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like clockwork May 2015
kept my mouth shut
          craft glue
apologies past my teeth
bursting at the seams 'til
   the pressure eased
sorrow evaporating to
   regret condensing into

ashes on my tongue
from fires i don't remember
swallowing in the first place
but it still tastes like
     i'm sorry
        i'm sorry
           *i'm sorry
like clockwork May 2015
she poured out her soul for the love you promised you'd fill her with but then you broke her heart and now she's empty
like clockwork Apr 2015
12 a.m.
     the rain stutters against my window-- erratic, wild. the curtains are drawn, the lights extinguished, but to my eardrums, it's as if a symphony of heartbeats are thrumming in counterpoint to my own. the noise swells in my head, an unrelenting crescendo, ffff, the windows shivering. then is fades to white noise, a lullaby to lull me to restless sleep, haunted by a thousand heartbeats overwhelming the staccato in my chest.
7 a.m.
     the sun is in a coffin of clouds. a cityscape bathed in the heavy blue of night swims before my eyes. we must still be locked in a moment before sunrise, before even last night's twilight. still, the rain drums around me. head cottony with sleep, it climbs up and up, inch by inch, drowning me in streets trapped in endless night.
4 p.m.
     people say rain leaves the world clean and new. In the limbo between raindrops and clear skies, this city is grey. it's as if the clouds that papered the sky have fallen and blanketed building and sidewalks instead. colors are muted until my city is a palette of mud and smoke and watered down dust. i am a tissue-paper doll in this diorama of concrete and glass and steel. the rain has washed me away as well.
found this in my journal and i liked it so i'm posting it here
like clockwork Apr 2015
my head is suffocating
but these lungs keep
like clockwork Apr 2015
there's a rot festering in your chest
when we kissed the infection spread
i should've let you go before you dragged me down with you
like clockwork Apr 2015
i give up i give up i give up i give- get up get up
no one helps the poor ***** left to rot on the ground
why would they spare a glance for you
like clockwork Apr 2015
there once was a girl who broke promises like tea glasses. It wasn't hard, really. just a little too much heat, too much pressure. maybe she just didn't pay attention, until there were tea glasses shattered all over the floor.
     but one day the girl worried that someone would see all that broken glass and start to wonder, so she grabbed fistfuls of the mess and she swallowed it all down down down where no one could ever see. and the jagged shards tore at her insides, shredded her gut into ****** ribbons, bedazzled her stomach lining like stars.
     the girl smiled and bled and broke more promises and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. until one day those pretty tea glass promises ripped her open and everyone could see her mistakes spill out of her as she bled out on the floor.
settle down children, this one's about you.
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