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When the sun outshines the moon
I will be there by your side
I will love you, keep you, honor you
each day and every night

May the day bring you sunshine
and may your night be lit with hope
thanks to all my friends and family
in this cruel world I can cope

When the moon outshines the stars
I still won't be so far away
I will hold a special place for you
in a very special way

I thank God for friends like you
who make it all worth the while
and may blessings be sent in showers
as I listen and watch you smile
May I part with these words tonight
that my friends are so out of sight
may your heart be full of joyous tunes
beneath the skies and full moon
may you be blessed with love galore
so much that you need not ask for more

And when the light comes to shine the day
may more blessings come your way
may your night bring you smiles, My Dear
and may the angels always stay near
may Heaven shine down upon you
and may all your wishes come true!
Often I write about angels
this time I speak about special angels

They hold your hand when you need comforting
the ones that refuse to leave your side
they hug you in such a way
that your heart fulfills its destiny
and you know it's going to be okay

These angels come in all sizes
full of heart, hope, happiness
sharing peace, healing, so much love
they are the light we search for
when we are in the darkness
they are the life we've needed
when the roads seem to stretch on and on

Perhaps you've seen one of these special angels
one of them I know for a fact
has led me straight to you

Many blessings, much love
may your life be full of it all
Dedicated to Linda
a very dear friend of mine
You know sometimes we speak of angels
even when others don't believe
but I know that they exist
and are watching over us
caring and loving us
defending us even when
we don't realize it

If your conscience says no
when you want to say yes
t'is an angel talking to you
to teach you right from wrong
but the final decision
is but of free will
it is ours to make

I thank God for angels
that I cannot see
and I thank God for angels
just like you!
posted on Facebook
  Mar 2015 Debbie Jean Embrey
I spend the day alone
I spend the month alone
I spend the year alone
Unable to do
What I would like to do

I wish I had a friend
Who is a woman

I hope there is a woman
Who would make
A small dedication poem
About how one of my poems
Made her feel

It would be fun
My love goes out
To all the kind
And compassionate women
Of Hello Poetry
despised by the world
she didn't care
she lost all respect
forgot who she was
ventured out
sought help
through all the wrong sources
the forbidden places
and she lost sight
of what was right
finally losing herself
caught in all the pain
all the torture
even the memories
of those she didn't know
and it brought her
to her knees
and there she sat
now the heartless victim
known as The Demon's Queen
L ook no farther
dead ahead
Death stands before you
lady in waiting
once the woman
every man dreamed of
now the very stone
and the vulgarity
that brings mankind down
to his lowest level
the **** of the earth
she's waiting
for you
desiring the beast
that brought her misfortune
when you awakened
her claws reached out
grasped hold of you
before you even knew
who or what
she really was
and now is
Death awaits
waiting for you
written through a challenge
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