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  May 2017 The Dedpoet
It's okay,
It's alright,
You have yourself,
Just like you do
every night.

You're at your worst?
Well so be it...
They didn't see
that your hearts unfit?

You hold that heart,
and you tuck yourself,
Command your breaths
To fall into context,
The world will be there tomorrow,
And the day will fall
fom your hardened grip,
The landslide will come to curve,
The drought will leave
no tears to shed.

Even if you have to be the ocean,
The sun, the moon and the land,
To walk yourself to the last shore,
You've got yourself to understand.

You can be that push of courage,
You can be the one to soothe,
Nothing in this world matters,
Not even this heavy weight of blues.
You wanna bet?

You're at your worst?
Then so be it..
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
Third Eye Candy
as i descend into the mad sun
i visit blue brothels and calm green seas.
i rip cables out of butterflies
to suture my wounds.
i change my course,
to my Fate.

As Must 
we all.


i've learned a great many things
about dead ends... they always start
where you live.
they bend the moon to your aspect.
the red death to a - 
false hope.
with a real

and as much despair.


gather where ye may, the very laurels 
of your heart. But, be neither spendthrift with your anguish -
nor copiously disarmed.
have your adventures where a god - 
can pardon you...
For having less faith
than an abandoned
thought of You.

go only to return.
and burn your memoirs in the attic
to **** the dream.

leave no fingerprints in the vacuum.
wash your hands of the spiral -
and feel what
It Means.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
Stu Harley
winds of change
back and forth
crescendo into the sky
is written
eyes of the storm
Encourage and motivate
Show the children that you care
Teach them the way
Just always be there
Set the best example
Find a way to lift them up
Enlighten them a great deal
So they can reach the top
The Dedpoet May 2017
Truth is I have never
Seen the truth,
In as much as a broken soul
Wanders looking for the Source,
Or reason,
I scattered bits and pieces left by
The Light,
Finding sparks in the darkness,
In truth the reality is
I dont know if I really
The unknown is all there is.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
Sarah Anuar
When tears are shed, hurtful words were said
The regret kicks in, the emptiness nests in.
but no amount of regret can take back hurtful words that cuts deep
no amount of sorry can break back a stone wall
nothing can bring back parents that were once alive and well
nothing can give you back the friendships that you treasured most

you have to remain kind, speak kind words
and remember that sometimes
you have to apologise not because you're wrong
but because you love and treasure the special bonds that He gifted you.
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