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  Oct 2014 Danger Mouse
The angel moves stealth-like
Appearing as summoned
Here and there to help
Look out, he could be watching
Making sure the nightmare monsters are held at bay

I have an angel watching me
Day and night
His work does not cease
Amazed at the honor
Of having you around me
Just wishing to touch and feel your feathery body
  Oct 2014 Danger Mouse
Lyrics and lullaby,
Escape me,
Melody and rhyme,
Are not mine,
Choirs and...umm...wait...I don't sing.
  Oct 2014 Danger Mouse
The finish line,
Within reach,
Running for my life,
Then running for my life.
Danger Mouse Aug 2014
I close my eyes,
But not asleep,
From here I can see them,
They dance in the shadows,
Behind my closed eyes,
Whispers and soft voices,
And shadows realized,
I think they are angels,
Spirited and light,
Singing choirs never-ending,
Alas, my love g'night.
  Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
My heart is weary, the light I cannot see
My suffering seems so hard to bear
My emptiness yawning stretching in front of me
Feels like this is forever's destiny

I don't want to be resigned to this fate
For I know of brighter days
Days of laughter, days of cheer
Days when my fears were never near

Hidden behind a dark boundary
There dared not approach me
Cause my moment was happy and blithe
And I never thought depression would have me in sight

But you see at the least worry
Dark clouds gathered and made me scurry
Hiding behind my closed door
I made sure none would enter

And so I hid, behind my excuse
And when I turned there was none but me
My emptiness a yawning road
All stretched out like a barren field

Gone were my friends
Gone were those days
When laughter and joy filled my ways
I could not muster the courage to call
Death was knocking at my door
I thought I could stand tall

But before long,
I was crushed below
The weight of my adversary unknown
Drowning out in this sojourn
Grappling with sanity

Is this me, could it be?
Cause yesterday I was happy and free
Today I am waiting for that moment
When the doors will open again
And the light streams steadily
Cause in this darkness my doors are closed
The door **** the mind eyes cannot *****.
One day my sky will open
And you’ll be no burden
I’ll hear sweet sounds
From angel mouths
And all my pains will run

One day my sky will open
And eat up all my mountains
It’ll quench my thirst
And dry my sea
To give me way to travel

One day my sky will open
And I’ll see no clouds
He’ll lift me high
Above the sky
And my storms will run

One day my sky will open
And he will throw a ladder
I’ll climb above
And sleep in rest
And escape from this hot oven
   Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © 2014
Danger Mouse Aug 2014
Eyes wide open,
Imagination in full gear,
Brilliant lights from a far off town,
Pollutes the sky,
Making stars less brilliant,
Than they really are.
Still the Beautiful universe reveals itself,
Giving subtle hints to its beginning,
And perhaps its eventual end.
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