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Jun 2024 · 827
Roman Roads
dk Jun 2024
I long for cobbled stone roads
Dim lit stone stairs climbing with ivy
Up buildings built by Romans
adorned with flowers and intricacies
Details honed by Craftsman
Delicately drafting
the landscapes we live in
Unlike the concrete utilitarian steel and glass pillars and highways
Their plight on our journeys in life
To benefit the productivity
but detriment the soul
To capitalize no matter what the cost
Leaving me longing to nap
in a park with Parisians
For fresh baked baguettes on a bench with a bottle of burgundy
For mosaics made of glass in cathedrals built centuries ago
Over billboards and neon lights,
the flashing and screaming
products for purchase
Let me get my dinner after the people have had their naps.
Let it be an occasion
not a necessity to get by
Let's walk the city after 10
while the sky is still bright
Waiting for the dim street lights
to light our way back
To another day of walking
cobble ****** streets
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
dk Dec 2013
I can waste endless hours
staring into white screens
causing dystrophy
as sleep crosses my mind
I yearn to decide
not to entertain my eyes
but to entertain my soul
yet I find I keep filling
up with these same things until I'm full

reading complaints about the system
written by people staring into white screens
we all yearn to bring about change
without doing anything
all these screens we stare into
are staring into us
so we complain about this problem
and stare at screens while we discuss

I yearn to bring about change as I stare into a screen
I write a song, a complaint, hypocritically
after wasting endless hours
I can't take it anymore
I pray God help me
Pry away to fight this war
Aug 2013 · 9.8k
Forget me not
dk Aug 2013
You can be my forget me not.
Don't give it a second thought.
Just commit me to memory
Remembering every sensory
Lets leave nothing mysterious.
'Cause I'm already curious.
Virgo to my Aquarius,
Horoscopes are hilarious
When they match our routine.
You've got the brightest green I've ever seen.
Show me some songs, grab the coffee or tea,
Or what ever else has caffeine!
This can be our forget me not,
So you never have to not know me.
dk Jun 2013
There was a time when I was worried about the future.
It seemed all my plans I had spent years making were gone.
I had so many ideas of what would be, decided.
With great thought and consideration, I chose to abandon it all.
I chose to take the present as an indication that the future I had planned
Would not be the future I would meet in time passing.
So I burned it to the ground.

I found myself in a place of uncertainty.

Where would I go?
What would I do?
Now nothing was set in stone.
So I took to the present.
I took to working on me; in hopes to bring a future worth living.

I chose to work on my body,
For a healthier, stronger, better me
I chose to focus on school,
For a smarter, more marketable self
I chose to get lost in composing,
For my soul, my emotions, my creativity
I chose to be with you,
For my happiness,
For a better everything.

My future hasn't become more certain.
I didn't make better plans.
I’m making a better man.
So that no matter where I find myself
I can be the best I can.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
The Sweetest Dreams
dk Jun 2013
The way she giggles
When I kiss her neck.
Her curling, sea of hair
As we dance around in bed.
The way she sings “hey”
When  I venture too far,
As hands and lips explore
What they've been yearning for.
The way I can’t sleep
When she’s wrapped within my arms.
Dreams seem less appealing
When I could be listening to her heart.
The way we say sweet dreams
But never go to sleep.
Yet still have better dreams
Than any man could ever conceive.
This is written about the "next time" mentioned in Kiss (In progress) haha
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
No One Else
dk Jun 2013
I used to live in an oasis
It seemed all around me, was nothing but smoke
Well, as soon as winds picked up
It blew away the mirage and left me with a ghost

So I wandered deserts for a time
It was a pleasure to burn
Ya know, ships at a distance
Have every man’s wish on board

They say no one’s ever made it to her heart.
I say no one’s ever tried.

I swallowed sand and fever
I traversed the stones of old
Harpies sang their silver songs
But my lust it runs for gold

So I walked the withered path
And I paved a road of veracity
As I approached her garden’s gates
My chest pounded with audacity

They say no one’s ever made it to her heart
All who journey past here die

My heart pounds!
And it pounds!
Baby let me in!
I’ve got something, that you’re needin’

I can feel the iron crackin,
I can hear the metal move,
I can see the emeralds glisten,
And not a moment too soon!

They say no one’s ever made it to her heart.
I say no one else is me.
Some bluesy lyrics.
May 2013 · 1.2k
Kiss (In progress)
dk May 2013
Slow down.

There was a skip in my heart.
Did our lips just touch?
Why are we already apart?
I didn't even get to appreciate.
Oh how soon acceleration breaks.

Slow down.

I don't even think Cupid had the time,
To witness this moment,
To admire his own complex design.
You swore indecision, adamantly.
I'll change that in a moment, or two or three.

Slow down.

Maybe next time I can make the request,
Just to linger a little while longer,
To leave our lips pressed.
So we can let loose our inhibitions.
So I can get lost in this acquisition.

Slow down.
Feel free to critique.  Its a work in progress haha.
Mar 2013 · 856
dk Mar 2013
Falling In Love
It’s a downward spiral.
Everything spinning
And yet despite all
The bruises we get
As we crash into the cliffs
The splash at the end
And what’s left of the mist
Is more than enough
To suffice the need
Of the neediest lovers
Whoever they may be.
But when the mist coincides
And the water lays still
Is there anything left
But the bruises that didn’t heal?
So the fall starts again
And the sores multiply.
The heart begins to tear
And the soul begins to cry.
As the bruises become cuts
And the cuts become scars
We fall out of love
And become who we are.
Feb 2013 · 706
Autumn Tears
dk Feb 2013
It seems, such a sad solstice.
This day, is filled with such bitter bliss.
Of beauty, as the trees give away their leaves.
Their joy, as the colors bless the breeze.
Feb 2013 · 797
Fire to Ice
dk Feb 2013
A hand held makes a heart hot,
When the hand that is held holds a heart and knows not.
Hells fire rise, flood the levy,
When her hand holds not his and his heart grows with envy.
The rush, the uproar, the rage, no more!
The fire grows higher as heart prepares for war.
Dark eyes stricken with lusting desire,
Dropping Cupid's for arrows of fire.
As war wages on, heart's fire turns to ice.
A chill that no love, shall ever suffice.
Feb 2013 · 569
Remember the Fire
dk Feb 2013
I'm sorry,
I'm not the boy I used to be.
I'm a man that can't tell if he's standing or falling.
Weighed down by chains that used to be comforting.
Challenging change that seems to be calling me.

I'm holding on to the past and embracing the future.
I envision the crash and the outcome that is unsure.
Bring on the fire, but leave me my comfort
Cause I just don't think I could make it without her.

I've got this weight on my shoulders, everythings getting colder,
Ya know its hard to stand straight when shes pulling me over.
I just want to be warmer, someone set me to smolder,
and when I catch fire I'll hold my composure.

Watch the world fall to pieces and when it all ceases
I'll pick it back up and smooth out all the creases.
I'll look back at my work and wonder the reasons,
Remember the fire, but never release it.
dk Jan 2013
If I had to spend eternity in a room,
I'd want you there.
Of everyone I've ever met,
I think I'd enjoy you the most.
You make me smile more than anyone.
You leave me laughing all the time.
Everything makes me think of you.
I wish I had the choice to be locked in
a room with one person for eternity,
Just so I could pick you.
dk Jan 2013
I can't imagine how hard it would be,
To hold the heart of a poet.
I can only imagine the words that I'd read
Would start with a passion un-stoic.

Dreaming delights and sweet spring days,
Starry summer nights and skies without grey,
Words that whisper warmth and want,
That'd speak of love so nonchalant.

Then slowly or suddenly things would stop.
Maybe then a poem.  A rain drop.
Then another, and another, and another.
A secret tempest witthin my lover.
The lightning, the thunder, I'd feel it but never see
The full extent of the storm she was writing.

Then, at last, through the dark depths of night
She might spot herself a little candle light,
And dream that it was a sweet spring day.
And that's all it'd take to whisk her away...

I can only imagine the words that she'd write
As she pull away and head toward the light.
I can't imagine how hard it would be,
To watch as my poet walked away from me.

— The End —