I thought I lost someone.
She wouldn’t be back, and now
Music struck no more notes
With her heart and she spoke
Without song,
Lips moving but no light
From within would guide her
To a place that was home.
Gave up swimming upstream
And slept without dreams
Slept until it seemed
The water that held me
Would drown me.
And maybe it did.
But rescued from purgatory
My head broke the surface
And i gasped for the
Cool morning air.
And as I inhaled
The sweet taste of life
Filled up my mouth
Like a **** made of summer fruit.
Something about January
Made my heart open up
And thaw whatever frost
Had frozen it still.
It’s pounding to the beat -
I am loved, I am loved -
And I make it repeat
Until finally, finally
I am free from defeat
I finally feel like myself again.