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I hope these words
Make you fall for me
Because I don't have much going for me
Maybe the way you heard,
How I speak your name.
Will affect the breaths you take.
And I'll find what I need to spark the flame.
Whisper to me how I can fix your heartache.
You & I,
are a lullaby

We're the deafening *silence

just after the crash
we are moments of happiness
that never last

We're a riddle
that has no answer
we are both the cure
and the cancer

We've read this book
a thousand times, and in our hearts
we both know this fairytale
can never have a happy ending
I wish it did.....
i think I'm going to bury you
i've given you too much time
i think i'm done hurting now
or feeding this grief of mine

i think i'm done being bitter
and holding this spite inside
despite your lack of compassion  
that no longer exists at this point in time

i think I'm done being angry
and drinking from the stream of your disdain
i don't deserve to be locked inside
this narrow perception in your brain

and i'm drained from this drought in my system
from letting you feed from the well of my kindness
when you give me nothing, nothing at all
but a hollow perception of blindness

i'm going to bury you
deep in the garden
and watch you blend with the dirt
there you can lay, bare the rain and decay
And i will no longer hurt.
Knowing there's nothing waiting at the end of the line
No phone call to lift me, no arms to fall in mine
That there's a great big sky and everyone underneath
Seeks refuge in the shelter of the company that they keep
This isolation is icy, and hard to conceive
Knowing I'll never know what it is I seek
Is it comfort, is it contentment, is it knowing that I'm not alone
Is it feeding an illusion or creating the concept of home
Is it elevation of the mind, adrenalin through the heart
Soaring so high just to fall apart
We're soaring so high just to fall apart.
And yet we try and try again, because it's all we know so far
Daddy! Daddy! Can I be a superhero when I grow up? Like superman. Or batman!*

of course you can. You cqn be anything you want

We no longer dream
I always wanted to be flash
Or the green lantern
I went through I spiderman phase but that passed

Then I grew up a little bit
And I wanted to be batman
I mean he is the only feasible superhero
His gadgets are possible
His martial arts are possible
As a whole he can actually happen
That's why I loved him
I still wanted to be a superhero

I no longer think it's possible
It would be fun to have laser eyes
Or sick fighting moves
But it's just a dream.....
So knowing its not possible
So we stop dreaming
We might want to save everybody
But we know its not possible
Not a good write
 Jul 2014 demetrius hunt
Joe Cole
Oh yes, I have seen birds in a herd and cows in flocks
And painted the picture just using a sock
Such art is I and not for lesser beings
I see fish, yes fish swimming through the sky
Oh swim fish swim
Such inspiring words from I BUT
words wasted
Oh but but
My brain is going to implode
Such a loss to the world of art
To many beans for breakfast
Oh the ****...The royal artistic ****
Oh oh why are I so misunderstood?
For artistic vision is food
My beret worn with such flair and grace
A halo yes for I am godly
Placed on this earth for your desire
To bring art to your godless souls
Oh you, you artless peasants

Bow your worthless heads in my presence
Inspirational yet again. Faultless art flows from my pen
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