             highlight under that curve!
Line those eyes with coal:
             Carefully curve over those waterlines,
             Steady your hand, do not to smudge.
Curve your brush up, up, up:
             Build those lashes.
             Open those eyes ever wider.
Accentuate those relaxed lips with a pleasant hue.
Before the final step, double-check for any unintentional slip.
Dust with finishing powder before overlaying with a setting spray.

Afterward, review your work:

             First, remember your anticipating canvas, ready to be refashioned.
             Now, appreciate her every extraordinary color and unique curve.
             Finally, admire not just the craft, but also the delicate and dedicated crafting.

This reflection, our masterpiece.

— The End —