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Ottar Jan 2016
Treads like fingers leave
prints on wet surfaces
in snow, rain or Spring,

Footprints take striding shortcuts in Summer,
to beat the heat, across the asphalt black Earth-
top and broken white striped runner,

Sounds like layers of
whispers get trapped
in the branches of trees
until the leaves Fall,

Wings, cup to spill and milk the most out of
cluttered cacophony and coldest Winter air,
silent above it all, my constant boulevard,
my search is for wings.
Ottar Jan 2016
who'd have the salt to
pour over a wound,
cleansing the edges
and the in between but,
I am thinking tears would
have been more gentle
and still clean these wounds,

but there is that hover,
of a possessive lover,
standing over the para-
lyzed form, docile and with
a mixed bag of contorted
postures, and your phone/
camera takes pictures
and videos just like a drone

from above,

it hovers,
in my worst dreams,
we are lovers and i scream,
not in passion or ******,
but you began twisting
and plucking all
your perfectly placed tacks,

I guess, at this juncture,
that book on acupuncture
was worth the weight,
in flesh,
and still you hover as
I stream consciousness
on my mattress that feels
like a dry rocky creek bed,
and over my four poster bed
a black crow hovers
and the beak resembles
your nose, so please as
I sleep let me wake with
my ugly toes, and my covers
intact and no lover hovering in my
room, and no betrothal to Groom.
A farcical romance, a nightmare, a grim reaper of rhymes
Ottar Jan 2016
Each step a chaotic stride,
takes years of practice,
that rhythm,
Changes as we grow into our frames
takes miles of movement,
that motion,
Walking become faster and to running,
arms pumping, lungs bursting
oh what fun,
To taste the effort, stay the course
getting faster, longer lasting
nuances hidden,
Improvements that only you notice
slowly, until one day, it is plain,
your finesse,

goes beyond running.
Until your hamstring rebels, and etc.
Ottar Jan 2016
It is the morning after that sticks so clearly,
Red wine patterns that make shapes on glass wearily,


A different pattern every night, and by morning,
Stained glass shapes and faces, a blunt warning,

for your heart,

This is not the path of emptiness for you and a future,
A rich life is more than a taste and a glass cut suture,

for all,

Write what you will and throw your words, as swill, before swine,
Take your experiences weave them all into fabric, an honest design,


As Truth, like a freight train, sounding a horn at every life it crosses,
Heavy on the tracks and aging trestles, creosote preserves the losses,

Oh God,

Watch the steps, let the light shine not by the slavery moon and a
bottle bent to a telescope purpose,
Guard the heart, when it is vulnerable and share after share, they
all know you care for the sober,

let nothing usurp us.
For several friends and family who have been dry for a short time and a long time.  For my dad who never learned.  I have been away too long from HP.
Ottar Oct 2015
It is not the stripping
of what the day wore

It is not, that no one
thing can be done, if
one sleeps more

it is the mind
won't shut down
and startles awake

a physical earthquake which
shocks the shuttered eyes open
and a mouth gasping for air to
pay off the lungs or the heart

will beat loudly all parties close at hand as the
head explodes, once...
and again.
Something from my IG @elverum51
Ottar Oct 2015
for the plain
boredom hurts
watching grass grow to become clouds

nagging nerves
poke, poke, poke
never give it a rest in peace
will it hurt the next time, or be gone away

invisible even
under scrutiny
lying in wait
pain that moves like moss gathering

building like thunder
striking like lightening

Ottar Aug 2015
The streets aren't empty,
the asphalt bare and broken,
last night's late night lost,
wandered pushing shopping carts
Always Uphill,
or drove vehicles in an altered state
to spite the spate of heavy handed
darkness, that has fallen,

dripping with tears and fallen stars.

the carts they push
bear their baggage
recent and ancient
traditions, of if
you find it is yours,
if it fits in the cart
it is yours,
if no one else
takes it from
it is yours...

it is all yours
the ticks of the clock that talk,
while running silent while running digital,

the cars that drive are
great big bubbles of
inattention, what comes,
goes, arriving as it leaves,
like bad grammar,
everyone notices, but dare not correct,
for the mage of road rage, casts
a spell of ill-temper,
shot by bullets for this temper,
on a hot August afternoon.

Looking forward to see if September Sundays, will be sombre or sobering...
chaotic fatigue fills the coffee shop,
aromas that hang in the air, need
someone to undo the noose, soon
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