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Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
Guinness and Milk
You can blame me for everything
However, not tonight
You cannot blame me for having this
Cold, cold glass of Guinness and milk
So come on!   cheers.
Lets forget this blasted day
However, I ain't looking forward to tomorrow
***** workplace
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~ Author Unknown
It rain heavily on the river in Kerala the next morning
I think it was a sign of things to come,
I remember our walks by the water

The warmth of the sun as it dampen your hair
this brought out your winsome boyish smile
as you playfully tossed a small pebble into the water
It became an instant Kodak moment for years to come:
We were so in love with nature that summer

I remember every moment how we held each other hands
Your loving touch, your kiss, your blue eyes
So trustworthy was I: Your lies were accumulating.
and my foolish heart was pumping harder and harder

Like a gallon of water in the desert heat: you made me fell in love with you
your love for me was like a battlefield and I were the unexpected enemy

I am still very fond of my captor, I smile from ear to ear- each time it rain heavily in Kerala
If you know your enemies and know yourself then you are on top of things:

Until death leaves a headache no one can heal: Quote:
And love no matter what: leaves lasting memories.
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
I once had a lover who was like the Sahara Desert
So cold at night
and hot during the day.
Then one day I thought about
Jack Sprat and his wife

Those two had it rough in their relationship
I had to let my lover go with the wind
Having felt that cold in my face and heat in body
During the day
Only brought on sorrow and disgrace

Time shares is only good
At the time of purchase..
However, nothing last forever….
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
The chirping  of the crickets
the flashing light of the fireflies
transform the night into a majestique

The air felt sticky
while lovers were icky
My heart felt lighter than ever. .
The grip from his hand felt tighter

Yet, warm at times
Being fifteen, sixteen and seventeen
Lot to perceive with your mind
It was a lovely year of seventy-nine

Our first kiss wasn’t a designer kiss
It was our signature moment
To blossom in the moonlight
Did we got it right
Oh yes we did!

It was the talk of the night
  Two thousand and thirteen
A fine closure
To pawning memories

Goodbye my loves: My diamond rings

Here's a tale of
woe and love
a ballad soft and low
it shows how greed
can rise above
and how far it will go

King Midas had a
wonderous gift
turned everything he touched
into gold, an alchemy shift
he wanted wealth so much

But he loved his daughter
more than that
she, a maid so bold
she ran to him
where he then sat
and became solid gold

Thus ends the tale of avarice
Midas had the world
but would have
lost all in a trice

to save
his little girl

(C) 6/2/2015
Never know what you got
till it's gone

Dark n Beautiful May 2015

A sinister flower among flowers

The best of the best

Up and down like frilly French knickers

She drop her petals

The bleeding heart vines,

So lovely o’ so divine,&biw;=1067&bih;=517&source;=lnms&tbm;=isch&sa;=X&ei;=3uFlVezEFsTfsASO8IHgCg&ved;=0CAcQ_AUoAg
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