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Emma Sep 2015
Ring around the rosy
Pockets full of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down

Ring around the rosy
Pockets full of posies
Ashes, ashes
My pants go down

My pants go down
And I am pushed against a tree
No one is around
It's only you and me

It's only you and me
And I can't find my voice
I struggle to get free
But I am only a little girl

I am only a little girl
In a white little dress
Your hungry eyes watch me twirl
Your hungry eyes my body undress

Your hungry eyes my body undress
Until your hands are on me
I am afraid to confess
These crimes committed to me

These crimes committed to me
In the dark and in the light
But how can it be
That I still see your face at night

I still see your face at night
As I pass through the hidden alley
I try to run at the speed of light
Those places are my death valley

Those places are my death valley
Gravestone of memories
Of pain I cannot describe verbally
Of times I was in misery

Of times I was in misery
That would follow me for years
I'm not asking for sympathy
Just for you to understand my tears

The tears of a little girl
Whose eyes were bright brown
Innocence white as a pearl
Before you tore her gown

Before you tore her gown
When they trusted you
When no one was around
When I trusted you, too

You caused me to hate
Every place that I loved
To be home as early at eight
Even to fear the darkness I loved

You are the fear in my eyes
When a man stares too long
You are all of the guys
I am afraid to let tag along

You are the shudders
When they touch me
You are the years
Spent in therapy

You are the crack
In my voice
You are the solitude
In which I rejoice

I am no longer a little girl
And now I can speak
My lips I let curl
Into a smile, though it is weak

I am no longer weak
I have learned to ****
It is because of you
I have mastered this skill

I will skin
Any man who dares touch
Who dares put anything in
Any little girl or such

I no longer fear you
It is you who will learn to fear me
For, believe me, I am through
Letting pigs like you run free

To the little girls out there
I solemnly swear
To protect your life
With tooth, nail and knife
To the boy who used and abused me: I am cutting myself free from you. You did not win.
Emma Sep 2015
You were the one
I wanted most to stay
You were the one
That got away

You were the one
I wanted most to stay
I'm sorry that I
Drove you away
I woke up this morning thinking of you and now I can't drown the feeling of losing you.
  Sep 2015 Emma
Nastia Armilde
What was it like to love him ? Asked Gratitude.
It was like being exhumed, I answered. And
brought to life in a flash of brilliance.

What was it like to be loved in return ? Asked Joy.
It was like being seen after a perpetual darkness, I
replied. To be heard after a lifetime of silence.

What was it like to lose him ? Asked Sorrow.
There was a long pause before I responded :

It was like hearing every goodbye ever said to
meā€”said all at once.
-Lang Leav
Emma Sep 2015
I loved you
You hurt me
You lost

The lines
I drew
You would cross

You were my muse
the poem to my
Robert Frost

I loved you
I left you
Your loss
I loved
I loathe you
Your loss
Emma Sep 2015
I was like a fine wine
Getting better with age
My life was a theatre
And you got drunk on the stage
You said you'd kiss my scars
I guess that was okay
I said that's not what I wanted
You took advantage anyway
Mouth like a snake
Biting deep into my skin
Making my bones ache
And my heart's walls grow thin
I asked you to stop
Said I'd had enough
But you refused to drop
The gun you aimed at me
I self diagnosed
Stockholm syndrome
And though I had remorse
I could not stop, drop and run
Your fire touched my skin
And lit me bright red
You poured gasoline on me
From my toes to my head
Through tears I looked at you
"It's my fault", I said
"I'm sorry for loving you"
And your ego I fed
Till one day I cried
Washed all of you away
Your marks had died
I started on a new way
Now it's been a few months
Months that have felt like years
But I no longer see your face
And my face has felt no tears
I started a new chapter
I finally turned the page
Just like a fine wine
I'm getting better with age
I'm getting better.
Emma Sep 2015
You were there in the beginning
and you'll be there at the end

You eyes were the color of the ocean
and your ocean drowned me

I still cannot say hello
for fear of risking goodbye

She was right about you.
You were wrong for me.

You weren't the first
but I hope you are the last
I hope you read me someday.
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