And so I sit
Among addictions and distractions
A constant influx of filth flowing in
Demanding attention, to have someone
Someone forced to listen
To smile at them
Tears creeping down cheeks
My fingers ripping my mouth open
Forming a bright wide smile
For all to beyond
The filth shouting at me
Blaming me for their choices
Screaming as if I am their puppet master
Begging for me to take control
But do nothing differently
My eyes as bright as ever
Looking ever so promising
providing a future, 5 more minutes
However, don't look down please
Below lies a ****** mess of tissue
An instrument once used for deception
Speaking broken promises, actions never to come
But once pure, speaking beauties and tales of wonder
Now sits as a rotten reminder of itself
Skin missing, teeth visible, and still smiling
To what life has taken from me and given such little back