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Deovrat Sharma Aug 2014
So many hurries ..
So many worries.
So many notion..
None can console my emotion.

Feeling tired and hurt..
No one look at me I detect.
Difference of one day..
Till day before yesterday.

People were suppose close to me..
Now don’t  find way around me.
Till yesterday they  do not hesitate to meet..
Now with cold handed come to greet.

Every one looks up without any expectation..
Keeping mum, so many emotions.
To see people passing by..
Bare mind  wish to cry.

So many hope all tentative..
Some positive mostly negative.
May be i am like a used piece of paper..
Zigzag lines twisted taper.

*©deovrat 'अयन' 01.08.2014
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2019

no autocratic leadership
can survive for a longer time.
in a democratic setup every citizen
is having equal rights and responsibilities.
autocratic behaviour of individuals is
not acceptable, whether he is
elected or selected or a
common civilian.
©deovrat 17.09.2019
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2018
my life
has became

it's like
flowing water
in your remembrance

your glowing
beauty and reflection
everywhere spreading fragrance


©deovrat 27.09.2018
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2018
all of
a sudden
the heart took
a decision
to involve
with someone


although he
in return
he couldn't be jilt even
one can termed
it passion
of adoration to her


can say  devotion
for orison
she could neither
show never
depict any
kind of adhesion


© deovrat 19-06-2018
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2019
you have
no other way
but to pray
faith in prayer
gets penetrated in our
mundane deeper and stronger
with the passing of time
that routine remains
to stay

@deovrat 20.10.2019
Deovrat Sharma May 2021
shining moon of
full moon night
as-always milky
kool and bright
starring its face
in the ocean mirror
stunned surprised
crying with the fear

beautiful ocean
reflecting slack
moon's face was
sensing black
black shadows
of the time agone
instances  either forgotten
or seemly unknown

everyone's confession
may be sometimes hidden
certainly everyones past
always haunting alight
may be forgotten for sometimes
but all of a sudden it cite

at the same time
it is eternally certain
surely sun will rise again
it is going to happen soon
then sunshine will vanish
black shadow of moon

© deovrat "अयन" 08.05.2021
Deovrat Sharma May 2018
it was
the beginning
of hot and humid summer
the sun was pouring
its rays on earth
like fire
dark   grayish  
and black    clouds
Running here and there
his thin body seems to
collapse because of
hot and   humid
he was
feeling thirstiness
of the ocean but scarcity
for a single drop of water
glimmer of intermittently
flash  light in the sky
with heart shattering
all of a sudden
he sense the intense rain
with guts of  cold breeze
mixed with shower
looking up to sky
he open mouth
for downpour
with  feelings to
have blessings of heaven
in the form
of nectar

(c) deovrat - 03.05.2018
Deovrat Sharma Apr 2018
it  was first blush
of early   morning
as the sun was rising
gradually on  the horizon
around her neck
her faded colored
was flickering
with the cold breeze
she was lonely
on the
park side road
almost dragging forward  
to her right leg by exerting
pressure on left leg
her face
slightly distorted
with the
of pain
she was holding  
a small wooden stick
in her left hand
advancing her  steps
one by one
forward by putting
further efforts
with a
gentle smile
on her
thoughtful face  
on her routine
to walk for half a mile
in the morning
cautiously  keeping
her eyes
down on the road
to put-forth
next step
she spent
almost two hours
to complete  
the exhaustive
herculean task
every day
in her thoughts
she was not able
to assess the ending
of her sufferings
as this rutine
was continued
since past six months
when the doctor
removed eight month's
old plaster
from her left leg
she met
with a fetal injury
in her left leg
at road crossing
if she could
ever be able
to walk again
her mind
gets tired
halt reasoning
suddenly she
noticed a crawling snail
with  her
side by side
it brings a deep smile
on her lips
and completely
covered on her face
it took away
all  worries
she find
full of life
sun was shining
with his full blessings


(c) deovrat - 14.04.2018
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2015
playing with the siblings ..
in the park of a small town..
no hurry no worry...
of falling dusk..

running to home..
on mother loudly call..
together eating, fighting..
sleeping in mothers lap..

grasping her hand..
turn by turn..
laughing, smiling...
blooms like flowers..
mothers love..
fathers caring..

now we have grown up..
grown up with greed..
grown up with jealousy...
grown up with hatred..

parents are isolated
lonely worried..
mother's legitimate love..
is not enough..
to keep us together..

years passing..
hairs turned gray..
kin not in touch...
since long time..

what happen to our love..
affection for each other..
why we became...
so shameless & selfish..

cant they become..
the same...
small child...
once again..
 ©deovrat 'अयन' 13.03.2015
Deovrat Sharma May 2018
and snubs
are just like the
blooming flowers
her remembrance
makes me lonely
in the crowds
and makes
me smile
like rose petals

© deovrat
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2021
each breath
takes us more
closer to death  

suppose to be
the last stop to
the breath

soul fly
towards heaven or
it may be transform
in to a seth

soul  go to lethe
for an onset to
new birth

©deovrat "अयन" 18.01.2021
Seth=evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris.
Lethe= (Greek mythology) a river in Hades; the souls of the dead had to drink from it, which made them forget all they had done and suffered when they were alive.
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2018
lighting n
violent storm in
the dark night
wrapped my
in the fearful
roaring of   clouds
no one is there to hear
the mourning of  
my wounded soul
drowning  n
surfing on the
waves of  destiny
my life has became
like a caravan  
of  remembrance

*(c)  deovrat-31.03.2018
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2017
This world certainly changes…

as the time changes…

Some more ..or less changes…

                                    **It is certain too, what is in fate..

                                        But we change…. !!!!

                                        this will never happen infect..

            *deovrat - 20.06.2017 (c)
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2018
it's coffee time
we both will sip
one by one
in the same cup

ohh dear
you need
not to put in
the sweetener

it's taste sweet
into the coffee
with the touch
of your lips

©deovrat 24.09.2018
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2015
so many colors..
red and green color..
yellow and blue color...
dark color..
light color...
black and white color..
so many colors..

from earth to sky colors..
betrayal and faith color..
life and death color..
blindness color..
madness color..
so many colors...

every one is drenched in colors..
emotional and brutality color..
greediness and charity color..
hunger color...
poverty color..
love and hatred color..
I wish to see only one color..
color of humanity in every color..*

                                        *deovrat - 06.03.2015
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2019
which is
through the
similar to
the paralysis.
for a longer duration
then the relation
is at rest.

@deovrat 17.11.2019
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2018
i want
to say something
i wish to say many thing
i know you also eager
to utter every


our herats
are filled with emotions
our minds wish to make confession to the feelings which can't  be  described
during the  erstwhile time
through revelation *

it's true
we neither
able to stop nor
make time prehension
while you are being with me
it's auspicious like the heaven

just like
with the open eyes
always makes me alive
you are blessings of god
to my heart and soul

to the destiny
i always  find you with me
to walk  on the path of
and with full
of ambition*

© deovrat 06-06-2018
Deovrat Sharma Apr 2020
and melodious
sound of chiming bells
coming in form
far distance

pouring in
his subconscious

and whispering
a name
so close affectionate
and close acceptance

he totally
lost himself
in excogitation
passing by crowd stops
and looks upon

he exert so much efforts
to understand
this phenomenon
and in such a strange

to find out some
convincing reason
to make out solution
and console himself
feelings and reverence

surly he might be
in the influence
of someone
who is controlling
him from distance

©deovrat 12.04.2020
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2019
teachings and preachings
are confined only
upto written, behavioural
audio visual

from the
deeds of

a good person
though each one
having inside a demon
busy in preaching
evils to everyone

@deovrat 23.09.2019
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2018
life and liveliness
has turned into the darkness
sweetness of smiling faces
turned into bitterness

human races are
drenched into the bogginess
of greed agonies geliacy
and selfishness

oh almighty
supreme guardian of universe  
shower few droplets
of ambrosia from heaven

transmit your
divine radiance of sky galaxies
on your own

let it be passes
through our souls
that may lead to refurbish us
with your loving convergence

©deovrat 07.09.2018
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2019
it’s not enough
to remain in silence
but necessary to come
forward and utterance
at right time and
right place
in the
it may probably
proven to be mere
a fatal disaster if not
spoken at right time
in favour of the

@deovrat 06.10.2019
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2018
it is certainly
agony and passion
if acquaintance
is unwilling
for confabulation
however it is
the only
neither exasperation
nor impassion

for me, isolation
never being,
cause of depression
in essence, always been
inspiration and motivation


*(c) deovrat - 27.03.2018
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2018
I wish I could express..
    my feelings…
      to confess that..
         how much I love her…

I wish I could convey..
    at least something…
      to make her feel..
        how much I concern her…

I wish I could bring..
   her dreams come true ...
     to improvise her life..
       in-order to secure her…*

I never was desperate..
     to express in words...
        may be she is aware..
           how much I admire her...

I made many plans..
   to be precise and certain…
     but never could..
      qualify to recognize her…

*Whatever I  do..
     my efforts are there…
       unconcerned to perceive..
         the extent I passion her…

deovrat - 10.02.2018 (c)
Deovrat Sharma Aug 2020
for a creative work
must have creative ideas

for creative ideas
creative thinking is a must

for creative thinking
must have a creative environment

for a creative environment
spiritual inclusion is necessary

for spiritual inclusion
it is necessary to have a spiritual brain

for a spiritual brain
must have a stable mind

for a calm and stable mind
it is necessary to have a meditative life

©deovrat 08.08.2020
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2021
delusion of
everyone on
this earth is
our life
should be
perfect in all

© deovrat "अयन" 24.03.2021
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2018
i introspective...
i gets more..
and more distract...

my soul is..
in deep pain...
why whole life..
spent in vain...

while try to concentrate..
on the inner voice...
it compel detachment..
from the outer universe...

i wonder..
how it felt...
if one has to lost..
completely in self...

there are so many path..
to reach on destination
means and ways.
to gain through  and prays

many times i try..
but now realize...
indeed it was a waste..
needs lot of practices...

to achieve the consciousness..
one need complete devotion...
inner peace and perfection...


*deovrat - 12.03.2018 (c)
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
with the peoples of
blocks and closed

leads no where
to their predefined
self centered

©deovrat 21.05.2020
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2018
all living
created by the
divine nature
only Human being
is distinct and unique
they blessed
everything from
supreme divinity

feels so much
and plunge
upto the neck
in the ocean
of bogey greediness
name and fame
wealth and esteem
ambition and avidity

©deovrat 27.11.2018
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2018
the sun
was just about to rise
above the deep blue horizon
with a joyful mesmerising sunshine
blooms  flowers n plant  
in many color shine
pink white yellow
purple and red vine
sperading bewildered outshine

rain droplets
on the rose petals
lush green hedges
on the peripheral
sides of lawn
chirping of
delightful birds
amusingly colorful butterfly

of genial breeze
dense lush green trees
on the both sides
of walking track
crawling caterpillars
playing and running children
brisk walk by the young people
slowly exercising elderly couple

we should thank
and praise to divinity
for all of this natural
good fortune
from almighty to the
humans being

© deovrat 14--07-2018
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2020
her face
is having flair
like a fiction fantasy
miraculous elegance
is like veiling of

hundreds of
amazing miracles
in every act
it is not just
a phrasing but
like astonishment

of lips is like
morning breeze
shyness and bashfulness
are just like her
amazing apparels

just like the
blossoming flower
in the season of autumn
flower buds fragrances
that can make away
senses of any one

her face
is having flair
like a fiction fantasy
miraculous elegance
is like veiling of

©deovrat 12.02.2020
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2018
you make
my emotions
you make my days
you make me happy
you make my life shine
i feel on the
seventh heaven
when you call me
remember me
in your heart ❤

and melodious
so intense feelings
of a sweet warmness
spreads in the whole
body especially
around heart ❤
and soul

you know
when ever you
are with me
it is like another
life span on some
beautiful galaxy
far beyond the sky
i wish to live few moments
on that galaxy with you
ohh no not few moments
but to spend several lives

©deovrat 12.10.2018
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2019
no one
can control
in day
to day life
until channelise
emotions through
continual practice
to constrain the
movement of
for achieving
the sense of
along with

@deovrat 02.10.2019
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2018
it was a dream..
   or a reality...
     her fidelity..
      or my passion...

        * i wish to do ..
          what ever...
            she admire....
              but what if she..
                not perceive...
                  my aspiration....

*often i try..
    to look...
      in her eyes....
        peep deeper..
          in search of...

             i shatter..
                   deep in her heart....
                    certainly our soul..
                      now blended...
                        in perfection....

                      ­   *****
                 ­         *
deovrat-15.02.2018   (c)
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2018
rose petals..
colorful butterfly...
lemon grass..
rainbow in sky...
mystical music..
of flowing streams...
growing shrubs..
fruits and  trees...

fragrance of wet soil..
blooming flowers...
humming birds..
bite of honey bees...

clump of old age trees..
uproar of wild animals...
ebullience of untamed waterfall..
erosion of river strands...

blushing of squirrel ..
whistling of cold breeze...
dew on lotus leaf ..
rosiness of sunrise...

snow bound peaks..
tweeting birds...
always makes me realize..
that I am alive...

*deovrat - 21.02.2018 (c)
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2018
life is...
just like...
drop  of tears....
moist eyes....


*(c) deovrat - 24.03.2018
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2020
Fragrances  of few moments..
in our lives..
becomes just like fairy tales...
are imprints in our brain...  

We cherish them always,  forever....
they are beyond...
the limit of words to explain...
©deovrat 19.11.2020
Deovrat Sharma May 2018
bearing a
bleak smile
dreamy sleepy
full of tears eyes
millions of thoughts
trillions of hopes
to meet again
with her
farewell kiss

(c) deovrat 05.05.2018
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2018
burn itself...
on candle fire glow!


how pity..
the result of love .. .
firefly does not know !!


© deovrat 08-06-2018
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2014
lanky trees..
on  both side of dark road...
was swinging....
gust of wind with..
howl sound...
of a stranger...
entered in my ear....
it was..
like whisper of ghost...
or a dread killer...

I shudder..
with fury...
but no fear....
sweat was guessing..
from my body...
like a river....
I prayer to God..
remember to my...
near and dear....

no one  was visible..
within the range...
who was that unknown....
really strange....
is it disappear..
in the park...
frightening me....
as falling dark..

I was..
trying to hunt unknown...
falling dark realized me..
I am alone...
is it..
really some...
strange sound....
or just the..
fear of unknown?

*(c) deovrat - 25.07.2014
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020
you are
always really
never physically
in front of me
although your feelings
and remembrance forever remains

from the evening
and until next day morning
heartbeats are feeling
like  it has been put in
remembrance cage

candles lights
were shining
in the celebration
candles wax was melting
whole night

was it
my fault if only
the tears on eye lashes
were visible
and not the blood clots
within the eyes

©deovrat 25.01.2020
Deovrat Sharma Aug 2014
The fragility of life..
always like walking on knife.
All the stage of life are often..
pressing, met with love and compassion.

As we gets weaker, incapable...
deeds of life become miserable.
Grief grows as death draws near..
we need every anguish to bear.

Counselors and spiritual advisory..
become more and more dearer.
No disease makes one realize..
when a close one dies.

Good deeds and acts of live..
be our ultimate goal all the time ..
We have to make this great progression
with peace and without aggression.

                                 deovrat - 14.08.2014 (c)
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2021
do you remember
our first meeting
we both were
neither me
nor you
were famous

we haven't seen
to each other even
not having any  point
common to discuss
seems it was
just a coincidence

we meet as we might
be having some relationship
since  inception of universe
you might be a little bit
restless reluctant
and quit nervous

I was confident
that's why on the outset
in front of you
I confess
or otherwise
something else

It was
certain that
nature itself
having preplanned
our first meeting for us

I never been in position
to reveal the truth now or then
although I only know one thing
that without  having you in my life
I could never been experience
true love, joy and success

©deovrat "अयन"  12.07.2021
#meeting #wod #deovrat
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2018
               s               f      i      
                     u    r               n      g

                       W A V E
                          L U S T


                 ­      n


                          O C E A N
                          S A C R I F I C E


                         *(c) deovrat-22.03.2018
Deovrat Sharma May 2018
it all set
finally he left
assign no reason
or argument

to regret
about his act
I never wish
to discuss infact

he is always
in my remembrance
i perceive
his presence  
in every object

he is with me
and lives
in my heart
never to forget


© deovrat 24-05-2018
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2020
whatever be
the reason
time always signals
timely indication
to combine
of individual’s
lives fragmentation

time never
gets influenced
by someone’s
desire and emotions
time is unbiased
to any situations
remains always in
uninterrupted locomotion

©deovrat 01.06.2020
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
there may be
there is no
full trust on friend is the preamble
of friendship,
there is no room
for mistrust
true friends

©deovrat 23.12.2019
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2022
despite seeing all
can't feel

without having abilty to see
knows everything

©deovrat 'अयन' 07.01.2022
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
the moment
your child
to be
having the
ability to conceive
ideas and decisions
to pave the individuals path.

self ideas better
in the family’s matter
than whatever
parents consider
lacking in confidence
towards parents decisions.

than one
should realise
that the child
has grown up
and ready
to fly
in the
open sky.

(c) deovrat. 05.12.2019
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2014
Try to concentrate on yourself...
Try to be happy with yourself....
Think about your deeds,  your desire, your acts...
It may lead you towards happiness.

It is true since beginning of this universe..
It is my experience.
You can find happiness within you..
You will feel it and will  be true for you.

while you look upon a flower, bird or butterfly..
always smile, smile and keep on smile.
practicing happiness, it will become your nature..
you will become happy forever.

                                                                            *deovrat - 29.07.2014
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
What we are having
at this moment is the result
of our acts and deeds in the past..

What we are going to face
in future, that will govern by our
present acts and deeds...

Happiness is nothing else
but only the reflection of our
Acts & Deeds....

©deovrat 16.05.2020
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