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I'm part of people I have known
And they are part of me;
The seeds of thought that I have sown
In other minds I see.
There's something of me in the throne
And in the gallows tree.

There's something of me in each one
With whom I work and play,
For islanded there can be none
In this dynamic day;
And meshed with me perchance may be
A ***** in Cathay.

There's me in you and you in me,
For deeply in us delves
Such common thought that never we
Can call ourselves ourselves.
In coils of universal fate
No man is isolate.

For you and I are History,
The all that ever was;
And woven in the tapestry
Of everlasting laws,
Persist will we in Time to be,
Forever you and me.
Do you watch me break
When our eyes meet
Can you feel me shatter
When you speak to me
Can you see me die inside
When I watch you leave
I saw my Ex yesterday and then this happened.
“I like your eyes

and your face

and your smile

and your hair

and your hips

and your smell

and your legs

and your thighs

and your calves

and your teeth

and your cheekbones

and your smile

and your eye-brows

and your ears

and your waist

and your fingers

and your hand

and your toes

and your skin

and your palms


and your everything

That you don't like

About yourself


I LIKE everything




I chant your name in frenzy
Like a SUFI twirling round and round
Your name is like GOD
Ram, Allah, Buddha, Jesus

If you want to join me
In the life of LOVE
Chant with me

I carry sweets for my BELOVED
Wearing a long "LOVE robe"
Sing your praise
Jumping, dancing on the streets
With zest I meet passerby

You - my BELOVED
You are my gardener
I am your seed
I am your bud
I am your flower
I am your tree
I am the forest you walk into

In your LOVE
I utter gibberish
But only you understand it
And clap at my words with smile
I know, you'll protect me
At every step of life

Why I should take stress
Why I should be tense
Why should I worry
what world will say about me
I'm in LOVE
I'm with YOU in my being
In my thoughts, my words, my actions
I surrender to you
And leave it to you to protect me

You created me
You are my maker
You are my GOD

I chant your name
With every breathe

I chant your name in frenzy
Like a SUFI twirling round and round
Your name is like GOD
Ram, Allah, Buddha, Jesus

If you want to join me
In the life of LOVE
Chant with me

When I pass by streets
I utter YOUR praise
I sing songs for YOU

Seeing me, people say:
"Look - here she comes
This mad woman...

But without care,
I sing your LOVE
Intoxicated in your LOVE

I roll in the mud & sand
And cover my body with your dirt
In your LOVE
I have lost my gender too
I know, I've become YOU

I chant your name in frenzy
A SUFI twirling round and round
Your name is like GOD
Ram, Allah, Buddha, Jesus

Now I have give you
The strings of my life
In your hand
You made me fearless kid in LOVE
I know you'll protect me
I'm your kid in your LOVE
The suffering and pain
That GOD has given
Only my BELOVED will end my pain

I chant your name in frenzy
Like a SUFI twirling round and round
Your name is like GOD
Ram, Allah, Buddha, Jesus

If you want to join me
In the life of LOVE
Chant with me

People, Seeing my LOVE
Some places
They threw stone at me
Some showered flowers at me

But no one is willing
To give place in their heart
They are just guiding me
To my BELOVED's abode

This girl - a SUFI
Is roaming, walking
A wanderlust
Like dust storm
Like blizzard rain

Chanting your name

If you want to join me
In the life of LOVE
Chant with me

 Jan 2016 weirdlittlealien
I lied to my mother about talking to you because last time I told her we talked, she cried.
2. My biggest fear is that no matter what I do, I won't ever get over you.
3. Everywhere I go, I find you. I suppose it's because I carry you in my heart.
4. I didn't believe in soul mates until I met you. You didn't complete me, you complemented me.
5. Sometimes I can't sleep because I'm thinking of you. Other nights I don't want to sleep because I know I'll dream of you.
6. You make my hands shake and my stomach hurt. I don't think love is suppose to feel this way.
7. I miss you even when you're not away. I hate it but it's always been that way.
8. Sometimes I think we were meant to be. Everything was right except our timing.
9. It's been two years too late but I still look for your face in a crowded room.
10. You felt like home but if there's anything I've learned recently, it's that home is so very temporary.
11. I never knew craving touch was a thing until I saw your hands.
12. You are the whirlwind of thoughts I could never put into words.
13. I write about you like you put the stars in the sky.
14. I don't want to forget you but somedays I regret you.
15. I don't always like you but I always love you.
What keeps me up at night is you.

Everyone has their weak spot
The one thing that
Despite my best efforts
Will always bring me
To my knees
Regardless of how strong
I'm otherwise

Your Eyes
Your voice
Your face
Your smile
Your thought
Your memory
Your existence
Your being
Your soul
My weak spot
Is my strong

YOU say:
"Our time we had was all"
How you know that?

The words are yours
How do you know
What is to come next
Until you've decided to
Be indifferent to LOVE
Hate LOVE, dis-like LOVE

The moment for LOVE
To come tomorrow
I do not know
Nor you know

The lesson learnt is
You were mine
And you've never
Become "weren't mine" ever
You are mine always
And remain so

If you can look into my eyes
And say "Let go"

Can you look into my eyes
And say "Let Go"?

Would you be able to see my cry?
Would you be able to walk away
From my longing and tears?

I'm your beggar of LOVE
Who LOVES you unconditionally
And I only asks YOUR
Care, kindness, empathy & LOVE
This Christmas

It was exactly a year ago
Same day, around same time
I can't forget the moment
YOU leaned over me
To say something and smiled
And I smelled YOU,
Your breathe, your being
So close, You were so intoxicating
Like a ever open doors of heaven

And Then, there was sunshine
From that day on... in my LIFE
There were flowers blooming all around me
When I watched the sky in the night
There were sparkling stars around the moon

I remember it very distinctly
The MAGIC happened!
Your LOVE transmitted to me
Your LOVE energy injected within me
Through your breathe, your eyes,
Your smiles, your touch
Your fragrance spread all inside me
From your soul to my soul

The Alchemy of LOVE begins
Then and there
To never END ever...

[Remember the date, today...

YOU: so aromatic, so beautiful
So intelligent, full of wisdom
I still carry that MIRACLE
Of Your being
Everyday, Everywhere
Within my body, blood streams
My breathe & My soul
My eyes, nose and lips
The way I see things
The way I think
I think as YOU

Only a few are blessed
To be around YOU in this life-time
To experience LUNA like you
I'm destined one of them
I'm most aware of your LOVE being
My soul-antennas picked up
All the right signals and vibrations
That many miss even after living besides you
(Through their clouded
Screen of intelligent minds)

That's why I keep on telling you
"Drop the mind
Use your heart"

And YES, you surely did..
Remember the times...?
When you dropped your mind
For a while
We shared a crackling chemistry
Like two bodies one soul
That no other person on earth can equate
Our joy and laughter together

Since then... till now
I've given you nothing else but
And continue doing so
Till my last breathe

Only my death
can remove your being
From mine

Same Time, Same Date
Every Year
Till I DIE

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