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 Mar 2020 ConnectHook
Hoard the **** paper,
I'll use rags or ties, but
**** with my milk, and
I'll shank out your eye
You think I'm joking? **** around and find out.
Stores cleared out
Shelves are barren
If you cough
There's people staring

People staying all alone
Because they're hiding
In their homes

The news is stuck
It don't inspire us
All they speak?

Yes. It's BAD.
A viral lout
If they're at risk
Folks can't go out!

This is what
I need to say
Don't worry about it!
Kneel & pray!

We're going to know
We're going to see
Trouble economically.

Is this IT!?
It could be, friend.
The straight beginning
Of the end

But there's one thing
That is clear
We cannot be ruled by fear!!

The best thing anyone can do
Is find the Lord....

...let It be YOU!
 Mar 2020 ConnectHook
Bo Burnham
I saw the morning dew betwixt thine thighs
as I removed my source of Grecian power,
as if King Midas dared to touch the skies,
upon thy body fell a *******.

Thy body's temples, two church bells had rung
upon thy chest, a row of pearls bestowed.
The sun had set, thy set with wary hung
I thought, "How black a night, and blue a lode!"

I said, "What light through yonder ****** breaks?
It is the yeast!" And now my belly's yellow.
My pole gives cause to storms and earthy quakes,
but 'tis not massive, I am no Othello.

And when that final moment came to pass,
like Christ I came a-riding on an ***.
 Mar 2020 ConnectHook
Please forgive me
You asked me to be
Your vessel
In this world

But How can I be of help
When I am so broken
And cracked?
I can barely contain
I type my poems in Microsoft Word,
Which capitalizes when I don’t want it to.
Microsoft capitalizes on its digital monopoly.
Monopoly is a board game about capitalism
that I played as a child with tokens and play money.
But I spend real money on Microsoft Word.
I don’t want capitalism to rule my world.
My world needs rules. Such as, the writer decides when to capitalize.
Capitalizing Word makes it a brand name.
A brand name is copyrighted, as are my poems.
But do  I own the copyright to my poems in Microsoft Word?
Word has it that if Monsanto seeds blow onto your farm,
the plants they become belong  to Monsanto.
my attempt at a poem style called a "duplex."
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