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Emily Raso Oct 2020
Heart, blood filled and beating.
Lungs, fresh autumn air.
Inside, I am never reluctant to memorize your fine lines.
I hear a distant ring, slowly getting louder
the sound of you, on a continuous loop,
circling around a wooden wheel with country side view.
I allude to discussing the future you.
Blue eyed, smile lines, and softened skin.
I trace our constellations,
you are a destination within,
I thought I would not need.
I cannot help it, if only I could bury my thoughts deep.
But you’re a sunflower, a succulent, and an oak tree
Flourishing like weeds that grow between cracks in the concrete.
Roots twirl around my feet,
I feel your twigs branch out engulfing every part of me.
But I’ll let you grow along my curves.
You are defining odds. A perfect catastrophe
A pleasant hurricane, and a tsunami of love.
I am an architect who constructed the strongest of walls,
collapse my blue print,
I am ready to fall.
Emily Raso Sep 2020
To look inside is to become mesmerized.
Slip through unprecedented times,
galaxies lie behind draped curtains between your thighs.
I am an astronaut exploring your moon sign.
Hard to identify, your softened side.
I am an explorer, a sea merchant, and a florist.
Braiding twigs and ropes, I battle high winds that approach.
Deep along Saturn's rings, you will find me.
calculating precisely, brisk walking, and climbing the highest altitude shortening the distance between us two.
Eagerly desiring sparks that keep flying from me to you.
We landed between two worlds,
nor the past or future but quite certainly the present.
I am forging you, you are my forest.  
To love you, is to love me.
I adore us.
Emily Raso May 2020
How could I ever forget?

Crawling on the cherry wood floor.
Streaks of light seep into dark rooms.
Brightness wrapped its invisible warmth  around me.
I am safe.

How could I ever forget?

No disguising uncomfortable noises from a far,
Closer and louder as each second goes by.
I am not safe.

How could I ever forget?

A first-time rest on the chest, a reach and touch caress.
I am safe.

How could I ever forget?

Glancing at a turned back, as the streetcar follows its route.
Victim hood begins, infiltrating a once humbled mind.
I am not safe.

But, what if I could.. forget?
Emily Raso Apr 2020
Channeling changes between space and time,
Sip your glass of wine.
King of kingdoms rises with coincidence,
Within reach of your consciousness,
A breast stroke away.
Swiftly embracing the evident incoming roaring wave,
A hay maker strike with pain.
A dodge in the nick of time.
A collapsing heart beat.
A call out in the sky,
Forming clouds pass by.
Another sip of wine.
Emily Raso Mar 2020
Breaking blood boiling point
spilling over your coffee table.
If I scream from inside will it echo in your shadows.
Crept between the foundations of each wall,
blooming over hand-grenade fights exploding in the corner.
Bask in it all, the sweat forms columns I want to run through but your structures are high.
Break a brick, smash and hit. squeeze hands,
catch a glimpse,
filter the frame.
Paint it black just to start over again.
Emily Raso Aug 2018
I’ve climbed the ladder to graceless heights, on the sheer will of a lonely night.
Sympathize with your heart felt eyes, if a turning of a coin desires, what’s left is an unholy empire. What fumbles on the pavement is nothing but a dream.
If I wanted to be scene I would. Hide your sleeves of feeling for another day, if a heart is broken some would say.
Chime into a cloudy sky, filled stars are waiting to shine.
Emily Raso Jun 2018
It’s as if you appeared in my view from a spark in a flame.
Turning this world I once knew, deranged. I’ll try to rearrange these fragile pieces together,
as you provide the glue,
sealing it forever.  
Time isn’t time at all when your presence infiltrates mine,
a blast from an atomic bomb couldn’t stand a chance,
with a sharp glance from your eyes. You create a shield for space and time.
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