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 May 2014 Dave Blanco
 May 2014 Dave Blanco
Sad part about this love is the wait.
The wait is what makes me go mad.
Too many sleepless nights.
I think about you more than I should.
Do you think about me as much as I do?
When will this wait end.
most people find out
that someone
they like
has feelings for them too
they are
They smile.
I'm crying.
I cry.
Because it doesn't matter.
I can never say yes
I’m drowning.
Pushing me under,
Holding me down,
I’m worthless.

I’m clawing for the surface.
Begging for release,
I’m nothing.

I see your face at the top.
You want me to die.

You're nothing, you say.
You're just a puppet for my amusement, you say.
I’m just here to please your desires,
My needs don’t matter.
I’m an object in your eyes.

Our entire relationship was me drowning
And all you did was stand by
You watched me struggle to stay above
And you just laughed
And held me down.
My relationship with my ex boyfriend was a one-sided street, where I gave everything and he gave nothing in return. He abused me mentally and emotionally.
 Mar 2014 Dave Blanco
Love can make us fly,
Love can take us high.
Love can't make us lie,
Love can give us wings.
Love could make us try,
Love wouldn't let us die.

Love isn't that instant noodles,
Love isn't ready-made clothes,
Love is a pure example of art,
Love made quickly isn't pure,
Love aims for the perfection,
Yes, love demands patience.
My HP Poem #589
©Atul Kaushal
 Mar 2014 Dave Blanco
 Mar 2014 Dave Blanco
I'm lying on my bed
Can't close my eyes
Because my mind is wide open

Thinking of you
Thinking if you're thinking of me too
It’s hard to win yourself back
from someone you loved so much
that you couldn’t live without.
It’s hard to get yourself back
from who it was back then
the moment it’s still innocent
from feeling the pain of a broken heart.
It’s difficult to convince yourself to go back
from being the old happy person she was
where she hasn’t depend on somebody else yet
to make her turn that way.
It’s hard to win yourself back
from someone whom you gave it to,
even if he’d already dropped and abandoned it.
Don't worry darling,
When I push you away,
I promise,
You won't feel a thing.

I'll be the one,
To burn in the fire,
The smoke,
Causing my eyes to sting.

I know it's for the better,
I'm a burden,
Don't you see?

I promise I won't blame you,

Who would want to be around me?
I promise I won't blame you,
I don't have the guts to leave.
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