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I'm all alone, sat here at home
my ***** mind begins to roam
I have an itch, I need to ease
won't you help me baby..please?

I'm sending out this sirens plea
in hope that you will rescue me
come to my aid and quell my plight
it can't be wrong if it feels right.

Lets tear at clothes and make some noise
I'm tired of all my other toys
that hum and rattle through the night
in hope of bringing sweet delight.

I beg you baby, roll the dice
kiss me once, then take me twice,
with you I'll play my favourite game
I promise you'll be glad you came.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Sia Jane
Shhhh don't say a word,
You must remain unspoken, unheard, mute,
Red lipstick, blood painted nails,
As hidden as a veil,
Of love locked smiles,
Tears within,
Laughter a spinning enduring sin.

Fake it, make it, clambering in,
Never will you escape it.

Distance draws nearer,
Hearing voices harder.

Your silence resounds,
In the empty hollows,
Of a lost lovers tunnel.

Bridges need building,
To ensure,
The two,
Are not lost, in oceans apart,
But brought together,
By rapid crashing waves,
A lovers ship-to-shore call,
Saved love forborne.

© Sia Jane
For original sketch and words see;

Thanks guys ***
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
I am sorry*

We shared those words today
I no longer worry about the shade of our hands
Come Dawn
Love still connects us
Bridge building is slow
Worth while to the persistent
To the patient
We are not compatable through
Religion. Philosophy. The Soul.
However, for us, music still stands
Classic rock and 70's disco fever
High pitched BeeGee's
Crooning Zepplin while deer watching
That connection alone binds us
Much less the love of mountains
Cold lungs on frosty mornings
Hunting for dinner with bow, with arrow
I have missed you
Wasted time stretched between us
No longer
Happy Father's Day
Took my own advice.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
An empty room seared into memory
It once held your breathless form
I listened to that heart go silent
Crying wet, hiccuping tears onto your heated skin
I cleaned you up, kept you warm
Tried desperately hard to shut your eyes
Knowing that you would never smile with them again
I cannot say for sure if you heard us
Your father breaking down through the speaker
Mitchell, your best friend, sobbing through the phone
I held each call gently, wishing not to cause you more pain
My voice softly singing the song we danced to at our wedding
The stark, violent feeling of your loss
When you were finally free'd from your mortal prison
For you that word took on a whole new meaning
I have never been so proud as the day when you made me yours
But watching you, fighting along your side
To not give up
Even to your last ghost of thought
I was even more so
Left with an aching dark moon
A dead sun
No light to reflect off of my screaming face
I grieve in darkness
Where I can still feel the weight of your  hand in mine
I will always miss you. Some moments more achingly, vicious than others. This being one of them.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Suppose I was more agreeable
Instead of arguing over coffee about politics, religion
All those subjects deemed taboo that neither of us truly give a **** about
Pressing my point like daggers against your ribcage
Knowing the sweet spots that make you moan
I would give in, applaud your cleverness, then leave for work

You would be left wondering if you should feel insulted.

of course you should

As usual,my filterless memoirs have become vocalized
******* them back in tight and quick is useless
Once freed, the damage is done

But. they. are . just. words.

the previous statement is ridiculous and the author should be shot

Never could I slice you deeper, **** your private mind or lay your soul bare
Then with the bitter, caustic, truthful edge of my observations
You are just as vulnerable as the rest of them
Barbed wire telegrams
Frozen emails
Ash and arsenic letters
Cut you to the quick

But I like it better when I can witness the damage
Basking in the upper handed afterglow of my superior ability to mortally wound
For no bit of silver that I've ever found
Was ever sharper than the razor edge of my tongue
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
You have to do it all
Just to know where it gets you
Spilling *** and secrets through verse
Begging me with lined pages to give in
I am the mountain
You are monsoon season
Wearing down the face of my resolve
The echo of our mingled passion lingers
Like the scent of your skin against mine
From pushing to pulling we are connected
Through fingers buried deep in pulsing veins
"This is where you belong"
You slither along my curved neck with a southern draw
I wish miles were clouds and we could sleep forever
The comforting eclipse of moonlight stopping time
I apologize for nothing
As shadows fall across your smile
You will not wait
I am not the one
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
He is suffering
The tell tale signs of decay setting in
It's all I can do to not break down

Five hours later

Gentle hum and gurgle of breathing treatment
Wakes me from dreams of good-bye
Sweet and gentle but suffocating
Do you even know I am here anymore?

Two days later

I can hear them whispering outside
He's too fragile, not much else we can do
My voice catches in my throat yearning to rail at them
His breath still draws and my hands are fighting

The failings of a weak condition paired with bacterial war are too much to bare. Go home babe. Sleep with the angels for I cannot be selfish and keep you here so tortured.

*I never let go.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
You went to that place
                         Where her flowers used to grow
Spilling hot, salty tears countless times
                    Left the air always smelling like the sea
Even years later
                       You can still hear her mermaid laughter
                   Echoing through the trees
Grown over with weeds now
                                      Sweet memories resting place
Much like the aching hollows of your heart
                   Anger rushes through the quiet solitude
           Urging your knees to buckle
Digging your hands into rich, wet earth
Sobbing great hiccuping gulps through mournful wails
                        True pain is that of loss
A circle is finally cleared
       Exhaustion floods the moment
Head heavily laid where she rests
                   Clouds hum by above the canopy
Digging into your pocket
Smiling softly now
            Grasping at incubating bleeding heart seeds
A hole here, a hole there
                                   She'll grow again

*For the dead never truly leave us
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Wild heart
Gypsy soul
Traveler of the outskirts
Dancing through the darkness
Stars dangle in my hair
Tasting midnight on my lips
You mark me every time
Teeth. Hand-prints. Essence.
I never leave whole
Pieces of me, of you, crocheted into grandma squares
Dot the journey between us
Hansel and Gretel style
"Pick them up"
You pick them up!
Connect their edges
Our nimble fingers weaving through
A wash of color and heartache stretches between us
In order to grow we must hurt
One of your smiles nips at my pinky as my needle moves
I miss their edge
Moaning softly, shaking memories loose
Warmth easing through the distance between you and I
"Let's wrap up in each other"
But we are not done!?
..."We never will be. I want you now."
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
I want to take better advice
Latest being love like you've never been hurt
Dance like nobody's watching
Keller knows a thing or two
I found part of myself within those Break Science
Pigeons creating a helix of electricity
Within the shallow depths of my fingertips
Thankfully I can pull it closer
Feel it's lazer beam muscle spasm ******
Straight through to the other side of how I think
How I interact with the pulsing beat pounding within my vasodilated veins
I lost the darkness in your shadows
I found the light in mine
We raged that night until our bodies, twisted and wounded like geriatric versions of ourselves
Fell into tired cuddle puddles
Smiling, saturated with festival funk
All thoughts dissolving into psychedelic dreams
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