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1.8k · Oct 2012
~ Ye Mighty Planet Jupiter ~
demosofpyr Oct 2012
Lambent planet burning bright
In star-pocked shadows of the night
Gigantic storms doth wheel around
Tumescent whorls forever bound

Oh mighty planet Jupiter
(For 'tis how I look on thee)
Thy reddish eye is looking out
On all eternity
1.4k · Aug 2018
Snake River
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Along a softly babbling stream
Moss covered trunks silently lean
Sunlight pours from on high down
Flies now idly ply around

A fisherman -me- on the bank sits
Floater bobbing, teasing fish
Sparrows idly flit softly by
While above the clouds now softly fly

The bugs, they flit from here to there,
While plants their flowers slowly bare,
Mosquitoes sound their droning whine
While stream trout nibble at baited line

Dappled bark and shaded stream
Memory hazy like a dream
I wish to travel back, back there
That timeless place, the Snake River

And this my idle classroom dream,
My heaven, fishing by a stream
Spins round and round my head at night
I'll go and grab my pole-first light
750 · Oct 2012
~ Walking Woman ~
demosofpyr Oct 2012
Woman walking by,
What name do they call thee?
Long brown hair that flashes down,
Full red lips not made to frown,
A lip ring, meant to tease.

You smile at me, and then say "Hi."
I smile back a bit.
And you walk on,
With long, lean strides,
Not knowing what I've writ.
demosofpyr Aug 2017
There's a limit to your love  |  There's no limit to my love
Like a waterfall in slow motion  |  Like the floodwaters in motion, or
Like a map with no ocean  |  A vast and placid ocean
There's a limit to your love  |  There's no limit to my love
Your love, your love, your love  |  My love, my love, my love

There's a limit to your care  |  There's a limit to your care
So carelessly there, is it truth or dare  |  I thought it was there, is it truth or dare
There's a limit to your care  |  There's a limit to your care
There's a limit to your love  |  There's no limit to my love
Like a waterfall in slow motion  |  Like the tidewater in motion
Like a map with no ocean  |  Adrift on this calm ocean
There's a limit to your love  |  There's no limit to my love
Your love, your love, your love  |  My love, my love, my love

There's a limit to your love  |  There's no limit to my love
So carelessly there, is it truth or dare  |  You had it for years, these are my worst fears
There's a limit to your care  |  There's a limit to your care
Modification of James Blake's song.  Needed a retort from the other side.
397 · Feb 2017
A Dark and Stormy Night
demosofpyr Feb 2017
What pain this is, I think I know,
It stoops to pass the threshold low,
And stops to give it's rain-slicked head a shake,
As if to light his eyes and mind awake.

And settling in beside the fire,
He turns a spell to stoke my ire,
While I, my strong foundations rooted
Am powerless - my fire muted.

And like old friends - sifts through all my things,
Only to take those which most pleasure brings,
Then stops perchance to hold my love aloft,
Then gone and trampled underfoot - a cough.

The angels of my better nature cower,
Below bed-springs and last summer's lost flowers,
Patience and good nature are most still,
Until grief and heartache both have had their fill.
386 · Feb 2017
Endless Journey
demosofpyr Feb 2017
What is truth and how can we begin to know it?
Does it seem to encompass all of us?
We stand apart, a people set above
Destined to forever see what we cannot ever be

Battered buildings stand as silent monuments
Deep inside our dreams we sense some meaning
We stand alone, a people set above
Destined to forever be stumbling forward blindly

As a race we will continue on again
Traveling the dusty road of time forever
Watching empires rise and fall like dust-
The stumblings of petty things called men

We stand apart, a people set above
Destined to forever be walking forwards endlessly
331 · Feb 2017
I Often Wonder (on a bus)
demosofpyr Feb 2017
I often wonder looking at a friend
If on the inside they are just like me
If when they laugh the same emotions pass
If when they lie the shame seems not to last

I wonder at the men below my seat
And ponder if they see me as a man
Or if - as we sedately stroll the lanes
They see some part of "bus" and no human

I wonder if, when looking at a tree,
Another's green is really pink to me
And if that's really so, we could in fact
All like the same hue, but name it different.

I often wonder looking at a man,
If his worries and his cares will come to me
For I am but a child of little years
Full of my own disparate hopes and fears
331 · Aug 2018
Ebb and Flow
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Walking down the beach,
And looking at the waves,

They roll in and out,
In and

Like the ebb and flow of time
They flow,

A great cycle,
We flow-
And wax-
And wane

People live
They contribute
Find a meaning
Then go on

Like the ocean meaning changes
Ebbs and flows
In and

I must find my meaning
Among these flowing tides,

And when my tide goes,
I too must
Sail on.
301 · Feb 2017
Underneath an Overpass
demosofpyr Feb 2017
I'm underneath an overpass
I come here when I'm mad
My family was fighting --
And I fled, the fight was bad.

I'm smoking my last cigarette
It's the fourth time that I've "quit"
And I'm surrounded by broken bottles,
Heh - drowning spirit with spirits

And I'm surrounded by this droning roar
Which makes me hear my parents more
When I was little I would have cried
But that fragile part is trying to die
And here, with sobs wracking my spine
I try to remember happier times..

Just a little part more of me dies
"It'll be fine" another lies.
197 · Aug 2018
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Frustration mounts,
And with it comes
An unholy fury

To struggle
In everything you do,
That is hardship

To want something more
Is impossible
Is dreaming
164 · Aug 2018
demosofpyr Aug 2018
I do not have
A happy family...

There have been nights
Where I go to bed
With my ears still ringing--
--A lot of shouting, yelling, and screaming

It happens for to many reasons,
Which is why it never ends
But sometimes in a rare, rare dream,
Its singing I hear instead
demosofpyr Aug 2018
It strikes me as I watch tv,
The callousness of culture:
We laugh or cry as the whim takes us,
But never really care,
We culturally don't dare.

But is it 'cause we're sheltered?
Or merely 'cause we're bored?
We watch our TV passively,
massive drivel shoveled freely,
It turns our minds to rubble.

But is it any better
To believe something so completely
That a slightly different opinion
Is neatly pushed aside...
Discounted as lies...
Or messily dies?
158 · Aug 2018
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Pictures of war all around me I see
Pick up a gun and fight to be free
I see a soldier face down on the ground
Red White and Blue sparkles flash all around

Movies of killing, men dying all round
Snappy recruiters with pamphlets abound
Somewhere away, a carbomb explodes
While at home on TV: "Lets lock and Load!"

Freedom fighters and invaders
Infidels and patriots
Fighting round and round
Shootng at each other
Till they all fall down
156 · Aug 2018
The Sad Dance
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Watch how we dance and sway
Look at us dance today
Smiles on our faces-
We dance without care,
Knowing we must beware

Look at the people watching
They don't know who we are
No-one is laughing and
No-one is smiling
Watching us dance and sway

Watch how we dance and sway
No-one will look our way
They find us repulsive
They want us to leave
Never to sigh and breathe

Never to dance again
148 · Aug 2018
I Told the Truth
demosofpyr Aug 2018
I told a friend the truth today,
I'd lied to him for years,
I approached with trepidation-
Quite full of my own fears.

But my friend, he said he didn't care,
And things have gone on as before,
And never once in all time hence,
Could I have asked for one thing more.
143 · Aug 2018
A Stolen Kiss
demosofpyr Aug 2018
In dark of night
A moment bright
Upon our couch
In the twilight

And in this place
I see your face
A stolen kiss
Our little bliss

Ill hold your hand
And you'll squeeze mine
Ill trace your brow
You'll line my chin

Our moment will end
There shall be more
Your heart I'll mend
You're my amor
140 · Aug 2018
Farewell, Dear Friend
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Farewell, dear friend,
The ember of your love demands too much,
For your momentary pleasure I am forced to pay in blood,
For the privilege of people I will never meet again.

Farewell, dear friend,
For I have sacrificed too much for you,
On the coldest of nights I have sheltered you,
And I have given you all I have, even as you poisoned me.

Farewell, dear friend,
For you have estranged me from others who love me more,
Amd I know even from within your chemical embrace,
That your knives are busily whirling in my chest.
130 · Aug 2018
The Storm
demosofpyr Aug 2018
Sometimes my thoughts run black,
And suddenly I'm all alone,
In a world lit with dark,
Like an undeveloped photo.


I burden my friends
Alienate my parents
And say things i deeply regret
In bolts of brilliant red fury
At myself. At everything.


After, all that is left is the
deep blue of despair,
Like rolling moonlit clouds,
Leaving only quiet after the storm.

— The End —