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dread Sep 1
Fast, and deep,

Feeling like I should sleep,

Grow with the trees,

Make a lesson of mellow to the clouds,

Signed to the sky, my latest letters,

How does one become a million

How does truth ever sound in the beginning

How do lies ever become lies when they're perfect.

I'm asleep baby, you sung me there again.
dread Sep 1
Written to the wind, the lakes, the beautiful scene
that takes so little to love...I'm ready to go...
become a part of the flow, let it be a final kiss to the world.

cuz it sang songs it didn't know nothing about,
carrying false wisdom it isn't unsure about,

Take it allllll away, let me be like the wind and the lakes,
let them find a beautiful scene and say i just stopped to sing.

I'm ready, but are you... you're too ready, and deadening the world
with unperceived dreading...filling cups full of emptiness that would be better off being much do you actually care.
dread Sep 1
For the sake of my own being,
you tell me there's no point in it all.

Without a word.

Let it be then, let me sing into a hopeless day and night.

How much, how often,
shall your shapes and persons consume me.

With but a single touch.

Let it be ethereal, wordly, or but a sweet kiss to me.

To them take everything, steal nothing,
give them every single thing, let them smile.

At the hands of their dreams.

Let, the letting be of stars and bountiful admixes.

I am afraid, but don't let them be.
Give them everything my heart does seek.
I am Fear, don't let them have to be.
dread Sep 1
What is it, who calls what force is it established.

The calls, the missing, the longing?

Shall I, take my eyes to different sights,
Chase the crowded frantic lights?

Who says, who answers, what's behind it.

Tell me the hours, show me your powers,
Take your hands and give me the flowers.

Destitute like a *******, winning from the sake of losing?

Woman, father? What's behind!?

Painted, but left nothing to listen.

Go ahead, Go, run, again, like you always did.
dread Aug 31
I hope you are there, and you answer...
because what we've had isn't something that always happens...
truthfully, it is rare.

This amount of comfort and ease, the feeling we've both had inside ourselves --- so quickly. Baby! It is beyond rare!

Perhaps my kisses weren't up to par, maybe in my voice the tone of these texts wasn't there...but I take time, please, take time...because this is rare.

Doubting myself is my specialty, but I mean it, you can make me change the world, and I promise that about every little thing that is you, I will care. Please, believe me --- understand --- we are rare.

You seem to have thrown everything away, and something I know or cannot seem is enough to not even try...I suppose you esteem me no longer...and perhaps it's more ugly than beautiful a thing that makes me rare.

I'll wait, though I'll pretend not to.

I swear.
dread Aug 31
Sage to ward away the bad spirits...
I am confident, I am sure...
please don't make me doubt,
please don't let me leave without.

But who am I begging, what nature or stone,
what call am I making, here, alone...

You see me, and the kiss is deep,
I am in bliss, but my thoughts keep
arising before I fall them, and tell myself to focus on the dream.

We're inside now, I am,
kissing you deeply, and you're crying out...

But I am deeper in my mind, asking myself what I'm worried about.

The conversation is too short, I can tell, you can tell.

You say it's time to go, and now my writing is my crying out.
dread Oct 2016
I've encountered lands barren, with nothing, only nothing, you.
I check inside the broken houses, wreathed in rose petals, lying to the passersby: nothing but nothing, any will find. Counting time keeps ticking and ashen hands sifting, hours go in twelves, but our emptiness we cannot undo. Are we the heartless or was your fire long past due. I stare at the sky and wonder, how many seek to carry you; and the limitless times they are engulfed to nothing, by the nothing that is you. Emptiness is painless, depending on its place, it can consume us, and set about flames, reaching at nothing, setting all they touch to look too. Holocaust becomes, all whom wish to find a you.
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