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 Feb 17 Elaina
Nancy Maine
Cold and moonlit night
Frozen branches reaching high
Waiting for the sun
 Feb 17 Elaina
Nishu Mathur
I see it beaming through the windows
I see it slanting through the doors
It’s jiving on the ceiling
It's waltzing on the floor
It's smiling on the potted plants
On red flower beds and vines
It's quilting skies with gold
And lighting up wind chimes
A silken web is glistening -
The gossamer that's spun
I'll keep my share of sun shine
A pocket full of sun.
 Feb 17 Elaina
Night Sky
 Feb 17 Elaina
Starry dark blue sky
Brilliantly sparkling stars
The beauty of the night.
 Feb 17 Elaina
Last Night
 Feb 17 Elaina
Last night,
when I closed my eyes,
I saw the moon
so full and so bright.
I fell asleep smiling.
 Feb 17 Elaina
One Night
 Feb 17 Elaina
The power went off
The street was dark and quiet
One single star shines.
I ask you not to keep me, Lord,
I've no fear for the coming storm.
My life has led away from harm
My resting place is safe and warm.

Instead, my God, I beg of you
To keep all those that seem but lost
The broken, sick and destitute,
The battle-scarred, the tempest-tossed.

If some great blessing you had planned
To cast on me, I don't deserve.
Instead bestow that act of love
On those the world sees under-served.
Smile because on this day last year you were going through something horrible and even though you thought things wouldn't get better they did.
Smile because the person who attempts to dim your shine needs to be reminded that not everyone is a **** and out to hurt them.
Smile because you're alive.
Smile because your favorite song played on the radio five times already and you wish it would play again.
Smile because even though you have no plans today that's fine because now you can spend time with yourself and give yourself some undivided attention.
Smile because you love yourself.
Smile because whether your teeth are perfect or crooked your smile is beautiful as ****.
Smile because everytime you smile you send a dose of magic into the world that makes someone else's day that much better.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: February. 16, 2017 Thursday 12:00 P.M.
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
In the new year
I have three wishes
For all people
In the world
First , peace
Second, joy
And third ,  a happy world
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
Wake up
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
Wake up
With determination
Go to bed
With satisfaction
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
 Feb 2017 Elaina
Ramin Ara
With ears
Of tolerance
Through the eyes
Of compassion
With the language
Of kindness
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