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 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
A Farewell.

Part two.*

Sun nearly forgiving of summer.
I save my whole spectrum of emotions
For gratitude.
How can air be this clean?

All there is, is me.
And a cat that hasn't given a
Whimper in complaint
Since then.
I see something like a sun;

Only brighter, throw; no -hurl-
Herself in my face, screaming:
"I love you, you crazy Norwegian
Brute of an imbecile
Viking Poet!

Now be with me! I will admire  
You living your every dream
From as far away
As you wish me
new love

Emerging like a mad phoenix
From the ashes of my sorrow,
Shining through feather tips
As I see crows the size
Of falcons part and

Reveal her singing to me:
"I will not breathe, my lord,
Until you share this fireside
Bed with me yet... oh, yet

I have been given
So much
I will treasure
I think of all the things in the world,
The future is the hardest thing
To hold onto.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Petal pie
His jazz hymn of praise
And saxophone serenades
The bless'd trinity
Inspired by Coltrane
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Petal pie
As I close my eyes
my senses know no bounds
my body becomes weightless
and my joyful song resounds

I try to find my bearings, and
I hold on to myself.
I've never put someone so close;
My *self
upon a shelf.

Every fiber of my being
has room to stretch and grow
my steps spring forward lightly
and my smile is wide, aglow!

So come unto me, siren.
Give me room to grow and fall.
Sing for me a beacon; silly boat
Is sinking slow.

I swim to you in haste
my hair flowing wild and free
and water courses around my limbs
as minnows accompany me.

And so we're freed by water,
Unalone and unafraid.
Need no more one breath to take,
Nor single blessing said.
With thanks to the wonderful Sverre for collaborating with me! :)
My lines are in slanted italic, Sverre's are  manly and upright! x
heres a link to his page
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
I'm doing much better now.
Smile more.

I can walk by a radio playing
Slow music without

Speeding up. "...I wish nothing
But the best

For you..."
Still, perhaps weekly, 
My thoughts touch upon that

Tiny, little loveborn mistake
We made; how we cried together

Over the decision we came to, and
I sit down behind a corner with

My head in my hands and regret
That we -back then- decided not

To keep
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
Funny how self-
Sacrifice is such an
Alien concept to

I'd rather break your
Heart and both your
Legs, than one of
My nails.

Suppose we're all
Raised one
Way, or
Not. At all.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
The break is long over.
I should be back in that

Hole, jackhammering my
Way around that broken

Pipe. But this butterfly
Landed upon the dust

And band-aids on my hand,
And neither of us

Wants to let
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Has washed over but it's swelling tide
Does not ebb
Each day dawns in brightness
Many things for which I thank
Surrounded by love, by comfort
Yet even the weight of your arms fall short
This sadness has become a sickness
For which there is no cure
The rose tinted frames I wore before
Are now shadowed
The sun still shines
Birds singing
But it's always raining in my head
Leaking out to form rivers
From where I spring in cathartic feeling
Healing is no process
It is a journey
One that I will follow through this life into the next
Your loss sits unnatural in my chest. Though your weight may be gone from this world, I am left with the heaviness of your leaving.
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