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sometime it is
in the act of writing
that we create the sense
of what we want to say

as if the process of articulation
    when we are fishing for the proper words
is generating meaning
inventing itself in its own genesis

leaving the poet amazed

sometimes even the readers
"Aren't you now tired of that green?
different from the zeitgeist once was
the ****** pulsation existed all along with me!
I can see it in the movement  of yours
when I  deep kiss you, not there, you are!
it's too long, our liaison, my love listen,
now it's time for a change, haven't you
seen the clouds in quick changing formations?
Yes, rest you need and a period of leisure
would do you good.You have to don a hue
to suit to to the mood, and yellow it is"
The setting sun,languidly to the leaf said aloud.
She felt the relief, she unhurriedly received
his words  purple tinted.pointing the direction.

The mountain wind, when the leaf  was green,
an intense lover, moved her,always.
A leaf callow and green in the wind,
passion personified, during the gale she was
the aggressive partner, demanding more,
"You are hanging here for long,on this branch,
knowing all, now time to let go, hear the music
permeating through dust and clouds and lives
transform yourself, you have danced enough
with me here, change pace, let go, begin
a journey new and find, what the cosmic hum
tells to every single cell, and what's in the end,
get ready to take newer forms from now on my love"

Wind took her by hand and she let go every thing
and naked to the soul, she jumped in to the deep below,
a valley, in ferment, flowers, fruits and leaves
in abundance, stood with bated breath,
beckoning, welcoming, cheering the fallen leaf,
the last dance it was,with the wind and sun,
in whispers the wanton wind told her" time to go,
feel light and explore, discover the secrets still left"

Earth, red and fertile was much pleased, smiled at her,
"Come down beloved, here I lie in wait, impatient,
this is your bed, not a minute late you are, here
as before in the appointed hour,you are aware
at any time you have to end up as the salt of the earth,
you'll love it here as much you did on a flowering branch,
bit by bit like the fragments of a cloud in blue sky,
you will become one with me; the fecund muddy earth,
new seeds with a vision encrypted inside will fall on you
get nourished by what your love donates and would sprout.
We are the afternoon wilted curcurbits  , leaves drawn and froward ,
pining for evening thundershowers , emboldened , tempting a watery death with blind ambition
Yet ,  we are also creativity trapped in religious admonition
Miracles discombobulated , manipulated
Named , taught , placed on a board with our heads facing the floor
Following a pre-plotted map with the robotic horde* ...
Copyright June 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Childhood crushes , hiding in bushes , first kisses
Buzzing , unaware of the crutch of love
Standing by night fires , peering across the -
timothy carpet , embers crackling in route -
to heaven
Spinning the Pepsi bottle on a loud Cicada
evening , setting marshmallows afire , wondering
out loud over the Moon and stars
Our breath visible* .....
Copyright June 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Cloak of invisibility...
Render me unseen.
As I tremble with the fury of
a thousand downfalls
and untimely disappointments.
Let the complacent eye
merely skim the surface of my masquerade...
Without learning of what seethes underneath.

Cloak of invincibility...
Render me impervious...
To the callous digits that know only to point.
To the disastrous effect of heated words.
To the unforgiving nature of
my wayward thoughts and emotions.
Grant me strength and resilience
through hardened skin that promises not,
of betrayal.

Cloak of infallibility...
Render me trustworthy and honest.
So that I can rest with the knowledge
that what I feel is true...
What I feel is me.
That this isn't the result of the faint murmur
of errant gossip...
But instead the genuine exchanges
between the heart and mind.

Cloak of myth...
Render me a believer.
Aid me in finding my footing
in the blasted dark.
I have been siphoned dry,
during these unsure times
that have drawn much...
Too much.

Worn down from sleepless nights
4am ticking by, didn't even notice
Till the sun greet us like a couple of hyenas
We all rose against the grain
Folks standing on top of buses
Crowded and sweating in glitter
Such immense love, energy
Even red eyed and wobbling
The forest is a haven of safe expression.

Got down in the dirt
Buried my face in the all encompassing stimuli
Faces appearing and repeating
Smiling radiance, buy candy from me
A little teal blue dress
Pretend to be someone else
Made up with expensive wigs and we all drank coffee
But not really.
More like
Fruit delicious smoothies
Mascaraing our red eyes away.

Disappear into the poetry brothel
Theres lingerie and words to hear and say
But I'll always be a little director in my head
A producer in the city said to me recently
"You're definitely an actors director. Moments made me almost uncomfortable it was so real."

We took a moment in the woods
To look up at the moon shining down on us
And I don't know if you heard
But I felt and saw my soul fly out of me
And with such command

I walked into the coming night
To invest in nourishment tonight
After returning from the fantasy forest
And I just thought
I'll mix it all up
Into the crevices of my heart
I've seen, felt, and done things now
I'll never forget
A beacon
Ball of powerful glorious light

Providing the platform of adaptability
Connecting and releasing
And a special singular moment in time
No one can ever take from me.

Thats pretty ******* magnificent.

So yeh.
I feel cleansed
And like my heart holds a little bit less metal and bone.
A Lighthouse to light beyond the Reasons
An Astragal to tone down the Passion
A Lantern to bright beyond the Horizons
In that permanent Love's Peregrination
Some wished him to be an Anchor
He is just a moored Beacon, offshore.
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