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 Jan 2018 Eriko
Pagan Paul
My mind works in mysterious ways,
sometimes a haze, and clear some days,
with words and images is constantly plays,
to create an art that will delight and craze,
seeking inspiration for the perfect phrase
and win a place in your heart always.

© Pagan Paul (01/01/18)
 Jan 2018 Eriko
Ashly Kocher
To hide who you really are to the world
Find an opening to tomorrow
       Crack a window
            Open a door
               Show the world
                    Who you really are...
 Nov 2017 Eriko
S Olson
We are elaborate animals made of wood
earth, flowing like water into the veins
of the sky.

The sun being a fist of lava, and the night
being an enticing molar—we are
a succession of tides, being swallowed
by successions of day; and how beautifully
we wilt in the presence of joy.

The moon may be nothing
but a luminous

and to eat the poetry of it
is how one chokes
on love

but the romance of morning
is that if by midnight
you are alive, that is joy.
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Akira Chinen
Let's lay down on a blanket
made of stars and the night
and will watch life pass
like clouds in a dream
made of me loving you
and you loving me
and we will collide and connect
and burst through
our sins and the sun
we will lay heaven to waste
and burn hell and its gates
to rubble and cinder and ash
and will make fools out
of desire and lust
and wear them like a second skin
and you'll be my moon
and my prayer
and my sleepy time song
and I'll be your pulse
and your rhythm
and your bedtime story lullaby
and we'll sleep
and we'll dream
and we'll love
on a blanket made of stars
and the night
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Keeping Count
 Nov 2017 Eriko
I’m counting the seconds;
For every one that passes
is a fragment of the future
which I have claimed
and committed to the past.

I’m counting the hours;
For with every chime on the hour,
I celebrate quietly that I still
live and breathe.

I’m counting the days;
For with every rise,
and every set,
takes me farther from
where I had been.

I’m now counting all the times
I’ve told myself that and scoffed.
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Dear Readers,
 Nov 2017 Eriko
I have been, I am and I will be documenting the complexities that run rampant within.

It’d be easier if my mind and heart spoke
the same language. Most times they’re in conflict.

So I’ll cope in the best way I know how.
I’ll keep posting...

Because no amount of sentences...
Can succinctly form the verses that fully capture what I see and think.

No amount of metaphors...
Can successfully mask and satisfy what I truly feel.

No amount of poems...
Can accurately draft the blueprint of what and why I am.

Do forgive me for I have fallen far and deep. And for the umpteenth time, I am looking for that window or door so that I could see and taste purpose again.

So please bear with me...
There will be more to come as I indulge in my quest for equilibrium.

Yours in ink,


 Nov 2017 Eriko
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Star BG
I love rocks.
They to me are gifts
from Mother Earth.  
Samples of her self
that can be brought home
to be treasured.

I love rocks.
They possess
inside the quiet.
Wisdom for the taking.

They are my friends.
Inspired by Eriko
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Few Words
 Nov 2017 Eriko
Mind’s clogged up.

And the paper thirsts
for verse and rhyme.

Nib’s asleep
and the ink’s blotchy...

I am bloated
with haphazard thoughts,
but I’m purging...

a few words at a time.
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