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291 · Jul 2015
Our eyelids will close with our eyes wide open, seeing each others souls.
Our ears go deaf at the sweet lullaby of each others breathe.
Tucked in each others beds, cuddling together in our dreams.
Ruminating about our day, peeking at the crack of our inviting doors.
Distant our warm bodies lay, seethed by our grazing consciousness.
289 · Sep 2015
Fizzling Anger
There's always that someone who only makes their presence felt when everything is going great for you, then goes on to wreck your day and messes with your good vibes, deliberately
I can feel my intellect waste away as I try to reason with these kinds of people
You know the kind that makes a big deal out of the most trivial of matters
You can tell that they can't get themselves to think of anything else better to do
You can tell, they're only envious of you
Eager to tear away at you at the first sign of opportunity
Eager to see you go down their level, and beat you up with their stupidity
I'm just thankful that I'm fortunate enough to see through the facade, and understand them instead
I am lucky to have culminated the patience and character to stop myself from caving their faces in, and just say, "Have a good day!" and walk away
281 · Jul 2015
Put on
Pulling away, yet growing closer than ever.
A  lovely dilemma, we desire to ignore.
Apprehensive, we closed each others doors,
Holding on each others knobs with gusto.
Our hearts stopped spilling love, but our ribs are breaking.

Cold shoulders, warm chests.
Light years apart, our consciousness still collide.
We look away, but our hearts pump longing for each other.
271 · Oct 2015
A disturbing but necessary evil
Pain helps us appreciate love
The more you love the more you get cut
But I'd rather get cut than live a cold life
It's what makes love forever unsettling
Yet infinitely alluring.
269 · Oct 2015
I am canvass
I am not what I think I am and I am surely not what you think I am, but I will be the effigy of our collective interactions with each other.
Our opinions of each other are the result of our correspondences with each other. Not the opinions of our neighbors, not the opinions of our friends, not the opinions of people dear to us - just us, and us alone.
242 · Mar 2018
Are you, conflicted? You shouldn't be, right?
I mean, we all fall into trenches in life many times over. Down there, you may find the meaning to your existence. Maybe, it may give you the answer that long eluded you. But, before you stumble into it, you need to decide if you'll choose to uphold the rules you bear, or be prepared to get out of it completely different.

I know. We already established what kind of disposition this is, but you know how dangerously intimate this can get out of control.

But, if you're aware, I guess all will be well, and everything is clear?
170 · Aug 2018
Love is cheap, *** is free.

Relationships are like discarded clothing in dressing rooms, easily done with.

How long before everyone realizes how shallow and carnal are the materials projected on our youth's suggestible and innocently curious minds?


When AIDS and unwanted pregnancies are rampant?

When are we gonna wake up?

When the streets are filled with the grief of *******?

I hope it is not too late...

What was I thinking? Everyone is either too busy gorging, or is numb from the same fixation.
153 · Mar 2018
You already assured our mutual destruction
Circling back is like winding a broken clock
Return whence you came, leave me in peace
150 · Jun 2018
We overestimate ourselves on the wrong things, and underestimate ourselves for the right ones.

We manipulate ourselves to fail, yet we project our failure on others with righteous indignation.

Misfortune shouldn't come as a surprise, yet we still get "swept off our feet."

— The End —