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  Nov 2016 Émilie Murray
Ramin Ara
The flower
Of destiny
Has no untimely growth
I'm wayfarer
Of the path
Of destiny
Émilie Murray Nov 2016
The one question that keeps me up at night

leaves me more confused than I originally started out

what makes most sense

in this world filled with lies

if you really think about it

everything in the world stems down to one word

if anyone answered it they would be recognized worldwide

but then what?

have we finally discovered all their is to know?

is that it?

the end to our supposed suffering?

honestly id rather it a mystery

the human race left to fathom the unfathomable

it leaves a bit of a tang to the air

with a single word hanging over the heads of everyone

I bet the answers right on the tip of our noses

but were to busy digging into the ground

you honestly think you'll find it their?

we call ourselves the smartest of our time

another question were left to ponder

the infamous why
hand sewing everything with thread tied in knots
putting patterns in places they don't belong
binding them together in desperation
but it seems the thread of life was unable
to keep my patchwork from tearing apart at the seams
in a club at school we have to creatively express ourselves by writing a poem, drawing, singing, or acting out an emotion. I wanted this to be for sadness but I'd need to add more and I felt it was good like this. maybe this could be stressed out cuz they're trying so hard to put their life back together but nothing seems to work...
Émilie Murray Nov 2016
I wish I could love like before
with no troubles or worries
about secret intentions.

All along you planned to break me
to play with my carefully guarded heart
then throw it on the floor.

I thought you were just like me,
Innocent and sweet
gentle and kind.

How could you turn into such a monster?
Abandoning your old ways
turning into the one thing I feared the most.
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