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My time has come
Chills through my spine
Love got me on a hook
On the edge
If I'm not back by tomorrow
Carry on
Do better this time please
I'll be watching from a throne
In heaven
Or in chains
In hell.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't born at all
But my time has come
Goodbye everybody
I've got to go
Have to turn my back and face the music
Just to be fair
I don't really care
Life ain't that rare

If you can bare it
I can't
If you can do it
I can't

**** all these people that feed me lies
All they can do is despise
I'm still waiting to receive my prize

Hope they end up where I ain't
Cause all they see is I'm doing well
But I can sell that so well, mean time I'm in a cell

I ain't part of a comunity,
I've still got my social virginity
A pure flower in the wind,
taken in by smog and chemicals.

An angel of darkness,
destroyed by earthly woes.

The secret love of my life,
now the thing I detest.

A delicious dish of food,
now a plate of cockroaches.

A strong tree leaning on her own,
now dependant on another.

A sight once seen as perfect,
I now puke at the very thought.

A taste so sweet and rare,
ash in my mouth and stomach.

Liptea be thy secret,
pain be thy end.

If thy purity can't be so or mine,
in the ground belongs thyself.
There was a street in Paris
where a woman sat playing her violin.
Many would pass and ignore,
others would pass and admire.

The music she played was painful
A blood-curding sound
that brought depression
Onto anyone who stops to listen.

It made men regret their lives,
and woman appreciate theirs.
A sound so horrid and disturbing
could only be heard up close.

The street was famous for one story.
A woman named Charnel.
Who played the violin to support
her husband and his way of life.

She played day in and day out.
Never making enough to please her husband.
In a drunken rage he pushed her,
out the window and onto the gravel sidewalk.

Stained red and black.
The sidewalk is walked apon but hundreds.
Men feeling regret and pain.
Woman feeling appreciation and love.

For the past 99 years
this street has become known
for male suicides.
And they continue to this day.
I see my future as clear as my past.
Placed before me like a yellow brick road.
Unable to stray or turn back.
Stuck on a collision course with my own destiny.

I left happiness behind in the desert of down under.
Alone on a sunset cliff side awaiting a first kiss.
I stare back with a sad smile and black eyes.
Laughing being all I have left to do.

Laughing so hard I cry at life and it's changes.
Those I've left behind follow me on the yellow brick road.
With good reason they keep their distance,
Knowing what I am and what I'm capable of...
There was nothing
until there was everything.
Great power washed over
an empty Universe.

In a planck amount of time
life was created and
a power unlike any
other was born.

A power misused
from that day onwards.
Created in an image we
hold as Perfect.

Balance was broken
in the Genesis of birth.
A hole created
that cannot be filled.

Mankind were chosen,
chosen to dominate
the seas, the sky and the land.
A mistake.

Rotten seas.
Blackened skies.
Burned land.
Destroyed by human nature.

Inherited from
a vision of perfection
we still chase.
To what end?
A long time ago
In a place long since forgotten
there lived a creature,
as disturbing and horrid
as they came.

The PALE MAN as he was known.
Those who knew about him
either died or were driven mad
by the sight of him.
A monster of legend.

In a dark room made to tempt
each person who entered.
This thing resided,
waiting patiently.

Before the PALE MAN
It was a man.
Considered handsome and charming.
Inside him lurked a monster,
a creature equal to the PALE MAN.

Given one chance at a happy life
The man threw it away for temptation.
Life then became
a string of…
lies, cruelty, darkness and torture.

The man went on
gaining people’s trust only
to betray them and leave them alone.
Alone with their thoughts and regrets,
Waiting for a resolution.

Cursed by God this man was to
wear his inner self
for the rest of time.
Eternity with…
pain, regret, hatred and shame.

IT’s eyes taken away as not to glance
upon beauty ever again.
Unable to drink or eat,
trapped in thoughts.
Still the PALE MAN sits, waiting.
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