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 Mar 2015 Deenah
Dorothy Parker
And let her loves, when she is dead,
  Write this above her bones:
"No more she lives to give us bread
  Who asked her only stones."
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Bek Blanchard
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Bek Blanchard
Drop me in your ocean
I will try not to drown
Vast and full of life
Beautiful and profound

Swallow me in your waves
Wildly unsound
Thrilling and revealing
Unstable and confound
 Mar 2015 Deenah
My love is your love
is my love is your love

cheers to
whitney man
i wish i had
a kidney just as big
to share so that no one
would hav to die from
kidney shortage.

this is a poem i write
so that i do not have to write
anything else like
hell ya - i would ring the bells of my
freakin academic career end

pass this as word of mouth, please
and don t pass it through the greedy
hands of scholars.

Or i shall holler back in loudest tongue:
copy and paste is not the worst of all
it is this static state that they have flung
around kids' necks
**** it! I do do do do enjoy it too much!!!!
 Mar 2015 Deenah
 Mar 2015 Deenah
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•play me a
tune of sweet serenade
•sing me a song of wistful
melody•recite me the words
you would            have said•
now whisper me your sighs
tenderly•paint me the
colours of night and day•write
me the poem of your heart•send me
your love on which I lay•make me the
end to all your starts•strum me the chord
of hopeful bliss•compose me a ballad that
sets my innermost free•so play me your
tune, the one that I would always miss
•and keep singing of us in a song,
so we'd be immortalised in
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Devon Webb
 Mar 2015 Deenah
Devon Webb
He traced maps
on my back
with the tips
of his fingers
as if I was
the whole world
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