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The Squares lived happily,
in their square houses,
in their square yards,
in their square town.

One day, a family of Circles
moved in from the west.

"Get out of here, roundies!" shouted one of the Squares.
"Why?" asked one of the Circles.
"Because this is a metaphor for racism!"
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
Lady in violet
let us venture to Venus the planet of love
plant a vineyard
open a winery
becoming the axis of the universe
under purple skies in a bed of purple violets drunk on purple wine.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
Nearer To
Earth's Rosy
The Starlight
With A Tender
To Bleed From
Bruised Ledges Of
Beckon Night
From Its Hiding
Thought I Should Get Back To Writing. Hope You Enjoyed This Neat Style Of Poetry! Try It Out :)
On the third of June, at a minute past two,
where once was a person, a flower now grew.

Five daisies arranged on a large outdoor stage
in front of a ten-acre pasture of sage.

In a changing room, a lily poses.
At the DMV, rows of roses.

The world was much crueler an hour ago.
I'm glad someone decided to give flowers a go.

— The End —