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Jaine Feb 2018
She said she'd always be there

She said she'd always be there for me
As I weep on the floor of the bathroom after I had just emptied the contents of my stomach

She said said she'd always be there for me
As I scream and hit my head against the cabinet because the pain in my chest is excruciating

She'd said she'd always be there for me
But where was she when her and my dad yell at each other and I'm in my room silently crying as to not become the target of their wrath

Where was she when she yells at me telling me she doesnt want to see my face anymore

Where was she when I had nightmares and went to her for help and she just brushed me aside angrily and went back to bed

Where was she when I had my first major mental break down at six years old and my dad threw me into a cold shower telling me to calm down, making me cry more and the wrath become more severe

Where was she when I was nine and she yells at me because I dropped her Pyrex dish, calling me useless and then disappears into her bathroom to go smoke a joint

Where was she when I was ten years old crying and holding my knees because anywhere was better than there

Where is she where I sit in my bathroom with a blade and bad intentions

She'd said she'd always be there for me, but she's the reason I need someone in the first place
Jaine Feb 2018
The way you smile when I kiss your cheek
The way you laugh when I make a bad joke
The way you sing off key to your favorite songs
The way you snuggle up next to me when we sleep
The way you hold my hand and squeeze it to let me know you’re there
The way you take a lifetime to eat a meal
The way you make me feel
Jaine Feb 2018
Bipolar is a tricky thing
One second is the time of you life
The next your wishing for death
You confuse people with your emotions
Little do they know
They confuse you too
You wish you were normal
You wish you could change
But this is your life
Forever confused
Jaine Feb 2018
You took it away
My sweetest escape
Now I’m done
My hope is gone
You took the best of me
Now I yearn to leave
My love is left behind
Now all I do is cry
It took me a life time
To find my escape
Then you stripped it from my hands
Now all I live for is the day I’m no longer here

— The End —